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Topic: Eole, a SMP/ColumnUI theme (Read 85862 times) previous topic - next topic
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Eole, a SMP/ColumnUI theme


Eole is a theme made for columnUI, which mostly uses SpiderMonkey panels organized using PSS.

You can get it on github, you will have there all the installation instructions.
Don't hesitate to contribute if you've got some knowledge in javascript. Feel free to report bugs and their fixes, or even new features for this theme. Open an issue ticket on github, and share the code on, thanks!


Re: Eole, a SMP/ColumnUI theme

Reply #1
Works perfect, thanks for this great theme!

Re: Eole, a SMP/ColumnUI theme

Reply #2
Just wanted to say...flipping awesome....every click of a button and a new delight....thanks

Re: Eole, a SMP/ColumnUI theme

Reply #3
Quick question..I want to show the bit rate of the mp3 files..can I do this?..

Re: Eole, a SMP/ColumnUI theme

Reply #4
Now you can display the bitrate & codec in the library panel, next to the playcount. It's showed in this order: playcount - codec - bitrate. The options are available with a right click > settings > tracklist
You need to update only one file from the repository, called WSHgraphicbrowser.js

Thanks for your comments!

Re: Eole, a SMP/ColumnUI theme

Reply #5
wonderful!!! But how to change the dark color, I prefer in rgb 30 30 30, thank you

Re: Eole, a SMP/ColumnUI theme

Reply #6
No easy way for the moment, you'll have to edit the code in each panel js file. Search for "function get_colors", and in those functions, you'll have all the colors declaration (but it's not so far from a 30 grey, the dark is set to 17 in almost all panels)

Re: Eole, a SMP/ColumnUI theme

Reply #7
thx Ottodix ,  I'll try

Re: Eole, a SMP/ColumnUI theme

Reply #8
Hi, new here and new to foobar but been loving it. This theme is great!

But I've been getting these errors whenever I open the library view

any help?

Re: Eole, a SMP/ColumnUI theme

Reply #9
If it helps, I also am getting this error code:

Code: [Select]
Error: Spider Monkey Panel v1.2.1 (CoverPanel v1.0.0 by Ottodix)
this.artwork_resized is null

File: WSHcoverpanel.js
Line: 555, Column: 4

Stack trace:

Re: Eole, a SMP/ColumnUI theme

Reply #10
thanks for the updates..much appreciated

Re: Eole, a SMP/ColumnUI theme

Reply #11
Admirable work - the theme is nice.

My problem is with foobar itself and will probably never be resolved until a move is made in a SQL direction.

Any WSH/JS/SMP heavy or CUI graphic heavy themes I've tried, including Eole, crash consistently around 8000 albums and have unusable responsiveness as I approach the limit.
I'm also guessing that 8K limit is related to my current crappy laptop (processing speeds not the 12GB RAM).
Eole ran smoothly with about 4-500 albums at a 950mb RAM footprint, but was chomping over 3GB at around 6000 albums.

I'd be interested if anyone else actually gets this theme or other graphic process intensive themes to work smoothly with large collections?
If so, could you post your specs/library size so I can start considering my next hardware upgrade?

Re: Eole, a SMP/ColumnUI theme

Reply #12
Eole ran smoothly with about 4-500 albums at a 950mb RAM footprint, but was chomping over 3GB at around 6000 albums.

Weird that you end up with such an high ram footprint, mine is at 200mb with 2500 albums. You can try to deactivate the loading of covers at startup in top-left foobar button > Global layout, but i'm afraid that it will only delay the crash.
You problem there have nothing to do with foobar, this is related to this theme, which effectively uses a lot more RAM than the standard layout.

@shadowvariable : can you give me more insight on this? the audio file, the cover which is supposed to be displayed? I tried to find this bug, i did a little update of the theme, but i'm not able to reproduce your error

Re: Eole, a SMP/ColumnUI theme

Reply #13
Thank you for your work - it's refreshing to see development that takes into account good design practice, and I look forward to playing with this more.

Right now, in library view, each disc in a multi-disc release gets its own thumbnail - is it possible to include an option to just show a single thumbnail and combine all tracks when clicking on the thumbnail?

My other request is the option to hide the display of the genre in this view - some of my albums (classical, mostly) are multi-genre and this also results in them being displayed as separate thumbnails.

Re: Eole, a SMP/ColumnUI theme

Reply #14
Much of my library uses separate folders for each disc in a release, in the format Album\Disc 1, Album\Disc 2 etc. Is there some way to have cover art paths include ..\cover.jpg so that they are rendered?

Thanks for your comment
Your issue isn't related to this theme. Go to Foobar > files > preferences > display and on the bottom, the front cover tab. Here you can setup the search patterns, so try $replace($directory_path(%path%),%directory%,)cover.jpg

Re: Eole, a SMP/ColumnUI theme

Reply #15
it's refreshing to see development that takes into account good design practice, and I look forward to playing with this more.

I just wanted to add my appreciation as well for the layout design. There are many good coders here, but to be honest I've seen a lot of ugly stuff. This theme is definitely an exception.
I'm late

Re: Eole, a SMP/ColumnUI theme

Reply #16
I just wanted to add my appreciation as well for the layout design. There are many good coders here, but to be honest I've seen a lot of ugly stuff. This theme is definitely an exception.

Thanks! You know, doing a carefully crafted design take a lot of time and practice. Nowaday, on most computers, people are using softwares made by a whole team of people, with dedicated and experienced designers, so the standard is quite high qualitatively. But here on foobar, we are using plugins/scripts made most of the time by one developer who do his best with the design. Me, i'm more a designer who do his best with the code, that's why :)

Re: Eole, a SMP/ColumnUI theme

Reply #17
Right now, in library view, each disc in a multi-disc release gets its own thumbnail - is it possible to include an option to just show a single thumbnail and combine all tracks when clicking on the thumbnail?
Ahh... those people listening to classical music, they always end up with complex tagging systems... : )
You've got an option now, right-clic in the header bar > group by > combine...
My other request is the option to hide the display of the genre in this view - some of my albums (classical, mostly) are multi-genre and this also results in them being displayed as separate thumbnails.
It was a bug, it should be ok now. (the support of multi-genres isn't very good, the filters don't show them, but you'll have to live with it for the moment unfortunately)

Re: Eole, a SMP/ColumnUI theme

Reply #18
seems like its happening when the code tries to resize art that doesnt exist. opening the library view spams me with those popups so I cant even use it. I havent seen any other error codes other then those two i posted tho.

Re: Eole, a SMP/ColumnUI theme

Reply #19
seems like its happening when the code tries to resize art that doesnt exist. opening the library view spams me with those popups so I cant even use it. I havent seen any other error codes other then those two i posted tho.
Ok, but it's supposed to fall back to a default blank cover when there isn't any cover. Continuing in PM

Re: Eole, a SMP/ColumnUI theme

Reply #20
Ahh... those people listening to classical music, they always end up with complex tagging systems... : )

Exactly. :P
I long for the day when someone makes a nice theme for classical music collections!

Now, after loading my library, the SMPs crash every single time, saying it's out of memory (example message):

Error: Spider Monkey Panel v1.2.1 (ArtistBio v1.0.0 by Ottodix)
Out of memory: 24284372/1073741824 bytes

It's impossible to use - any ideas?

Re: Eole, a SMP/ColumnUI theme

Reply #21
Deactivate the Load all cover at startup. Foobar button > global layout
Increase the maximum heap size in foobar > File > preferences > at the bottom, advanced > tools > spider monkey panel > maximum heap size

But honestly, all the errors there in this thread are related to the covers. Unfortunately, i didn't manage to create a cover management system which work fine and is fast enough on all computers, and the work in order to do it again more robustly would be quite big, so I won't try to fix it.

The repo is on github, maybe someone will come up with a more robust approach one day. It's not an easy task though

Re: Eole, a SMP/ColumnUI theme

Reply #22
Great theme, congratulations. I have been using foobar for more than 15 years but the asthetic of my foobar was always so and so. This is a proffesional theme.
The only downiside that takes some time to load my huge library at the begining but I don't mind so much.

I am a final user and I dont have knowledge of programming only some basic rules of making a simple fooabr theme.

I would like to ask

1. how do I add/change some buttons or panels to your theme (e.g. similar artists panel) ?
2. Can I change the way that foobar groups folders in the main panel by folder stucture (like in library).

Re: Eole, a SMP/ColumnUI theme

Reply #23
1. how do I add/change some buttons or panels to your theme (e.g. similar artists panel) ?
2. Can I change the way that foobar groups folders in the main panel by folder stucture (like in library).

1 : If you want to edit a panel, press SHIFT and do a right click, you will then have a configure option, and you will see from the code which file contains the related script. If you want to edit the layout: Foobar button > File > preferences. And then you'll have to edit the columnUI layout, which uses panel stack splitter.
2 : right click over the library panel > settings > group by

Re: Eole, a SMP/ColumnUI theme

Reply #24
Interesting, I remember this theme from a user here named colagen back in 2015, named the same as well. Was this building on the existing theme?