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Topic: qaac64 error 193 CoreAudioToolbox.dll Windows 10 (Read 14878 times) previous topic - next topic
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qaac64 error 193 CoreAudioToolbox.dll Windows 10

Hello, I downloaded qaac 2.6.8, and I'm trying to run the 64 bit version qaac64 from Windows 10 Powershell. Running "qaac64 --check" resulted in an error that Windows could not find CoreAudioToolbox.dll.
I downloaded the latest (legacy version) Apple QuickTime Installer, and installed the Core Application Support, which in turn installed CoreAudioToolbox.dll to c:\Program Files x86\Common\Apple\Apple Application Support. I added this folder to the path, and now when I run "qaac64 --check" it displays Error: 193: CoreAudioToolbox.dll. I'm thinking somehow I ended up with the 32bit version of CoreAudioToolbox.dll, but I can't check. The Apple Quicktime installer was supposed to install both versions.
This is rapidly turning into a mess. Can anyone help me install qaac64 (and apparently the correct version of CoreAudioToolbox.dll) correctly?
Thank you,

Re: qaac64 error 193 CoreAudioToolbox.dll Windows 10

Reply #1
Check under "Program Files" and not "Program Files (x86)"? That name is supposed to imply whether the binaries underneath it are 32 or 64 bit.

Re: qaac64 error 193 CoreAudioToolbox.dll Windows 10

Reply #2
Yes that is probably what Microsoft intended, "Program Files" = 64 bit, "Program Files (x86)" = 32 bit, but I have seen Programs in the wrong folder regardless of whether they were 32 or 64 bit.
However I did unpack the 32 bit version "qaac.exe", and what do ya know, it works perfectly with the version of CoreAudioToolbox.dll I have under Program Files (x86). So that dll must be 32 bit.
Which brings me back to the version of QuickTime I downloaded, it just says "Quick Time Installer", nothing about whether it is 32 or 64 bit, it is supposed to install both, or you would think it would give you a choice.
Anyone have any idea how to install the 64 bit version of QuickTime support files (including CoreAudioToobox.dll) on Windows..?

Re: qaac64 error 193 CoreAudioToolbox.dll Windows 10

Reply #3
Anyone have any idea how to install the 64 bit version of QuickTime support files (including CoreAudioToobox.dll) on Windows..?
1: Download iTunes
2: Open iTunes64Setup.exe (use 7-zip > Open Archive)
3: Find AppleApplicationSupport64.msi, extract it somewhere and install it.
4: Done.
| QAAC ~ 192 kbps |

Re: qaac64 error 193 CoreAudioToolbox.dll Windows 10

Reply #4
Can anyone help me install qaac64 (and apparently the correct version of CoreAudioToolbox.dll) correctly?
Thank you,

You do not have to install quicktime or itunes to use qaac (32 or 64)
In order for qaac to work you have to extract CoreAudioToolbox.dll and a couple of other dll's.
On the qaac site there is a script you can download to extract those dll's from the latest itunes 64 bit install file (iTunes64Setup.exe).
Download the from the qaac site (
If I remember correctly this script uses 7-zip to unzip the itunes install file. So you have to also install 7-zip.
Unzip the It contains the script to extract the file you need for qaac.
Open a command window. Change the current directory (cd command). Drop in the makeportable.cmd. Drop in the iTunes64Setup.exe
Hit enter (see attached image)
After extracting there are two folder created. QTfiles and QTfiles64. Move the QTfiles folder where you have qaac.exe installed and move the QTfiles64 folder where you have qaac64.exe installed.
use qaac64.exe --check to see if all went oke.

Re: qaac64 error 193 CoreAudioToolbox.dll Windows 10

Reply #5
@kleinport I did everything as you wrote but `qaac64.exe --check` returns `ERROR: CoreAudioToolbox.dll: The specified module could not be found.`

Re: qaac64 error 193 CoreAudioToolbox.dll Windows 10

Reply #6
`ERROR: CoreAudioToolbox.dll: The specified module could not be found.`

DLLs should be in the same folder as qaac64.exe.
(Wrote you a PM.)

Greetings, ...
