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Topic: Discord Rich Presence Integration (foo_discord_rich) (Read 42025 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: Discord Rich Presence Integration (foo_discord_rich)

Reply #25
However more importantly, I'd appreciate it a lot if you added a "stopped" (resource ID option) in the advanced tab, since there's currently only large, playing, and paused. If I stop foobar currently using my token, foobar's presence disappears entirely considering there's no value there.
That's intentional: if you stop playback (not pause, but explicitly stop) the presence *will* disappear. I'm not sure I want to support `stopped` scenario, sorry (I might change my mind though :P).

If possible though, adding options to set what the the large and small image keys say for hovering over them
I might implement hover-text support. No ETA though :P

Re: Discord Rich Presence Integration (foo_discord_rich)

Reply #26
That's intentional: if you stop playback (not pause, but explicitly stop) the presence *will* disappear. I'm not sure I want to support `stopped` scenario, sorry (I might change my mind though :P).

I might implement hover-text support. No ETA though :P

Understandable.  Much appreciated & thanks again either way.

Re: Discord Rich Presence Integration (foo_discord_rich)

Reply #27
There's no way to change "playing a game" to "listening to music", is there?  (Unsure what shows for things like Spotify.)

Re: Discord Rich Presence Integration (foo_discord_rich)

Reply #29
@aeidein , see
oh, thanks.  I'll advocate for that with the Discord team. 

Forgive me if it's been asked before as well, but I'd love a custom text field for "Track duration".  e.g. my preference is "%playback_time% / %length%".

Thanks for the awesome component!

Re: Discord Rich Presence Integration (foo_discord_rich)

Reply #30
May as well make it "%playback_time%[ / %length%]" just in case, though. Streams don't have a duration, for instance.

Re: Discord Rich Presence Integration (foo_discord_rich)

Reply #31
@aeidein , @kode54 , regretfully, the answer is the same: it's a Discord API limitation. The displayed time can't even be refreshed in real-time from the component and is set via smth like "SetStartTime"/"SetEndTime" (with a rather strict invocation rate limitation).

Re: Discord Rich Presence Integration (foo_discord_rich)

Reply #32
I'm so glad someone made this!

I have just one question, is it possible to change the "Foobar2000" that appears next to your Playing status to something else?

Adding Foobar2000 to the Game Activity menu and changing it doesn't do anything.
To change displayed name or icons you have to register your own application for use with Discord API via . During registration you will have to enter a displayed application name and will receive an API token which is used to identify your application (you'll have to upload all icons as well though, since they are the part of the registered application).

You can set this API token (and IDs of the new icons) via the Advanced tab in component settings.
Where is the Advanced settings tab? I can't find anywhere to input an API id.

Edit: Nevermind found it. I was using someone else' component with a similar name..

Re: Discord Rich Presence Integration (foo_discord_rich)

Reply #33
Thank you!! I was able to figure it out <3

would you or someone mind giving me instructions step by step how to achieve that? pretty please

1. Go here and login

2. Click new application

3. Give it a name (this is what shows when saying "Playing: _____"

4. Copy the API ID

5. Paste it in Foobar component settings

6. Upload images for Discord application (You can get play/pause images from source code zip on GitHub page)

7. Replace image name in component settings page


Re: Discord Rich Presence Integration (foo_discord_rich)

Reply #34
Rich Presence stopped working for me all of a sudden and I'm not sure how to fix it.

I've uninstalled the plugin and re-added it as well as close fb2k/Discord completely.
Should I leave the discord token as it is or should I find my own token?

Re: Discord Rich Presence Integration (foo_discord_rich)

Reply #35
Not working would mean that the existing token apparently got removed somehow. You may need to register your own custom token for it to work properly now.

Re: Discord Rich Presence Integration (foo_discord_rich)

Reply #36
Works for me, hence the token is still valid. For the plugin to work, fb2k must NOT be added manually to Discord.

Re: Discord Rich Presence Integration (foo_discord_rich)

Reply #37
Unfortunately it has stopped working for me too, I don't have f2k added to my discord games list either. Tried reinstalling the component too but nothing worked so far. Any ideas?

Re: Discord Rich Presence Integration (foo_discord_rich)

Reply #38
Hey, great plugin! Installed quickly, just works like a charm! I have a feature suggestion...

Where it says "Playing foobar2000" it would be really cool if the user had the ability to opt in to have that update with information as well... For instance, it could say "Playing 🎶 Dark Souls III OST - Abyss Watchers" and display more information when clicked.

The reason this would be cool is if you're in a server, people could look in the user list and be like "oh shit, he's listening to that???"

That is all. Regardless, thank-you :D

Re: Discord Rich Presence Integration (foo_discord_rich)

Reply #39
hi! great component! any chance for update 64bit ?

Re: Discord Rich Presence Integration (foo_discord_rich)

Reply #41
sure.. i bumped up topic

Re: Discord Rich Presence Integration (foo_discord_rich)

Reply #42
Thanks for the guide symphony. What would be preferable would of course be to show album art instead of just the Foobar2000 logo or a custom logo, but it's still beats using any other player. 
As someone that doesn't know a lot about development, I'm kind of surprised that it's the ID and not the key used, or a combination of both, but it seems to work as intended, so who am I to complain.
"foolish humans, no matter how you try to cover the sky with your hands - is the sky truly smaller than your grasp?" - Gran Kain

Re: Discord Rich Presence Integration (foo_discord_rich)

Reply #44
I am no longer able to get Discord Rich Presence to work anymore. It was working for me at the beginning of this year, but now no longer works.

OS: Windows11
foobar2k version: 2.1.5

Discord appears to be detecting foobar2k, but when I select a song as shown in the pictures below it doesn't seem to work.

I even tried to follow the steps another user suggested in the thread prior but it does not work. (Settings in the images were after I reset since it did not appear to do anything)
EDIT: sorry to necro this thread, but it seemed better to post here than make another thread.

Re: Discord Rich Presence Integration (foo_discord_rich)

Reply #45
it looks like you've added foobar2000 as a game in Discord settings, try removing it from there.

Re: Discord Rich Presence Integration (foo_discord_rich)

Reply #46
set up the album art uploader with the plugin today through PowerShell 7/Catbox; working well, but for some reason this specific album - Viator, by Jack Stauber - just refuses to upload the album art and spits out 'status:259 and error:' every time

tried reducing the resolution since it was 3000x3000: no change
tried changing filetype from .jpg to .png: no change
clearing artwork does nothing, and manually uploading the progress bar doesn't move and it gives up after about 10s
no extra metadata in properties, however it did have some option related to windows security to unblock it due to it coming from another pc - tried this, no change
also tried replacing the file entirely with album art sourced from a different site: still refuses to upload

tried replacing the file with another image entirely, though, with the same name 'Viator', and it uploaded successfully
makes me think it's something about the cover itself that it's having trouble processing - colours? really have no idea

original version of the album art itself: X
and a link to a successful, manual Catbox upload of the same image:


Re: Discord Rich Presence Integration (foo_discord_rich)

Reply #47
set up the album art uploader with the plugin today through PowerShell 7/Catbox; working well, but for some reason this specific album - Viator, by Jack Stauber - just refuses to upload the album art and spits out 'status:259 and error:' every time

tried reducing the resolution since it was 3000x3000: no change
tried changing filetype from .jpg to .png: no change
clearing artwork does nothing, and manually uploading the progress bar doesn't move and it gives up after about 10s
no extra metadata in properties, however it did have some option related to windows security to unblock it due to it coming from another pc - tried this, no change
also tried replacing the file entirely with album art sourced from a different site: still refuses to upload

tried replacing the file with another image entirely, though, with the same name 'Viator', and it uploaded successfully
makes me think it's something about the cover itself that it's having trouble processing - colours? really have no idea

original version of the album art itself: [attach type=image]31214[/attach]
and a link to a successful, manual Catbox upload of the same image:

aaand disregard, for some reason the pc woke up today and decided to upload the album art fine despite my previous restarts not changing anything