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Topic: Discord Rich Presence Integration (foo_discord_rich) (Read 42021 times) previous topic - next topic
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Discord Rich Presence Integration (foo_discord_rich)

Discord Rich Presence Integration    

"Discord Rich Presence"
fb2k component which displays information about currently played track via Discord Rich Presence.

 - Text fields configuration via title formatting queries.
 - foo_acfu integration.

 - Pentium 4 or newer processor that supports SSE2.
 - Windows 7 or later.
 - foobar2000 v1.3.17 or later.

 1. Download the latest release (you only need `foo_discord_rich.fb2k-component`).
 2. Install the component using the following instructions.

>> Link <<

 - Download link
 - Homepage
 - Changelog
 - Current tasks and plans
 - Nightly build

 - Respective authors of the code being used in this project.

Re: Discord Rich Presence Integration (foo_discord_rich)

Reply #1
Version: 1.1.0
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Re: Discord Rich Presence Integration (foo_discord_rich)

Reply #2
Thanks for developing this, surprised there are no replies here.  It's the easiest foobar Rich Presence component to use.

Re: Discord Rich Presence Integration (foo_discord_rich)

Reply #3
Thanks for developing this, surprised there are no replies here.  It's the easiest foobar Rich Presence component to use.
Thanks! On the bright side, no replies means that no bugs were found, right? =)

Re: Discord Rich Presence Integration (foo_discord_rich)

Reply #4
Yep big thanks, downloaded today and running perfectly, love it.

Re: Discord Rich Presence Integration (foo_discord_rich)

Reply #5
Install, but nothing, no work ???

Re: Discord Rich Presence Integration (foo_discord_rich)

Reply #7
I installed without problem but I do not see what it brings more. can you give more info please

Re: Discord Rich Presence Integration (foo_discord_rich)

Reply #8
You should see now playing information in your discord status. When you hover over your username in the sidebar the now playing information should be expanded. If you're not seeing any of this in discord you probably need to check your discord settings.

Re: Discord Rich Presence Integration (foo_discord_rich)

Reply #9
Is there a way to show the playing track rather than just "Foobar2000" ?

Re: Discord Rich Presence Integration (foo_discord_rich)

Reply #10
Is there a way to show the playing track rather than just "Foobar2000" ?
You can view the currently played track by following the instructions from the post above you:,116860.msg969609.html#msg969609
As for changing "Playing %APP_NAME%" - it can't be modified in run-time (Discord API limitation).

Re: Discord Rich Presence Integration (foo_discord_rich)

Reply #11
Hey, I love this plugin but I was wondering if it's possible to be able to replace the Foobar logo in the rich presence with the album art of the album you're currently listening to.

Re: Discord Rich Presence Integration (foo_discord_rich)

Reply #12
Hey, I love this plugin but I was wondering if it's possible to be able to replace the Foobar logo in the rich presence with the album art of the album you're currently listening to.
See corresponding issue on github:

Re: Discord Rich Presence Integration (foo_discord_rich)

Reply #13
Hello, its not working for me for some reason, I have it installed but i can't see it working, tried restarting everything and even adding Foobar as a game on discord but nothing works, is there any other setting I'm missing?

Edit: Nvm! Apparently i had to open Foobar as Admin (maybe because i do open discord that way too), anyway love it thx~~

Re: Discord Rich Presence Integration (foo_discord_rich)

Reply #14
Version: 1.2.0-preview
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

PS: the version is called "preview", because it was built manually on my PC (instead of appveyor CI as before). Because of Microsoft shenanigans this is the only way right now. It will be republished as a proper non-preview version once MS fixes the bug (mind you, it's already been two months since the bug was reported). It will be the same though functionality-wise (unless there are bugs discovered, of course)

Re: Discord Rich Presence Integration (foo_discord_rich)

Reply #16
I'm so glad someone made this!

I have just one question, is it possible to change the "Foobar2000" that appears next to your Playing status to something else?

Adding Foobar2000 to the Game Activity menu and changing it doesn't do anything.

Re: Discord Rich Presence Integration (foo_discord_rich)

Reply #17
I'm so glad someone made this!

I have just one question, is it possible to change the "Foobar2000" that appears next to your Playing status to something else?

Adding Foobar2000 to the Game Activity menu and changing it doesn't do anything.
To change displayed name or icons you have to register your own application for use with Discord API via . During registration you will have to enter a displayed application name and will receive an API token which is used to identify your application (you'll have to upload all icons as well though, since they are the part of the registered application).

You can set this API token (and IDs of the new icons) via the Advanced tab in component settings.

Re: Discord Rich Presence Integration (foo_discord_rich)

Reply #18
I'm so glad someone made this!

I have just one question, is it possible to change the "Foobar2000" that appears next to your Playing status to something else?

Adding Foobar2000 to the Game Activity menu and changing it doesn't do anything.
To change displayed name or icons you have to register your own application for use with Discord API via . During registration you will have to enter a displayed application name and will receive an API token which is used to identify your application (you'll have to upload all icons as well though, since they are the part of the registered application).

You can set this API token (and IDs of the new icons) via the Advanced tab in component settings.

Thank you!! I was able to figure it out <3

Re: Discord Rich Presence Integration (foo_discord_rich)

Reply #19
Thank you!! I was able to figure it out <3
Good, that means that this functionality actually works =) Cheers!

Re: Discord Rich Presence Integration (foo_discord_rich)

Reply #20
Is there currently a way to update the rich presence application with the current album art? I know there's a soundcloud rich presence app that can do it with a custom Discord Application. I set up my own application for foobar so I could change the name, but I'm wondering if it's possible to populate the image slot with the currently playing album art. If not, I think this needs to be a feature!

Re: Discord Rich Presence Integration (foo_discord_rich)

Reply #21
Is there currently a way to update the rich presence application with the current album art? I know there's a soundcloud rich presence app that can do it with a custom Discord Application. I set up my own application for foobar so I could change the name, but I'm wondering if it's possible to populate the image slot with the currently playing album art. If not, I think this needs to be a feature!
See corresponding issue on github:


Re: Discord Rich Presence Integration (foo_discord_rich)

Reply #23
Got a custom presence to work through the developer applications with the discord api as mentioned earlier, to use my own images. It's working just fine as intended except for two things.

I can't hover over the large image and small image keys on discord to get them to display any text, which is a smaller issue...  However more importantly, I'd appreciate it a lot if you added a "stopped" (resource ID option) in the advanced tab, since there's currently only large, playing, and paused. If I stop foobar currently using my token, foobar's presence disappears entirely considering there's no value there.

If possible though, adding options to set what the the large and small image keys say for hovering over them and seeing that the stopped paused and play all say what they should would be great. Very much appreciated either way, & nicely done. Sorry if any of this is incoherent, it's early in the morning here now and I don't even know the last time I slept.  I understand if it's currently just a limitation on discord's rich presence end, because I only see one line for small image options there to begin with. But then it confused me as to how it works just fine with your plugin. It displays hovering just fine on the full profile preview, but doesn't come out that way on discord itself.

(I made an account just to say this.)

Re: Discord Rich Presence Integration (foo_discord_rich)

Reply #24
I'm so glad someone made this!

I have just one question, is it possible to change the "Foobar2000" that appears next to your Playing status to something else?

Adding Foobar2000 to the Game Activity menu and changing it doesn't do anything.
To change displayed name or icons you have to register your own application for use with Discord API via . During registration you will have to enter a displayed application name and will receive an API token which is used to identify your application (you'll have to upload all icons as well though, since they are the part of the registered application).

You can set this API token (and IDs of the new icons) via the Advanced tab in component settings.

Thank you!! I was able to figure it out <3

would you or someone mind giving me instructions step by step how to achieve that? pretty please