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Topic: Theme change? (Read 17080 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: Theme change?

Reply #50
Go the topic that you want to search in first and then define the search term.

Thanks zeremy, but where am I supposed to define the search term? The only search command I can find is the one in the "Community" menu (see attached pic), which leads to the general search settings page.
I'm late


Re: Theme change?

Reply #53
Alright, I get it now. I was using the "light" variant, changed it to the "be social". Sorry I just learned about this option. I guess I was totally missing the point of the whole discussion thread!  :))
I'm late

Re: Theme change?

Reply #54
So it stays now that left and right is a huge unused space although I have bought extra a wide monitor ?
Thats progress....

Re: Theme change?

Reply #55
Shouldn't the ability to update the engine without massive handcraft be a lil bit higher on requirements priority list of forum software to use?

Re: Theme change?

Reply #56
And which forum are you suggesting I spend weeks migrating to, that isn't going to be a headache some time down the line when a major upgrade comes along?

Re: Theme change?

Reply #57
I didn't have anything particular in mind, sorry. Maybe pull some average of how much your time is worth and invest into some payware? Or revive some kind of donations?

Re: Theme change?

Reply #58
As if any payware forum is any less of a hassle. Unless you were suggesting also hiring someone to handle the migration, and paying someone to keep the theme up to date. I'm sure that would be a great reason to open up donations again, especially since the current system involves me donating my time to maintain this server, with Spoon donating the actual (virtual) server.