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Topic: Theme change? (Read 17067 times) previous topic - next topic
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Theme change?

So what's happened guys?

Theme has turned to some God awful fixed width thing and even if I try and set it back to Forum Default it won't change back?

Re: Theme change?

Reply #1
OK this is awful. Is there any reason why the old theme has been removed completely?

Re: Theme change?

Reply #2
I would like to get back the old theme too.

Re: Theme change?

Reply #3
The ElkArte board is a lot better.  :) 
EZ CD Audio Converter

Re: Theme change?

Reply #4
I like the new one.

Re: Theme change?

Reply #6


- Posts in 'Recent topics' section don't have 'new' tags anymore.
- Different behavior when clicking on topic from 'Recent topics' section and when clicking directly from forum: the former always goes to the latest post, which is annoying.
- 'Recent topics' section is not displayed in mobile view.
- Subjective: green color is meh... Also mismatches with HA logo color.


Re: Theme change?

Reply #8
Count me in the pack of old grumpy cats / other animals who frown at change.
I like change, but only if it is a change for the better. Right now, the design is ugly, the flavicon isn't HA anymore, and most important, functionality of the board is lacking.

Re: Theme change?

Reply #9
Darn... Colors are getting worse... Check out that yellow in the post meter >_<

[EDIT]: Aliased icons in the header do not help either...

Re: Theme change?

Reply #10
Loudspeaker manufacturer

Re: Theme change?

Reply #11
I would like any theme that let's you choose what page of a topic you want to go to instead of just landing on page one. This hasn't been possible in a couple of years.

Re: Theme change?

Reply #14
OMG. Color is obviously horribly wrong, but fixed width on a 27'' monitor? C'mon admins...

Re: Theme change?

Reply #15
...I really like the new style but I would change the colors to the old blue and you need to make the logo clickable, that's how I go back to the home page ON EVERY WEBSITE.

Re: Theme change?

Reply #16
I would like the dark theme back, or something of the sort  :(

Re: Theme change?

Reply #17
I can only assume kode54 updated the forum without having HA theme working to fix some serious security issue. No other reason for this hideous and unusable theme.

Re: Theme change?

Reply #18
Not a fan of this new theme too. Can't distinguish between newly responded topics anymore.

Re: Theme change?

Reply #20
It is almost the same as lately when the forum software had the big change. Guess kode54 was happy enough to got it upgraded last night. Now it simply is pretty default and banner action, colors, go to last post and other tunings will come back as soon kode54 finds the time.
Is troll-adiposity coming from feederism?
With 24bit music you can listen to silence much louder!

Re: Theme change?

Reply #22
Also it's been madening to quote someone and write after said quote, on account of the cursor on either Chrome or Firefox not showing up outside the quotation. Had to resort to the 'View source' option for the quote above.
• Listen to the music, not the media it's on
• The older, the 'lossier'

Re: Theme change?

Reply #23
I updated the forum. Thanks to the no-support design of this lovely FOSS forum, I have to redo the theme from scratch every time they decide to rearrange the theme format. This also means that the old "dark" theme, Silence, is completely broken, even though I updated it to the latest version before giving up and removing it.

I'll have to redo the colors, and bug the developers about why they hard coded a fixed width into the forum theme even though I have it configured to 100% in the settings.

And the cursor works fine here.

I'll upload the theme files to a Git repository again, and welcome pull releases for changes to fix things, since it's painful for me to even think in CSS, much less work with the code at all.

Here's the mess, anyone want to help restoring the altered colors and other theme bits?

Re: Theme change?

Reply #24
I don't exactly visit every day, and I have a short memory. So it's kind of hard to compare the current theme to what is left in my head. I know it looks uglier, but I don't know exactly why?

Could you list a set of goals you want to achieve while we transition the current theme to our liking? And then we can tackle them one at a time. Maybe we won't get 100% to where we were, but somewhere everybody can feel comfortable.

I hear width as a priority? How wide?
And Colors? maybe we could do some simple swaps?