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Topic: Anyone Have a Layout To Share? (Read 9269 times) previous topic - next topic
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Anyone Have a Layout To Share?


Does someone have a theme (layout) they could share? I would make one myself, but the problem is that I'm blind and so the result would probably be less than pleasing to the eye.
The 2 most crucial elements I'd like the layout to include are the album list and cover art viewer. Perhaps something like the layouts Album List + Properties (with an extra cover art viewer) or Visualisation + Cover Art + Tabs (with an added album list).

I currently use Album List + Properties, for all practical purposes it works fine, but I'm kind of sorry that that layout doesn't display album artwork. I know that it sounds quite silly considering that I can't even see, come to think of it I'm not entirely sure why I want the artwork viewer there in the first place, but I guess it's because I like my music collection to be as nice and cool as possible even if I myself can't see the visual part. Be as it may, hope someone has something like this. 😊

Many thanks and have fun! 😊

Re: Anyone Have a Layout To Share?

Reply #1
The 2 most crucial elements I'd like the layout to include are the album list and cover art viewer. Perhaps something like the layouts Album List + Properties (with an extra cover art viewer) or Visualisation + Cover Art + Tabs (with an added album list).

Can you handle a panel with tabs for various functionality (like, one with a metadata tab, a visualisation tab, album art tab ...)?
I am certainly not confident that mine is useful for anyone but myself, but I cleaned out a couple of my more idiosyncratic peculiarities (don't ask ...) and uploaded it.
It uses foo_musical_spectrum, foo_quicksearch and foo_jscript_panel. I could certainly remove both this and other stuff for you in the not-so-likely event that you would actually want to base something on it.

Everyone else ... feel free to yell "Ugly, avoid!". It was not made for prettiness.

I know that it sounds quite silly considering that I can't even see, come to think of it I'm not entirely sure why I want the artwork viewer there in the first place, but I guess it's because I like my music collection to be as nice and cool as possible even if I myself can't see the visual part.

Whoa, this adds another dimension to the HA placebophile bashing  ;-)

Re: Anyone Have a Layout To Share?

Reply #2
Can you handle a panel with tabs for various functionality (like, one with a metadata tab, a visualisation tab, album art tab ...)?
I am certainly not confident that mine is useful for anyone but myself, but I cleaned out a couple of my more idiosyncratic peculiarities (don't ask ...) and uploaded it.
It uses foo_musical_spectrum, foo_quicksearch and foo_jscript_panel. I could certainly remove both this and other stuff for you in the not-so-likely event that you would actually want to base something on it.
Thanks a lot.
I tried to test it, but so far did not succeed. I have installed the required components and loaded your theme, but now Foobar won't even start. I suspect it's because of foo_jscript_panel. Which version of the component do you use? Before I installed that one component everything seemed pretty normal.Come to think of it, I loaded the theme prior to installing all the components so maybe that's what caused the error.
I know that it sounds quite silly considering that I can't even see, come to think of it I'm not entirely sure why I want the artwork viewer there in the first place, but I guess it's because I like my music collection to be as nice and cool as possible even if I myself can't see the visual part.
Whoa, this adds another dimension to the HA placebophile bashing  ;-)
Indeed! 😊 ☺ Even I myself find it comical, but I can't help it - I just want that artwork there. 😊


Re: Anyone Have a Layout To Share?

Reply #3
If you like mine,58574.msg947743.html#msg947743

here is the new file attached.

Here is a list of my user-components (with attached the VU meter/s in use):

Re: Anyone Have a Layout To Share?

Reply #4
If you like mine,58574.msg947743.html#msg947743

 here is the new file attached.
Many thanks, it looks cool, I especially like that console tab.
I have one question though: Have you used any additional components? I ask because in the console window I get the notice "UI Element instantiation failure: UI Element Not Found" about 3 times, but I'm not sure if it's related to your theme or something else.

Re: Anyone Have a Layout To Share?

Reply #5
@MinorKey, post updated, please refresh the page.

Re: Anyone Have a Layout To Share?

Reply #7
Sorry, I thought you knew how to get the components from the foobar2000 website, so let's see:

And the VU Meter attached, extract it like here "\user-components\foo_vis_vumeter".

Those two skins were from here:

Re: Anyone Have a Layout To Share?

Reply #10
Sorry, I thought you knew how to get the components from the foobar2000 website, so let's see:

And the VU Meter attached, extract it like here "\user-components\foo_vis_vumeter".

Those two skins were from here:

Thanks a million.
Well getting components from the Foobar web site is not a problem, but the issue in this case was that I literally could not find out from your post which ones to download, since they were screen-grabbed in an image and not written out in plain text. 😊
Thanks for the instructions, I'll give it a go. Oh and thanks for including the EQ in your layout as well, I don't really use it, but it makes everything instantly available which is great.

Re: Anyone Have a Layout To Share?

Reply #11
Glad you like it and everything works. I don't use the EQ either but after few adjustments I thought it can be useful to have it there, funny to say I rarely use the Meters page anyway, I always keep foobar2000 on the Playlists one, anyway, enjoy :)

Re: Anyone Have a Layout To Share?

Reply #12
Glad you like it and everything works. I don't use the EQ either but after few adjustments I thought it can be useful to have it there, funny to say I rarely use the Meters page anyway, I always keep foobar2000 on the Playlists one, anyway, enjoy :)

If I may, one more question. Does the layout display artwork and if so, on which tab? 😊

Re: Anyone Have a Layout To Share?

Reply #13
Did you see the attached screenshot I posted? Bottom right.

I set the artwork to "600*.jpg" and "..\600*.jpg" on Preferences/Display, I don't know if these settings are in the theme file, you may want to double check your configuration.

Re: Anyone Have a Layout To Share?

Reply #14
OK, thanks for everything. Have a nice day.

Re: Anyone Have a Layout To Share?

Reply #15
I tried to test it, but so far did not succeed. I have installed the required components and loaded your theme, but now Foobar won't even start. I suspect it's because of foo_jscript_panel. Which version of the component do you use?

I could remove stuff for you, but it looks like you have found something that really looks neat. Apologies for asking, but ... do you know what VU meters look like? I'd be happy to boost your placebo by telling you that they do look cool on the screenshot (one for each channel, mirror-imaged) - though I cannot spend so much space on visuals myself.

Re: Anyone Have a Layout To Share?

Reply #16
but now Foobar won't even start

This is a separate issue - or non-issue, depending.  Question: would it appear to you that fb2k "won't even start" if there is an Information window popping up? I did not have to dismiss it to start playing, but maybe you rely on some input method. 
The window said, quote
The layout was loaded partially because the following required components could not be found: "Musical Spectrum", "JScript Panel", "Quicksearch"
unquote - but for using fb2k, those UI elements just appeared empty.
FWIW, I have JScript Panel v1.2.4 in my installed "everyday use" foobar2000.

Re: Anyone Have a Layout To Share?

Reply #17
Did you see the attached screenshot I posted? Bottom right.

... I think you may have missed one key point from the OP that you might like to re-check  ;)

Thought I'd make a plaintext list of the three highlighted components from the screenshot in your original post relating to the VU meter:


And the rest of the components list from the screenshot:


Hope that helps somewhat.

Re: Anyone Have a Layout To Share?

Reply #18
@Coreda, thanks for typing out all the components in that screenshot. Some of them I do have, but I have yet to check out a lot of them. Who knows, maybe I'll find something useful there. 😊

Re: Anyone Have a Layout To Share?

Reply #19
He wanted to know where the album art was, the full list of components is irrelevant, he only needed the ones for the theme, useless comment for a thread that he was going to forget.

Re: Anyone Have a Layout To Share?

Reply #20
He wanted to know where the album art was, the full list of components is irrelevant, he only needed the ones for the theme, useless comment for a thread that he was going to forget.

No offense was intended, just weren't sure if you realized the OP was blind from your posts. The plaintext list was just for reference.

Re: Anyone Have a Layout To Share?

Reply #21
Nah, no offense taken of course, this is just a forum, I was trying to make a point.

Re: Anyone Have a Layout To Share?

Reply #22
Tab-based, very functional and maybe even aesthectic

Re: Anyone Have a Layout To Share?

Reply #23
1 - Place the file "foo_musical_spectrum.dll" inside "C: \ Program Files (x86) \ foobar2000 \ components".

2 - Run the files "Waveform Seekbar 0.2.45 (08.02.2014) .fb2k-component" and then "Theme.fth" (if this files are associated with foobar2000, it will ask you to restart both times) ok and it will be almost ready.

3 - For the "Waveform Seekbar" look to be the same as the photo sent here, it is necessary to have "DirectX 9.0c" installed
DirectX Official Link (95.6 MB):

Ps .: As I remember when this .exe is executed it generates a folder somewhere that I don't remember where it is), just in case, create a folder in an easily accessible place and unzip the downloaded file into it, in this folder there will be an .exe file that will actually install the downloaded DirectX.

Have fun.. :)