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Topic: Fade-in/out DSP (Read 12087 times) previous topic - next topic
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Fade-in/out DSP

I'm looking for simple fade-in/fade-out (not crossfade!) DSP, with customizable fading length. Is there such plugin?
🇺🇦 Glory to Ukraine!

Re: Fade-in/out DSP

Reply #1
Fake Gapless DSP is a simple cosine fade, but as it was meant for fixing lossy encoding glitching its config allows only 10 ms fades at max. If you need longer I could make a version with no such limit.

Re: Fade-in/out DSP

Reply #2
Does it do both fade in and out?

If so, it is almost what I'm looking for.

Fake Gapless DSP is a simple cosine fade, but as it was meant for fixing lossy encoding glitching its config allows only 10 ms fades at max. If you need longer I could make a version with no such limit.

Please, if you can.
🇺🇦 Glory to Ukraine!

Re: Fade-in/out DSP

Reply #3
Took a bit longer than I anticipated. But version 1.0 of Fade In/Out DSP is ready.

Re: Fade-in/out DSP

Reply #4
Great! Thank you!
🇺🇦 Glory to Ukraine!

Re: Fade-in/out DSP

Reply #5
An option to not trigger when the track starts from the beginning or ends at the ending would be awesome. Though that might be beyond the capabilities of DSP.

Re: Fade-in/out DSP

Reply #6
What do you mean exactly? To have an option to not apply fade-in to the first played track and no fade-out to the last played track? Such a thing would be possible to achieve for realtime playback but it wouldn't work with Converter. Or did you mean something else?

Re: Fade-in/out DSP

Reply #7
What I meant was not to apply it when any "natural" starts/stops occur within the playlist. I.E.:
1. The track starts playing from the beginning when 'play' is pressed (not form a paused state)
2. The track ends because its playtime runs out
3. Next track in the playlist/queue starts autoplaying from the beginning

So, the fadein/out would only trigger when you press stop, pause, or resume paused track
Hope that's more comprehensible

Re: Fade-in/out DSP

Reply #8
What I meant was not to apply it when any "natural" starts/stops occur within the playlist. I.E.:
1. The track starts playing from the beginning when 'play' is pressed (not form a paused state)
2. The track ends because its playtime runs out
3. Next track in the playlist/queue starts autoplaying from the beginning

So, the fadein/out would only trigger when you press stop, pause, or resume paused track
Hope that's more comprehensible
Hope this helps:

From the wiki


This section appears when a DirectSound device is selected.

Without fading, transitions can be jarring when jumping from one track to the next, or when seeking within a track. This section allows this effect to be softened.

The sliders adjust the fade in and fade out values or the currently selected type of fade (pause & stop, seek within a track, manual track change, automatic track change). Arrow keys may allow the sliders to be adjusted with greater precision than a mouse or touch surface.

Re: Fade-in/out DSP

Reply #9
Yeah, thanks for the heads up. Unfortunately that is Directsound only.

Re: Fade-in/out DSP

Reply #10
Very useful plugin. Thank you.

Re: Fade-in/out DSP

Reply #11
I'm trying this but while works great in playback, during convert process, stop working after about 8 songs (I think that because of cpu core used). so if I convert 40 songs, just the first are with fade out and others no.
Thank you for your help.

Re: Fade-in/out DSP

Reply #12
Thanks for the report. Fixed version has been uploaded.

Re: Fade-in/out DSP

Reply #13
Hello everybody,

I am using foobar2000 v1.6, and installed the Fade In/Out DSP, and activated it, but it does not show under View -> DSP. How do I use this component?
Unfortunately the documentation as linked is empty ...

Anybody, please help!

Re: Fade-in/out DSP

Reply #14
Update to my last post: I think I found out how to use the DSP Fade In/Out. Am I correct in understanding that it is a general setting?

I am looking for an option to fade out selected songs of a playlist after 30 seconds. Is this possible with foobar2000 ?

Re: Fade-in/out DSP

Reply #16
Hello MojoBass,

thank you for your support! I installed SkipTrack and tried it out. It partly solves my question.

However, there are two issues still to be worked out for me:
- If I do add a "SKIP"-tag to a file it will stop playing EVERY TIME the song is played independently of the playlist it is contained in. This means that every song of my specific playlist that I want to stop playing has to be changed once in the beginning and once after the playlist has been played through (to not leave the change with the songs permanantly). I would prefer the ending of the song after e.g. 30 seconds only in this specific playlist or to be a one time event.
- I could not find the option of fading out the song after e.g. 30 seconds to soften the ending of the specified track before foobar skips to the next track. Is there a possibility to fade out with SkipTrack instead of just jumping to the next song?

Re: Fade-in/out DSP

Reply #17
I am a little confused by the options for SINE / COSINE fades.
Is it to do with the input signal, where a SINE function would suit a fade-in, and COSINE a fade-out specifically?

Re: Fade-in/out DSP

Reply #18
They affect the shape of the fades. In this component the sine shape starts fading in or out slowly but goes fast towards silence. The start or end is quite abrupt. The cosine fade is S-curve fade. It both starts and ends slowly giving nice and smooth transitions.

Here's a screenshot of the fades applied to a pure tone. In the screenshot the fade-in uses Sine mode and fade-out Cosine mode.

Re: Fade-in/out DSP

Reply #19
That explains it perfectly.
Thank you !

Re: Fade-in/out DSP

Reply #20
To clarify, this component does not apply to stopping a track manually in the middle?  I'm trying to eliminate this pop/click entirely, and I think the only possible way to do that would be to look ahead when the stop button is clicked and fade long enough such that there's no chance for audible discontinuity:,124667.0.html

Re: Fade-in/out DSP

Reply #21
@Case, the link from you post is dead. I downloaded Fake Gapless DSP 0.6 instead. Then tried to encode a couple of FLAC into MP3 with it, but still hear a click between tracks. What would you recommend?

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Re: Fade-in/out DSP

Reply #23
@Case, the link from you post is dead. I downloaded Fake Gapless DSP 0.6 instead. Then tried to encode a couple of FLAC into MP3 with it, but still hear a click between tracks. What would you recommend?
The link is dead because the company stopped support for old user sites hosted on Anything of mine that wasn't temporary and is somewhat sane can now be found on

For your attempt at glitch fixing the Fake Gapless DSP is the correct product. You will want to use as short fades as possible to try to mask the discontinuity in the waveform. MP3 really struggles with accuracy here. You can get quite good results by using 320 kbps bitrate with LAME and Fake Gapless DSP with 0.50 ms fade duration.

Re: Fade-in/out DSP

Reply #24
@Case, Fake Gapless DSP set to 0.50ms does the job, indeed. Even without settings “Don't reset DSP between tracks”. I used Helix 5.2.1 (with %s instead of -) to encode ^those sources into MP3 VBR and the transition is very smooth.

Fade In/Out DSP can be of help as well, however its minimal threshold is 1 ms (i.e. twice as much as you advised). What are typical scenarios when a longer fade in/out might be useful?
• Join our efforts to make Helix MP3 encoder great again
• Opus complexity & qAAC dependence on Apple is an aberration from Vorbis & Musepack breakthroughs
• Let's pray that D. Bryant improve WavPack hybrid, C. Helmrich update FSLAC, M. van Beurden teach FLAC to handle non-audio data