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Would you like a music catagory in the forums?

[ 363 ] (65.4%)
[ 192 ] (34.6%)

Total Members Voted: 679

Topic: Would you like a music category in the forums? (Read 40546 times) previous topic - next topic
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Would you like a music category in the forums?

Reply #25
If we add this forum, this would be the biggest problem I think.  I'm not sure that discrete categories would work out so well. 

I would start only with "general" and "pink floyd"  forums. Then wait and see which genres/artists requires their separate subforums and create them only if there's real demand.

Would you like a music category in the forums?

Reply #27
Null vote.

I come here to enjoy and engage in serious (scientiffic) discussion. I consider talking about music more or less chit-chat and this is imo not what this forum is about. I have however made myself guilty of posting in music related threads as well and am very enthusiastic about music in general. If I can ignore the music forum if I wish... then I wouldn't complain about adding it. Maybe it will introduce me to some new stuff.  Normally, if I feel I need to talk about (my type of) music I just head over to

Would you like a music category in the forums?

Reply #28
I'm strongly against using categories because:

- many artists/musics can't be classified easily (ie: what kind of music does F.Zappa play, are The Smiths pop or rock or British pop or Glamour pop or Romantic rock...?), making every thread's location already a subject of discussion
- some "minor" categories will be forgotten, not even mentioning "sub-categories"
- using any kind of classification will prevent people from discovering new artists/music they wouldn't have thought about and I really think the main use of a music forum is to discover/share different music tastes (and not only discussing again and again about bands that everybody already knows)
- the evolution of music has always been kinda "messy" (that's what, imo, makes the thing so exciting) and so the forum should be (to a certain extend only)

Yes, the music forum should be in the Misc section and obviously the new threads must not appear in Active Topics. That ways, it won't be intrusive and can be ignored if wanted.

Would you like a music category in the forums?

Reply #29
Music forum? It's not like it would make my week or anything, but I can't see how it could ever hurt.

Might subforums with main genres be an idea? (Blues, Jazz, Rock, Newage/Ambient/Entertainment, Techno/Industrial, Classical)

After all this is mainly an audio compression forum, there's other places to dig that deep.

Would you like a music category in the forums?

Reply #30
I've voted "No" since music category would probably create many flame wars and the like. What's more more people will register and normal HA forums will be flooded with people who do not care about good quality compressed audio and they would generate another wave of flame wars...
My endian is bigger than yours.

Would you like a music category in the forums?

Reply #31
I've voted "No" since music category would probably create many flame wars and the like. What's more more people will register and normal HA forums will be flooded with people who do not care about good quality compressed audio and they would generate another wave of flame wars...

Perhaps the registration should be appart, as in the ones registered in the HA community (HA and foobar now) are registered automatically to the music forum, but if someone registers at the music forum they can only post there. (And I think the same should be done for Foobar2k forums)
"You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say will be misquoted, then used against you."

Would you like a music category in the forums?

Reply #32
Then again, if it were up to me, I'd have a "Pink Floyd" forum, and another one for all other music.  Or maybe a PF trivia forum, a PF news forum, an alternate PF media (books/films/art) forum, and then one forum for all other music.  

Put me down as a 'ditto' on the Pink Floyd multi-forum proposal (he wrote, while listening to Koto Radio on Shoutcast...).

Would you like a music category in the forums?

Reply #33
Might subforums with main genres be an idea? (Blues, Jazz, Rock, Newage/Ambient/Entertainment, Techno/Industrial, Classical)

If we add this forum, this would be the biggest problem I think.  I'm not sure that discrete categories would work out so well.  For example, just in your listing, you've missed a pretty significant portion of the music I personally listen to.  The problem is how broad to make the categories, and which categories not to include at all because they are likely too small to have much discussion, and this doesn't even take into consideration stuff that can't clearly be categorized at all.

I think this is the kind of thing that could be determined over time, after simply creating one "music forum" (disregarding my previous joke about PF and non-PF forums).

Dibrom and/or the administrative staff of HA could keep an eye on the single music forum for the first few weeks, and then determine (1) if there is a prevalence of one genre or topic that seems to be polarizing from the rest of the discussions in the forum, and then (2) whether a seperate forum for the genre or topic in question would be justified by demand, or whether such divisions would start becoming an administrative headache.

And again, it all comes down what the powers-that-be at HA desire concerning how much space and time to give in support of multiple music forums.  What at first seems like a good idea for site expansion could just as easily become a management headache, the solution to which would be closing/merging forums I would guess.

The more I read from the "no-voters", the more clearly I see the potential concerns and issues of such an expansion.  For instance, if the HA music forums were searchable/findable by internet search engines, then it might attract too much attention from people who might not be the desired target audience for HA in general, and of course lead to "issue overload" for the moderation team.  I don't mean to imply that the site should be exclusionary in nature, but personally I'd like to see the music forums as being specifically for HA members who came initially for the audio compression forums.  In other words, ideally internet searches on "music" or certain band names would never bring up a link to an HA music forum, but if someone found HA because they came here specifically, or because they did a search for "AAC" or "LAME" or "ReplayGain", then they could manually navigate to the music forums.

Just my $0.02...

Would you like a music category in the forums?

Reply #34
After reading this thread (at least most of it) and voting yes, this is what I think it should be like:
Create a music category in the off-topic section with no genre specific sub-categories. That way it hopefuly won't attract people with genre specific interests, to HA only to discuss e.g. numetal, but at the same time it gives the existing and "wanted" HA users a place to talk about their music.

My first thread would be "Why is Pink Floyd such a great band?", and hopefuly after reading all the answers, I would be able to enjoy the band too 

Btw: Is it possible to hide from search engines?

Would you like a music category in the forums?

Reply #35
I voted yes only for a personal reason I'll admit.
I've been a member here for some time,
but I rarely ever post because I'm not an expert
in any of the discussions.
And posting would only show my ignorance,
which I've occasionally done.
So I read allot everyday and learn allot by reading.
But it's only human nature to want to post something.
I do have somewhat of a knowledge of music though, growing up a musician,
and being around music all my long life.
So a Music Forum would give someone like me,
a place to share my opinions and thoughts about music in general,
without feeling like I was bothering anyone in technical matters.

Would you like a music category in the forums?

Reply #36
Sorry to be off topic, but that I think that post earns papdoc n68's Haiku Master title. It may not be exactly Haiku, but it's better than n68's unintelligible posts.
Happiness - The agreeable sensation of contemplating the misery of others.

Would you like a music category in the forums?

Reply #37
Nitpicking here, but category on the main page has been wrongly spelled as catagory for a VERY long time...

Would you like a music category in the forums?

Reply #38
what about if only registered users see the music forum. guests only see the technical forums and when you're registered you also see the music forum. that way you don't have to worry about the "image" of

Would you like a music category in the forums?

Reply #39
*cough* Yeah, Im for it. Put it in the Misc. section.


Would you like a music category in the forums?

Reply #40
great idea Dibrom! I voted yes for a music category* because I am tired of trying to debate which album I should buy on the Off-Topic Forums before dropping 20 bucks... has small success rate and fails to see many eyes but a Music group would definitely be more effective and I wouldnt feel like the odd-one out 

Would you like a music category in the forums?

Reply #41
[span style='font-size:9pt;line-height:100%']I believe that adding a music forum to the Hydrogen Audio site would be very good idea. It would allow music listeners alike and far to increase their musical diversity. I just recently began listening to a streaming server that broadcasts streams using Vorbis. I now have a liking in Ambient Electronica and other rock bands that are really interesting that I had never knew existed. I do believe, like most however that the primary purpose of the site should be set towards Physcoacoustics. I enjoy the wealth load of information I gain from learning about it. Many discussions in the Scientific/R&D section have lead me to want understand more about DSP and audio coding algorithms.  This vote in my opinion get's a 'yes' as long as the needed terms and rules are in place to create another forum that can function productively, which I don't see as being a potential problem.  ;-D [/span]
budding I.T professional

Would you like a music category in the forums?

Reply #42
Good idea!
"Jazz washes away the dust of everyday life" (Art Blakey)

Would you like a music category in the forums?

Reply #43
how many votes do we need to get the forum?

Would you like a music category in the forums?

Reply #44
I vote YES, whats the point in discusssing the mechanics of audio when we never discuss the product were working with.
just as long as it doen't become a major flame fest of, this band ROCKs and yours doesn't.
or saying this band invented this or that genre, or this band is not really that type.
just look as the massive errors in the genre ID tag. and how some tag music.

Would you like a music category in the forums?

Reply #45
I agree that a music forum would be good, and that it counts as general chit-chat - so can it be classed as OT please?


Would you like a music category in the forums?

Reply #46
yes to the music phorum, yes to keep it off main chat-portal same as 'offline' forums, no to categorization of music. (at least my tags are genre-empty)
PANIC: CPU 1: Cache Error (unrecoverable - dcache data) Eframe = 0x90000000208cf3b8
NOTICE - cpu 0 didn't dump TLB, may be hung

Would you like a music category in the forums?

Reply #47
OK, it looks like the music forum is a shoe-in. How much longer before we can discuss vitaly important issues like the Publius Enigma?

Would you like a music category in the forums?

Reply #48
I don't see this fitting at all, and I'm firmly against this idea.

Since the moment when most technical members of the r3mix forum organized here ... the displayed level of technical expertise and SNR ratio of the post has very much decreased, with more mainstream computer users participating, but not necessarily researching back past threads and displaying overall netiquette.

While I cannot deny that most of what we do here involves compressing (and decompressing) our favorite music, and while discussions regarding the music itself shouldn't be disallowed, it would certaintly be inappropriate to host a forum devoted to those ends.

While I'm sure the idea is to give the "HA" crew a place of their own to have music discussions, this will undoubetly attract even more users to the forums who don't have any interest in "cross-platform psychoacoustic audio compression".  I'd be expecting more the AOL/Kazaa/CometCursor/WinAmp/Xing crowd and that would just further decrease the technical level of these forums.

Also, a forum like this, where nothing can be analyzed non-subjectively, personality conflicts and problems between users are bound to start cropping up, and it's going to be impossible to keep the fighting or negative interactions out of all the other forums as well. Human nature being the way it is, not everyone will admit defeat when a thread is over.

What HA deals with is (primarily) the actions of the codec and not the content!  Another real possibility is that no matter how it works out, a certain real percentage of the community may feel alienated by others attitudes towards their music.  And there will always be music prejudice -- punks vs. metalheads vs. emo dorks vs. whatever. =)

If the HA community definately wants a music forum, and would like it to be "physically" and logically seperated from HA, that is certaintly something that I can use my excessive web hosting space and traffic for, and setup a board for you guys.

Let's keep Hydrogenaudio a high quality technical forum!  Everyone who reads this and agrees, please speak out and vote No to this poll.

Would you like a music category in the forums?

Reply #49
While I'm sure the idea is to give the "HA" crew a place of their own to have music discussions, this will undoubetly attract even more users to the forums who don't have any interest in "cross-platform psychoacoustic audio compression".  I'd be expecting more the AOL/Kazaa/CometCursor/WinAmp/Xing crowd and that would just further decrease the technical level of these forums.

I agree with this concern, hence my request that such a forum be "hidden" (if at all possible) from general web searches.

Also, a forum like this, where nothing can be analyzed non-subjectively, personality conflicts and problems between users are bound to start cropping up, and it's going to be impossible to keep the fighting or negative interactions out of all the other forums as well. Human nature being the way it is, not everyone will admit defeat when a thread is over.
What HA deals with is (primarily) the actions of the codec and not the content!  Another real possibility is that no matter how it works out, a certain real percentage of the community may feel alienated by others attitudes towards their music.  And there will always be music prejudice -- punks vs. metalheads vs. emo dorks vs. whatever. =)

I don't know how effective it would be, but maybe having a TOS for the HA Music Forum would be a good idea.  Rule #1 could be "If you don't have something nice to say about the musical tastes of another person, then don't say anything at all."

And of course, if moderation nightmares become too prevalent, then this whole idea may not work anyway, I would think.  I'm hoping the general rules of forum etiquette will mirror those of the main HA forums.