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Topic: Understanding TAB characters (Read 2194 times) previous topic - next topic
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Understanding TAB characters

Various questions:

When I try to insert, say, $tab() or $tab(3) into the Window title formatting, then it looks fine in the preview, but not in the window title itself. I've resorted to using multiple whitespace characters, but I still wonder how it is intended to work.
When I do the same in the Status bar, then everything to the left of the leftmost $tab() is left-shuffled, everything to the right of the rightmost is right-shuffled, and then it seems that whatever is in the middle disappears?

How to search for a tab character in metadata?

Selecting and choosing selection properties and then "Automatically Fill Values": How to use tab characters to separate fields? There are typically tab characters if I copy track listings from e.g. Wikipedia.

Re: Understanding TAB characters

Reply #1
When I try to insert, say, $tab() or $tab(3) into the Window title formatting, then it looks fine in the preview, but not in the window title itself. I've resorted to using multiple whitespace characters, but I still wonder how it is intended to work.
As the documentation says it alters alignment only in certain contexts. I'm not sure how it's implemented but apparently window title isn't supported for whatever reason. Needs information from UI people.

When I do the same in the Status bar, then everything to the left of the leftmost $tab() is left-shuffled, everything to the right of the rightmost is right-shuffled, and then it seems that whatever is in the middle disappears?
Can't reproduce. Content is moved as tabs alter the spacing but nothing disappears.

How to search for a tab character in metadata?
With media library search you can use something like this: "$replace(%title%,$char(9),*tab*)" HAS *tab*

Selecting and choosing selection properties and then "Automatically Fill Values": How to use tab characters to separate fields? There are typically tab characters if I copy track listings from e.g. Wikipedia.
Apparently not doable. At least I can't think of a way. Paste to notepad or equivalent and use search/replace there to change the character to something regular.


Re: Understanding TAB characters

Reply #2
Can't reproduce. Content is moved as tabs alter the spacing but nothing disappears.
*cough* sorry, please disregard, I seemingly messed up parentheses ... I got some already in my status formatting. Like this:
'('$if($info(hdcd) PRESENT,%__hdcd_gain% HDCD',' pe=%__hdcd_peak_extend% tf=%__hdcd_transient_filter%,no HDCD)')'

And yeah, I have search/replaced quite some tabs before copying again and pasting into fb2k.  (The ¨ character seems to be a good choice.)

I am using the default UI, by the way.

Re: Understanding TAB characters

Reply #3
Why are you using a PRESENT operator in title formatting scripts? Title formatting scripts don't process query syntax.

Re: Understanding TAB characters

Reply #4
kode54: Not sure what you mean. I copied from someone's post, and it works like this:

What should I have used instead?

Re: Understanding TAB characters

Reply #5
This should be sufficient:
Code: [Select]
'('$if(%__hdcd%,%__hdcd_gain% HDCD',' pe=%__hdcd_peak_extend% tf=%__hdcd_transient_filter%,no HDCD)')'

($info(hdcd) and %__hdcd% are also interchangeable.)