Blind sound quality comparison between MP3 encoders at 192 kbps.
Helix mp3 encoder v5.1 -V111 -HF2
LAME 3.99.5 -V2.3
LAME 3.100.alpha2 -V2.75
iTunes high quality default, vbr enabled
Total 15 samples from my corpus, tested twice per sample.
Total 12 samples from IgorC's test tracks, tested twice per sample.
Sony PSP-3000 + RP-HT560(1st), RP-HJE150(2nd).

I will post the bitrate of those settings over diverse albums in 2016 Dec 31. The average bitrate of the album and sample bitrate is very close to 192kbps and equal.

Conclusions & Observations:
The superiority of the Helix mp3 encoder is effectively proved in this test. Helix encodes diverse music tracks at better audio quality using the same bitrate compared to the LAME.
The experimental version LAME 3.100.alpha2 does not offer significantly better average quality, compared to the current stable version of the LAME 3.99.5.
The iTunes has not caught up to the quality of LAME encoders in the mp3 encoding, as of August 2016.
Anova analysis:
FRIEDMAN version 1.24 (Jan 17, 2002) http://ff123.net/
Blocked ANOVA analysis
Number of listeners: 27
Critical significance: 0.05
Significance of data: 1.42E-009 (highly significant)
ANOVA Table for Randomized Block Designs Using Ratings
Source of Degrees Sum of Mean
variation of Freedom squares Square F p
Total 107 8.62
Testers (blocks) 26 4.02
Codecs eval'd 3 1.98 0.66 19.62 1.42E-009
Error 78 2.62 0.03
Fisher's protected LSD for ANOVA: 0.099
helixv l3995v l100a2 itunes
4.46 4.35 4.32 4.09
---------------------------- p-value Matrix ---------------------------
l3995v l100a2 itunes
helixv 0.029* 0.005* 0.000*
l3995v 0.530 0.000*
l100a2 0.000*
helixv is better than l3995v, l100a2, itunes
l3995v is better than itunes
l100a2 is better than itunes
Raw data:
LAME3.100α2 LAME3.99.5 HelixV5.1 iTunes12.4.2.4
%feature 10 -V2.75 -V2.3 -HF2 -V111 High Quality VBR
%feature 11 201k 201k 197k 194k
4.400 4.450 4.350 3.900
4.300 4.200 4.500 4.150
4.400 4.100 5.000 4.400
4.450 4.250 4.800 4.400
4.350 4.250 4.050 3.850
4.400 4.150 4.300 3.900
4.250 4.300 4.550 4.200
4.500 4.350 4.700 4.200
4.200 4.050 3.950 3.700
4.250 4.500 4.750 3.950
4.250 4.250 4.150 4.200
3.800 3.850 4.200 3.950
4.100 4.400 4.500 4.150
4.000 4.300 4.400 3.750
4.400 4.400 4.700 3.950
4.100 4.150 4.350 3.750
4.350 4.450 4.750 3.750
4.100 4.250 4.350 3.650
4.350 4.450 4.450 4.300
4.300 4.250 4.400 4.300
4.350 4.600 4.450 4.050
4.100 4.150 4.250 4.100
4.800 5.000 4.850 4.300
4.600 4.600 4.050 4.300
4.100 4.350 4.500 4.550
5.000 4.900 4.750 4.600
4.450 4.550 4.450 4.150
%samples 10.41_30sec hihats
%samples 11.finalfantasy cemb.
%samples 12.ATrain Jazz
%samples 13.BigYellow Pops
%samples 14.FloorEssence Techno
%samples 15.macabre orch
%samples 16.mybloodrusts guitar
%samples 17.Quizas Latin
%samples 18.VelvetRealm Techno
%samples 19.Amefuribana Pops
%samples 20.Trust Gospel
%samples 21.Waiting Rock
%samples 22.Experiencia Latin
%samples 23.Heart to Heart Pops
%samples 24.Tom's Diner Vocal
%samples 01 castanets inst.
%samples 02 fatboy_30sec Techno
%samples 03 eig Techno
%samples 04 Bachpsichord inst.
%samples 05 Enola Techno
%samples 06 trumpet inst.
%samples 07 applaud Live
%samples 08 velvet perc.
%samples 09 Linchpin Rock
%samples 10 spill_the_blood guitar
%samples 11 female_speech Speech
%samples 12 French_Ad Speech
212892 213747 237940 192993
168438 155646 165261 192912
192156 192103 209717 193442
204127 205068 203986 193170
232176 233635 188200 193399
194632 186036 195050 193630
190862 202640 184752 193518
202882 200424 205121 193007
234691 231216 207721 194882
180358 180686 181454 193118
203168 206754 201816 192950
186724 189212 210432 193448
197553 195467 192937 193377
194530 194412 205535 193053
163321 166355 189490 193560
203531 209582 201625 196098
272590 277249 283337 193087
212430 217041 216048 194049
192217 176450 186486 193275
198941 190717 199853 193050
236340 228336 202575 194692
234272 230913 216725 195333
240073 247948 240665 194388
193818 198111 167236 193980
180981 180072 180092 192959
139441 145012 112302 193536
177329 180439 146029 194422