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Topic: YouTube Track Manager Discussion (Read 40091 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: YouTube Track Manager Discussion

Reply #25
Thanks for this WilB !!
had to change line 10
if (!n && simple == 1) {
if (!n && simple == 2) {
to Artist&Title to work
it works for some instances
artist - title matches to artist - title

but it doesn't match
artist - title  to artist - title
which is the type my most files are tagged (by picard)
can i do this by RegEx??

as for the Top similar songs lookup
I'm already using title-formatting to manipulate the lookup, but the thing is
some songs are linked to titles with "feat." artist and some are not (donno why fixes this)
i understand if you don't want to send a second request

Re: YouTube Track Manager Discussion

Reply #26
@samithaj. I made some improvements + implemented

New Version: YouTube Track Manager 2.7

Media Library Track Matching

Added option to properties: "Library: Include Partial Matches 0 or 1" with separate settings for artist and title (set to 1 to enable).

The partial match criteria can be configured in properties with "ADVANCED.Partial Match Config" - see read me for details (search for reg). Fuzzy matching and/or RegExp clean-up are available.

Similar Song Look Ups

The song name is now directly editable, so extraneous info that could be in the auto-search name, e.g. (feat. artist), and that might result in "Song Unrecognised", can be removed. Use | to separate artist and title.

YouTube Track Manager 2.7

Re: YouTube Track Manager Discussion

Reply #27
Media Library Track Matching
I had to change  the order of matching
2) Fuzzy  3)RegExp to 2) RegExp 3)Fuzzy in order to title truncating to work
before value "n" has been "true" before RegExp step happens so RegExp step will not happen anyway
dunno what really happened though :/

And for case of matching,
artist - title  to artist - title
I changed line 287 (artist searching IS to HAS)
Code: [Select]
if (!p_artist || !p_title) return false; var q = "IS "; if (trunc_art) {p_artist = p_artist.cut().trim(); q = "HAS ";}

Code: [Select]
if (!p_artist || !p_title) return false; var q = "HAS "; if (trunc_art) {p_artist = p_artist.cut().trim(); q = "HAS ";}

this will mess up the result in some rare cases(non for so far) but right now i'm really satisfied with this :)
Couldn't thank you enough for you for helping me to get this result  :D

Similar Song Look Ups
This is really nice when there is no match
and spend some time reading "YouTube Track Manager Readme.txt" and found some interesting stuff that i did't know before O:) , you've done a great job documenting this also 8)

Re: YouTube Track Manager Discussion

Reply #28
I found this API that can get charts from (aparently it  scrapes data from thier site-  but it's frequantly updated)
so no direct API. I tried to host this in Google app engine and get output as JSON or some format so WSH panel can read this but i'm having some trouble in getting it to work :/
Is there some way python script and foobar2000 can communicate ??
It'll be great if we can play billboard charts from foobar :)

Re: YouTube Track Manager Discussion

Reply #29
^ Sorry but I can't help on this occasion.

New Version: YouTube Track Manager 2.8

Minor optimisations

YouTube Track Manager 2.8


Re: YouTube Track Manager Discussion

Reply #30
Thanx for 2.8. - and the very informative Read Me file!
You're doing a great job. Can't live without Y.T.M.  :-)

Re: YouTube Track Manager Discussion

Reply #31
New Version: YouTube Track Manager 2.9



Music recommendation is now powered exclusively by, following the demise of the Echonest api. The listening habits of millions of music lovers are analysed to help you find your new favourites. Loads YouTube links (audio only & video) or available library tracks.

Offers single artist, genre/top tags, similar artists or similar songs styles of discovery

Library radio

This avoids YouTube links and uses your own track popularity data in conjunction with in-built algorithms to auto-pick tracks. Offers single artist, genre/top tags and similar artists styles of playback.

Both and library radio modes are great for listening to music of a chosen style


Minor refinements


Added item to right-click menu to get the UK top 40 singles chart. Loads YouTube links etc into a playlist. The on-line chart source employed updates weekly on Fridays after ~1900 UK time.

If YouTube links loaded are not to your liking, then the main foobar2000 context menu\Youtube Source has options for replacing them with other links. Alternatively, YouTube Track Manager can black list them to permanently stop particular links from being reloaded by the script.

YouTube Track Manager 2.9

Re: YouTube Track Manager Discussion

Reply #32
New Version: YouTube Track Manager 3.0

Fixed regression in album mode.

YouTube Track Manager 3.0

Re: YouTube Track Manager Discussion

Reply #33
This is really fantastic, thank you.

Re: YouTube Track Manager Discussion

Reply #34
I agree - it is a fantastic plugin!!

Two ideas came to my mind when using the radio mode

1. add an optional additional filter for the selected youtube titles. I found that the chosen youtube tracks vary strongly with their sound quality (from cd versions to live versions with 'improvable' sound quality). This reduces fun when I just use it as a radio. Of course the question is which available parameter would correlate to sound quality... I think two ways could improve the selection: one would be to set a minimum number of youtube views (e.g. 100k) - as I found that poor sound quality often has less views- , another would be to exclude tracks with specific key words in the youtube description (e.g. 'live').

2. as I do not rate my library tracks - is there the possibility to have a Last.FM-selection for tracks purely from the library (which of course would mean to jump to next Last.FM proposed track until available in the library)?

But again: I really love it already as it is!

Re: YouTube Track Manager Discussion

Reply #35
That's such an amazing script ! Thank you very much WilB.

However, I have a question, I'd like to create "similar artists Radios" using only my own music library, exept for bootlegs (because of the usualy poor quality).
In order to pick only local tracks, I used properties to change SYSTEM.Library Radio to "true". It seems to work fine (guess I was lucky). However, so far, I could exlude bootlegs tack.
Is there a way to do this ? All the bootleg tracks have a specific tag (%BOOT% tagged with 'Bootleg") so I guess I have to find a way to exclude all the tracks from my library including the %BOOT% tag.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks !

Re: YouTube Track Manager Discussion

Reply #36
This script is just terrific. Thanks a lot for this !

However I have a problem : my music collection includes many bootlegs (unofficial live recordings). When I create an "artist radio" or a "Top 50" playlist, very often YouTube Track Manager select tracks from these bootlegs instead of regular studio versions.
Does anyone know if there is a way I can avoid this ?

NB ; All my bootegs albums are tagged this way :
%album% = "boot - (year) - (album title)"  
%BOOT% = "bootleg"

Re: YouTube Track Manager Discussion

Reply #37
New Version: YouTube Track Manager 3.1

SUMMARY: Added new library radio mode & the ability to create Soft Playlists



Three modes are now offered. The mode is set using the right-click menu: "New Radio...\> Radio..." (similar to before)

Offers music recommendation powered by The listening habits of millions of music lovers are analysed to help you find your new favourites. Loads YouTube links (audio only & video) or available library tracks

Offers single artist, genre/tag, similar artists or similar songs styles of discovery

Library Radio

Avoids YouTube links & now has two modes. Both offer single artist, genre/tag & similar artists styles of playback with the iSelect mode also offering the similar songs style of playback


Offers internet based selection of tracks from the media library. The library is filtered for tracks in top tracks lists. playcounts & in-built algorithms are employed to bias towards playing the better tracks. This mode avoids the need to have foo_playcount installed to auto-pick library tracks based on track popularity data

Artist variety, which sets the target number of artists, and/or track popularity settings control the pool size of available tracks lists are cached so search speed should improve as local copies are used. To see the search progress, use the nowplaying panel (toggle with yT button). iSelect radio loads, and can be played, as soon as there are enough tracks with any outstanding searches added in the background


Uses all your library tracks that match the radio type. "MySelect" employs your own playcounts or ratings & in-built algorithms to bias towards playing favourites or you can pick tracks randomly or by other parameters. Artist variety settings apply. This is the same as the previous library radio apart from a few minor refinements


iSelect library radio can create Soft Playlists of top tracks found in the media library, from the lists it uses. These are related playlists, sorted by playcount, like those created by foo_softplaylists. You can then play them in any order you like. Soft Playlists can be created for top tracks of an artist, top tracks of a genre or certain tag, top tracks of similar artists & top tracks similar to a song

Offers flexible options + favourites menu + improved speed & robustness as cached top tracks lists become used

To create Soft Playlists use the right-click menu to:
(1) Set "New Radio...\> Radio..." to "iSelect / Save Soft Playlists"
(2) Choose the music...
(3) By default Soft Playlists activate on create; this behaviour can be changed in panel properties

To see the search progress, use the nowplaying panel (toggle with yT button). iSelect radio still creates & is available

A configurable timeout is available (panel properties: "ADV.Radio iSelect Search Timeout...)


Minor optimisations


Nowplaying panel

ADD: Display of track pool sizes for all radio stations. Some refine as more loaded

ADD: New panel properties of "Nowplaying Font" and "Nowplaying Font Max Size". These together with "Image Size.." & "Border" settings make adjustment easier.

ADD: Customisable "Image [Artist] Folder Location" [save &/or load] to panel properties. Supports cycling of artist images, as before. Clicking an image or text toggles display modes


CHANGE: Improved radio playlist handling

ADD: Configurable radio names for " Radio", "iSelect Radio" & "MySelect Radio"... personalise as required in panel properties: "Radio Names..."

ADD: Customisable "Genre/Tag" menu (panel properties: "ADV.Radio Genre/Tag Menu"). Tags can also be searched by typing in the "Open Tag Search..." on the same menu

ADD: Individual settings for 'Best Tracks' bias for all 3 radio modes (panel properties). Range: 10-fold (high) to 1 (no bias - random). High bias favours highly ranked tracks & low bias diversity; e.g. try turning down to 2-fold for more variety. 'Best Tracks' are those with highest playcount ( & iSelect) or highest playcount, rating or other parameter (MySelect). Bias level affects how tracks are picked from a pool but doesn't change the pool size

ADD: Display of all feed sizes in panel properties. "Artist" values apply to each artist of "Similar Artists" etc styles. "Genre/Tag" Top Tracks & "Similar Song" defaults are higher as these are single lists. Cap limits apply (see documentation). radio may lower the auto-pick range below the feed size for artists lacking sufficient popular tracks commensurate with the preset. For iSelect radio & Soft Playlists creation, the library is always analysed against the full set feed size, to give the best chance of finding a reasonable number of tracks


CHANGE: Simplified menus

ADD: YouTube 'Live' Filter. Use to reduce YouTube 'live' versions etc. This is a keyword etc filter applied to the YouTube title & description. Enable/disable in panel properties (default is enabled). It auto-disables if YouTube searches requires a keyword & so should work fine whenever YouTube links are requested. Also consider black listing unwanted YouTube versions for full control & enabling YouTube Track Manager to use the media library if you're only listening to audio ("Manage\Library" menu), so less YouTube links are required

ADD: Configurable YouTube link choice. Either favour those with the most views or most relevance (panel properties: "ADV.YouTube Prefer Most: Relevant-0 Views-1"). Default is relevance & unchanged from before, since in my tests so far it performed better

ADD: "ADV.Library Filter..." to panel properties. Normally this should be left blank to ensure YouTube Track Manager uses the whole media library. However, it enables certain categories of tracks to be excluded from the library copy used by YouTube Track Manager. Enter a query using foobar2000 query syntax. Ensure queries are valid and doing what you want, e.g. test with album list filter. Example usage: bootlegs, but not other tracks, have the field %boot%; bootlegs can then be excluded from the library copy used by YouTube Track Manager using "boot MISSING" (without quotes)


Always ensure comma "," separators are retained where used. If you break a panel property, it can be reset by delete -> apply. If more info is needed, search the documentation for keywords. The foobar2000 console should report website access issues

YouTube Track Manager 3.1

Re: YouTube Track Manager Discussion

Reply #38
With the "MEDIA LIBRARY FILTERING" feature, I could exclude tracks coming from bootlegs (e.g : demos, lives...) from the library copy used by YouTube Track Manager . It's just great !

I'm sure many users will find this feature very useful, even if they don't have bootlegs in their music collection ( for instance, you can  use "MEDIA LIBRARY FILTERING" in order to exclude official live recordings).

Thanks WilB ! I'm very grateful you include this in your script !!

(BTW sorry I posted my last message on the wrong thread).

Re: YouTube Track Manager Discussion

Reply #39
New Version: YouTube Track Manager 3.2


Improved iSelect library radio and Soft Playlists. These now use feeds that are auto-refined, where required, to give better track pools (like radio)
This behaviour can be switched off, e.g. to always build Soft Playlists from full set feeds like foo_softplaylists ("ADV.Feed..." in panel properties). "Refine" is best left on with radio

As always, if tracks are not popular enough or too popular, or Soft Playlists are too short or long, it's easy to choose a different preset from the menu

YouTube Track Manager 3.2

Re: YouTube Track Manager Discussion

Reply #40
New Version: YouTube Track Manager 3.3


Fixed search paste issue with long search text

Fixed regression with artist image fetcher. This fetcher is the same as the one in JScript biography. If you use both YouTube Track Manager & JScript biography only enable the auto-fetcher in one as the folder location will still be "live" monitored by both (default is disabled in YouTube Track Manager & enabled in JScript biography)

YouTube Track Manager 3.3

Re: YouTube Track Manager Discussion

Reply #41
Hi I've had this script installed for a long time but never really bothered with its Youtube abilities as I used it to check MusicBrainz info.
I have a problem with it - sometimes it says unrecognized artist like here

And also the YT button in the top right corner - is it possible so when I click it the youtube player opens instead of just artist picture and name?

Re: YouTube Track Manager Discussion

Reply #42
After I update my foobar to ver 1.3.13, I've got the error message "internal error - can not access configuration folder" whenever I try to do something with youtube track manager.

My foobar is in the portable mode.
And I tried to execute foobar with administrator privilege. And, the result is the same error.

I'm not sure if this problem is related with foobar.exe or youtube track manager.

Any help or comment would be appreciated.

Re: YouTube Track Manager Discussion

Reply #43
I am having the same problem for the Radio mode. Have as well portable installation.
What works is to close the foobar window, then click on a remaining foobar error pop-up with the same message (which appears at least in my case), and then foobar starts again automatically and works without any issues.
BTW, the YTTM is an absolutely great tool!!

Re: YouTube Track Manager Discussion

Reply #44
@nikolai4ik: I have fixed the MusicBrainz issue & enabled the youtube player behaviour in my copy. They will be in the next release.

@widerock & Mojobass: I think I have isolated the issue. See here.

Re: YouTube Track Manager Discussion

Reply #45
New Version: YouTube Track Manager 3.5


ADD: Ability of YouTube Track Manager nowplaying panel to show the foo_youtube video player; this requires foo_youtube_preconf version.

FIX: Occasional parsing bug in album manager.

FIX: Add locations issue when using recent foobar2000 versions in portable mode.

Download link: YouTube Track Manager 3.5

Video player usage:

1) Navigate to now playing panel by left click of yT button. Toggle video vs image mode by mouse middle click of yT button whilst in nowplaying mode. Toggle nowplaying text show/hide by mouse middle click of text. Middle button actions are also on "Manage" menu.

2) Occasionally, the video player appearance may be out of synchronization with the toggles. Click the foobar2000 main menu item: click "View\Visualizations\Youtube Video" to re-synchronize (JScript panel can't determine the on/off state)

Video player set-up:

1) In "foobar2000\Preferences\Youtube source\Video", set show and hide video frame "Manually".

2) Overlay the video player on top of YouTube Track Manager. Position and size as required. Optionally optimise the set-up by configuring window settings and fallback text. It's recommended to enable "window: Lock relative to main window" & "Fix to current".

3) See the foo_youtube documentation for more info.


As the foo_youtube video player can't be embedded in JScript panel, the above works by overlaying the pop-up version. Since it's a pop-up panel it doesn't resize with foobar2000, but can be set to move with foobar2000, and will show if you change layout.

Also foo_youtube_pre_conf (I tried 1.17.2) may currently have a stability issue if both an integrated Youtube video element and a pop-up Youtube video are run together. The pop-up Youtube video window on its own should be fine. I believe 3dyd is in the process of fixing the issue when the two instances are running. But I decided to go ahead & release now because of the more critical portable mode issue that should now be fixed.


The reason for "Nothing Found" with blink-182 was because Musicbrainz didn't use the standard hyphen, and the text match comparison failed - now fixed. There are other cases of non-standard use of characters by MusicBrainz that the script was handling.

Another reason for "Nothing Found" is as follows. Album manager requires musicbrainz_ids (mbids) to get the lists, so that different artists of the same name can be discriminated. If the mbid isn't set in the file tag, the script analyses the artist search list returned, and uses the mbid of the first matching artist. If the artist tag is incorrect it may not find a match. Even if the artist tag is OK, occasionally the artist won't be the correct one, and if they don't have any releases then "Nothing Found" will show. Examples where the the first match is an unpopular artist without any releases are: "Robyn" (returns a reggae artist as 1st match) & "Dido" (returns a DraMatiQue artist as 1st match). Usually the correct artist, as in these cases, can be picked from the related artists pane where disambiguation is displayed.

For taggable files its possible, to write the mbid into the file which the script will read, and so the correct artist will load. The script checks the %musicbrainz_artistid% & %musicbrainz artist id% fields. Easy ways of adding the mbid info is documented on HA if you search. Radio streams cannot be tagged and although its possible with YouTube tracks, the info will be lost if the item isn't retained in a playlist, so I doubt that's its worth it. None of my files have mbid tags - I use the related artists pane.

Re: YouTube Track Manager Discussion

Reply #46
Add locations issue in portable mode fix confirmed for my config.
That was quick, thanks!

Re: YouTube Track Manager Discussion

Reply #47
New Version: YouTube Track Manager 3.5
Wow fantastic, thanks a lot! Very quick update and awesome instructions. Can youtube source auto find and play youtube videos for songs I am listening to? Doesn't seem so unfortunately.

I have musicbrainz tags on some files and "nothing found" still happens by the way -

Re: YouTube Track Manager Discussion

Reply #48
Maroon 5 with %musicbrainz_artistid% tag value the same as yours: 0ab49580-c84f-44d4-875f-d83760ea2cfe is working for me.

I suspect there is a server access issue. There have been a lot of problems accessing MusicBrainz servers for quite a long time now. If the album names look up fails then "Nothing Found" will also be the result. Because of this, the script tries the main MusicBrainz server 5 times and if that fails falls back to trying a mirror server. But sometimes the main server is too busy (global rate limit exceeded) & the mirror also fails. I believe MusicBrainz are in the process (I am not sure if they've finished yet) of migrating to a new server, and that might also have caused some issues. Hopefully, when the new server is fully working things will improve.

Youtube source has some options if right click a track in a playlist, but I don't think they do exactly what you are looking for.

Re: YouTube Track Manager Discussion

Reply #49
New Version: YouTube Track Manager 3.5

FIX: Add locations issue when using recent foobar2000 versions in portable mode.

Thank you for the quick fix. No more error message after this update.