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Topic: Linear Phase Subwoofer (Read 42070 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: Linear Phase Subwoofer

Reply #25
Hi, I am using foobar v1.3.9 because later versions does not load most of the VST plugins correctly.
When I'm using the subwoofer component(v1.2.0) along with any of the DSP components (Dolby headphone, DTS Neural, or Channel mixer) foobar crashes when I seek with the playback position.

I am not able to attach failure log file here! I will give the details in next post
failure_00000006.txt (28.70 KB) 0%
> failure_00000006.txt : The post data is missing. This error could be caused by trying to submit a file larger than allowed by the server. Please contact your administrator if this problem continues.
Restrictions: 16 per post, maximum total size 40,960 KB, maximum individual size 40,960 KB

Re: Linear Phase Subwoofer

Reply #26
Illegal operation:
Code: C0000005h, flags: 00000000h, address: 6EACBAC3h
Access violation, operation: read, address: 00000000h

Call path:
playback_process entry=>dsp::flush

Code bytes (6EACBAC3h):
6EACBA83h:  64 89 0D 00 00 00 00 59 5F 5E 5B 8B E5 5D C2 0C
6EACBA93h:  00 5B B8 AC 6E 86 B8 AC 6E AD B8 AC 6E D4 B8 AC
6EACBAC3h:  8B 01 8B 50 04 FF E2 CC CC CC CC CC CC DD 81 88
6EACBAD3h:  00 00 00 C3 CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC 53 8B D8
6EACBAE3h:  33 C0 C7 43 04 00 00 00 00 E8 4F 08 00 00 5B C3

Stack (0AA6F4E8h):
0AA6F4C8h:  0284E288 0AA6F4F8 0AA6F4E0 7136288C
0AA6F4D8h:  005292F4 0284E308 0AA6F508 004DFF70
0AA6F4E8h:  004DFF7C 02855340 02860940 0284E308
0AA6F4F8h:  00000016 0AA6FDD0 004F4E6C 00000001
0AA6F508h:  0AA6F518 00455221 00000000 02855340
0AA6F518h:  0AA6FDDC 0045682B 00000000 02860698
0AA6F528h:  02860AB4 77940B7D 000007A0 0000000A
0AA6F538h:  0AA6F5A4 0AA6F650 0101F590 536CD652
0AA6F548h:  0000017C 00A20001 000000EC 00000002
0AA6F558h:  000007A0 530772E6 0AA6F5D4 77940D5B
0AA6F568h:  0AA6F650 0AA6F600 0AA6F5A8 0AA6F5A4
0AA6F578h:  0AA6F598 0AA6F590 0AA6F72C 0AA6F6B8
0AA6F588h:  0AA6F6E8 0AA6F64C 000007A0 00000000
0AA6F598h:  00A2174C 00000000 00000000 536CD652
0AA6F5A8h:  00000001 00000000 FEF7B000 FF0CA000
0AA6F5B8h:  00000018 00000003 00000000 00000002
0AA6F5C8h:  00000003 00000002 00D23C28 0AA6F694
0AA6F5D8h:  779413E8 00000003 00000000 00000002
0AA6F5E8h:  0AA6F650 0AA6F600 0AA6F8A8 00000000
0AA6F5F8h:  7794144D 0AA6F8A8 00000040 00000000

EAX: 6EAD6B38, EBX: 02860698, ECX: 00000000, EDX: 00000002
ESI: 0284E308, EDI: 0284E288, EBP: 0AA6F508, ESP: 0AA6F4E8

Crash location:
Module: foo_dsp_subwoofer
Offset: BAC3h

Loaded modules:
foobar2000                      loaded at 003D0000h - 0059F000h
ntdll                            loaded at 77900000h - 77A68000h
KERNEL32                        loaded at 760B0000h - 761F0000h
KERNELBASE                      loaded at 753A0000h - 7546F000h
COMCTL32                        loaded at 71D90000h - 71F75000h
WINMM                            loaded at 752A0000h - 752C0000h
DSOUND                          loaded at 720E0000h - 72159000h
SHLWAPI                          loaded at 777E0000h - 77821000h
UxTheme                          loaded at 72820000h - 728FC000h
USER32                          loaded at 77680000h - 777D0000h
GDI32                            loaded at 75820000h - 75928000h
ADVAPI32                        loaded at 75470000h - 754E7000h
SHELL32                          loaded at 764D0000h - 77671000h
ole32                            loaded at 762B0000h - 763BB000h
zlib1                            loaded at 62E80000h - 62E9F000h
shared                          loaded at 71360000h - 7138D000h
CRYPT32                          loaded at 75970000h - 75AEF000h
Secur32                          loaded at 75290000h - 75299000h
gdiplus                          loaded at 75D80000h - 75ECD000h
WINHTTP                          loaded at 712C0000h - 71354000h
msvcrt                          loaded at 761F0000h - 762AE000h
WINMMBASE                        loaded at 75250000h - 75270000h
POWRPROF                        loaded at 72490000h - 724CE000h
combase                          loaded at 75ED0000h - 7601E000h
sechost                          loaded at 75CB0000h - 75CEE000h
RPCRT4                          loaded at 75B00000h - 75BB1000h
imagehlp                        loaded at 75C40000h - 75C52000h
dbghelp                          loaded at 70D50000h - 70E98000h
COMDLG32                        loaded at 75CF0000h - 75D77000h
MSASN1                          loaded at 75AF0000h - 75AFE000h
cfgmgr32                        loaded at 75930000h - 7596A000h
DEVOBJ                          loaded at 72900000h - 7291F000h
SspiCli                          loaded at 75330000h - 7534D000h
SHCORE                          loaded at 727A0000h - 72817000h
CRYPTBASE                        loaded at 75320000h - 75329000h
bcryptPrimitives                loaded at 752C0000h - 75311000h
IMM32                            loaded at 75C00000h - 75C25000h
MSCTF                            loaded at 754F0000h - 755E7000h
kernel.appcore                  loaded at 738F0000h - 738F9000h
dwmapi                          loaded at 72720000h - 72739000h
foo_benchmark                    loaded at 71280000h - 712B4000h
foo_discogs                      loaded at 10000000h - 100AB000h
foo_uie_elplaylist              loaded at 71200000h - 71273000h
foo_whatsnew                    loaded at 02640000h - 02683000h
foo_psf                          loaded at 71130000h - 711FE000h
foo_uie_console                  loaded at 00CB0000h - 00CD1000h
foo_uie_biography                loaded at 710D0000h - 71128000h
foo_input_dsdiff                loaded at 03F90000h - 03FBD000h
foo_dsp_mm                      loaded at 03FC0000h - 04001000h
MSIMG32                          loaded at 72660000h - 72666000h
foo_dsp_meiercf                  loaded at 723D0000h - 723ED000h
foo_input_syntrax                loaded at 710A0000h - 710CF000h
foo_ui_classic                  loaded at 04030000h - 04085000h
foo_input_ht                    loaded at 70F90000h - 71092000h
foo_input_std                    loaded at 70BF0000h - 70D4B000h
MSACM32                          loaded at 70F70000h - 70F85000h
avcodec-fb2k-56                  loaded at 70A10000h - 70BEE000h
avutil-fb2k-54                  loaded at 70EE0000h - 70F6A000h
foo_dsp_fakegapless              loaded at 70EB0000h - 70ED1000h
foo_play_next                    loaded at 709F0000h - 70A0D000h
foo_unpack                      loaded at 709A0000h - 709EC000h
foo_stop_on_current              loaded at 70980000h - 7099C000h
foo_dsp_tube                    loaded at 04110000h - 04136000h
foo_input_adplug                loaded at 708B0000h - 7097D000h
foo_snesapu                      loaded at 04140000h - 0416F000h
foo_tfsandbox                    loaded at 70860000h - 708A2000h
foo_dsp_atsurround              loaded at 70770000h - 70856000h
cudart                          loaded at 041B0000h - 041FA000h
cufft                            loaded at 04770000h - 04FB5000h
MSVCR90                          loaded at 706C0000h - 70763000h
msvcm90                          loaded at 70670000h - 706B3000h
mscoree                          loaded at 751A0000h - 751F6000h
mscoreei                        loaded at 75120000h - 7519E000h
mscorwks                        loaded at 700C0000h - 7066F000h
MSVCR80                          loaded at 70020000h - 700BB000h
profapi                          loaded at 75200000h - 7520E000h                      loaded at 6F520000h - 70019000h
mscorjit                        loaded at 6F4C0000h - 6F51B000h
CRYPTSP                          loaded at 738D0000h - 738E8000h
rsaenh                          loaded at 738A0000h - 738CF000h
bcrypt                          loaded at 73880000h - 7389D000h
foo_input_kdm                    loaded at 6F490000h - 6F4B6000h
foo_lock                        loaded at 071B0000h - 071C9000h
foo_lunar2                      loaded at 6F460000h - 6F483000h
foo_input_qsf                    loaded at 6F410000h - 6F45D000h
foo_onewaysync                  loaded at 07550000h - 07991000h
OLEAUT32                        loaded at 76440000h - 764C7000h
WINSPOOL                        loaded at 72740000h - 7279E000h
OLEACC                          loaded at 6F3C0000h - 6F408000h
oledlg                          loaded at 726F0000h - 7270D000h
foo_abx                          loaded at 6F370000h - 6F3BC000h
foo_input_ym                    loaded at 07230000h - 0725A000h
foo_input_gsf                    loaded at 6F320000h - 6F369000h
libmgba                          loaded at 6F2B0000h - 6F31C000h
foo_input_org                    loaded at 6F280000h - 6F2A8000h
foo_cdda                        loaded at 6F220000h - 6F271000h
foo_midi                        loaded at 6F000000h - 6F214000h
BASS                            loaded at 6EFB0000h - 6F000000h
BASSMIDI                        loaded at 6EF70000h - 6EFA8000h
foo_freedb2                      loaded at 6EF20000h - 6EF70000h
foo_out_wasapi                  loaded at 07420000h - 07449000h
foo_uie_albumlist                loaded at 07460000h - 074A9000h
foo_dsp_prvb                    loaded at 07510000h - 0753B000h
foo_queuecontents                loaded at 079A0000h - 07A0E000h
foo_wave_seekbar                loaded at 6ED70000h - 6EF19000h
WS2_32                          loaded at 75C60000h - 75CAD000h
PSAPI                            loaded at 75600000h - 75606000h
IPHLPAPI                        loaded at 6E130000h - 6E14E000h
MSVCP120                        loaded at 6ECF0000h - 6ED61000h
MSVCR120                        loaded at 6EC00000h - 6ECEE000h
NSI                              loaded at 777D0000h - 777D7000h
WINNSI                          loaded at 72460000h - 72468000h
mswsock                          loaded at 72610000h - 72655000h
foo_asap                        loaded at 6EBB0000h - 6EBFC000h
foo_sid                          loaded at 6CFE0000h - 6E123000h
foo_sqlite                      loaded at 08150000h - 0828B000h
foo_masstag                      loaded at 07AF0000h - 07B44000h
foo_dsp_multiresampler          loaded at 07B60000h - 07BAB000h
foo_input_dts                    loaded at 6EB40000h - 6EBAE000h
foo_input_aopsf                  loaded at 6EAE0000h - 6EB38000h
foo_random_pools                loaded at 07BD0000h - 07C08000h
foo_dsp_subwoofer                loaded at 6EAC0000h - 6EADD000h
MSVCP100                        loaded at 72680000h - 726E9000h
MSVCR100                        loaded at 71F80000h - 7203F000h
foo_r128norm                    loaded at 6EA90000h - 6EABB000h
foo_ui_std                      loaded at 6E980000h - 6EA8E000h
foo_playcount                    loaded at 6E940000h - 6E97E000h
foo_uie_lyrics3                  loaded at 083C0000h - 0847B000h
WININET                          loaded at 72BB0000h - 72D73000h
iertutil                        loaded at 72990000h - 72BA5000h
foo_ac3                          loaded at 6E900000h - 6E931000h
foo_hdcd                        loaded at 6E8C0000h - 6E900000h
foo_uie_wsh_panel_mod            loaded at 6E7D0000h - 6E8BC000h
foo_out_asio                    loaded at 08480000h - 084B2000h
foo_out_upnp                    loaded at 6E760000h - 6E7C3000h
foo_uie_esplaylist              loaded at 6E6F0000h - 6E75A000h
foo_input_tak                    loaded at 6E6A0000h - 6E6E6000h
tak_deco_lib                    loaded at 08530000h - 08551000h
foo_input_vgmstream              loaded at 6E500000h - 6E692000h
libvorbis                        loaded at 6E4C0000h - 6E4FE000h
libmpg123-0                      loaded at 6E470000h - 6E4B1000h
libg7221_decode                  loaded at 6E440000h - 6E465000h
libg719_decode                  loaded at 6E410000h - 6E433000h
at3plusdecoder                  loaded at 6E3A0000h - 6E40E000h
avcodec-vgmstream-57            loaded at 6CB10000h - 6CFD9000h
avformat-vgmstream-57            loaded at 6E300000h - 6E396000h
avutil-vgmstream-55              loaded at 6E240000h - 6E2F3000h
foo_dsp_effect                  loaded at 08640000h - 08687000h
foo_input_monkey                loaded at 087D0000h - 08818000h
foo_unpack_lha                  loaded at 6E210000h - 6E233000h
foo_input_avs                    loaded at 6E1F0000h - 6E20F000h
foo_nds                          loaded at 6E1D0000h - 6E1EC000h
foo_playlisthistory              loaded at 08890000h - 088BF000h
foo_albumlist                    loaded at 6E170000h - 6E1CB000h
foo_stop_on_error                loaded at 6E150000h - 6E16B000h
foo_input_vio2sf                loaded at 6CA70000h - 6CB02000h
foo_telnetd                      loaded at 6CA40000h - 6CA68000h
foo_rgscan                      loaded at 6C9D0000h - 6CA31000h
foo_input_hvl                    loaded at 6C930000h - 6C9C2000h
foo_devconsole                  loaded at 6C900000h - 6C923000h
foo_uie_vis_channel_spectrum    loaded at 08A20000h - 08A5D000h
foo_dsp_xgeq                    loaded at 6C8C0000h - 6C8FC000h
foo_AdvancedControls            loaded at 6C860000h - 6C8B4000h
SETUPAPI                        loaded at 75610000h - 757BC000h
foo_channel_mixer                loaded at 6C820000h - 6C85F000h
foo_vst                          loaded at 6C7C0000h - 6C814000h
foo_stop_after_queue            loaded at 6C7A0000h - 6C7BB000h
foo_quicksearch                  loaded at 6C740000h - 6C797000h
WindowsCodecs                    loaded at 71C40000h - 71D8D000h
foo_input_tfmx                  loaded at 6C710000h - 6C737000h
foo_input_exe                    loaded at 6C6D0000h - 6C710000h
foo_dumb                        loaded at 6C5D0000h - 6C6C8000h
foo_osd                          loaded at 6C590000h - 6C5C4000h
foo_converter                    loaded at 6C500000h - 6C588000h
foo_dsp_std                      loaded at 6C4B0000h - 6C4F2000h
foo_input_usf                    loaded at 6C420000h - 6C4AC000h
foo_uie_sql_tree                loaded at 091D0000h - 0926D000h
foo_dsp_dolbyhp                  loaded at 6C3F0000h - 6C414000h
VERSION                          loaded at 72920000h - 72928000h
foo_input_v2m                    loaded at 6C3B0000h - 6C3F0000h
foo_unpack_unix                  loaded at 6C380000h - 6C3A7000h
foo_dsp_span                    loaded at 6C350000h - 6C37E000h
foo_dsp_silence                  loaded at 6C300000h - 6C34C000h
foo_input_ncsf                  loaded at 6C190000h - 6C2F2000h
foo_dsp_eq                      loaded at 6C150000h - 6C187000h
foo_fileops                      loaded at 6C100000h - 6C14E000h
foo_adpcm                        loaded at 6C0A0000h - 6C0FB000h
foo_skip                        loaded at 6C060000h - 6C099000h
foo_out_ks                      loaded at 08F80000h - 08FAA000h
frontend_direct2d                loaded at 6BC40000h - 6BC81000h
d2d1                            loaded at 09AF0000h - 09EB4000h
frontend_direct3d9              loaded at 6BBF0000h - 6BC40000h
d3d9                            loaded at 6BA30000h - 6BBE8000h
d3dx9_42                        loaded at 6B840000h - 6BA25000h
SciLexer                        loaded at 6B790000h - 6B832000h
clbcatq                          loaded at 763C0000h - 7643D000h
MMDevApi                        loaded at 72090000h - 720D8000h
AUDIOSES                        loaded at 715F0000h - 71644000h
sud                              loaded at 6B6F0000h - 6B784000h
PROPSYS                          loaded at 714C0000h - 715E4000h
ADVPACK                          loaded at 6B6C0000h - 6B6EC000h
DUI70                            loaded at 6B570000h - 6B6BB000h
dhcpcsvc6                        loaded at 6B550000h - 6B562000h
dhcpcsvc                        loaded at 6B530000h - 6B543000h
sxs                              loaded at 6B4B0000h - 6B52B000h
avrt                            loaded at 6B330000h - 6B339000h
dolbyhph                        loaded at 0AC70000h - 0AD88000h

Stack dump analysis:
Address: 004DFF7Ch (foobar2000+10FF7Ch)
Address: 004F4E6Ch (foobar2000+124E6Ch)
Address: 00455221h (foobar2000+85221h)
Address: 0045682Bh (foobar2000+8682Bh)
Address: 77940B7Dh (ntdll+40B7Dh), symbol: "bsearch" (+1F9h)
Address: 77940D5Bh (ntdll+40D5Bh), symbol: "RtlFindActivationContextSectionString" (+1BBh)
Address: 779413E8h (ntdll+413E8h), symbol: "RtlDosApplyFileIsolationRedirection_Ustr" (+3F6h)
Address: 7794144Dh (ntdll+4144Dh), symbol: "RtlDosApplyFileIsolationRedirection_Ustr" (+45Bh)
Address: 6B81696Ch (SciLexer+8696Ch), symbol: "Scintilla_DirectFunction" (+58AA2h)
Address: 77941778h (ntdll+41778h), symbol: "RtlFindCharInUnicodeString" (+31Bh)
Address: 779FB73Ch (ntdll+FB73Ch), symbol: "NlsAnsiCodePage" (+2710h)
Address: 779903F1h (ntdll+903F1h), symbol: "wcstombs" (+87h)
Address: 77941F94h (ntdll+41F94h), symbol: "LdrGetDllHandleEx" (+390h)
Address: 6B81696Ch (SciLexer+8696Ch), symbol: "Scintilla_DirectFunction" (+58AA2h)
Address: 77941FD4h (ntdll+41FD4h), symbol: "LdrGetDllHandleEx" (+3D0h)
Address: 0054004Eh (foobar2000+17004Eh)
Address: 004C0044h (foobar2000+F0044h)
Address: 004C0044h (foobar2000+F0044h)
Address: 0054004Eh (foobar2000+17004Eh)
Address: 004C0044h (foobar2000+F0044h)
Address: 004C0044h (foobar2000+F0044h)
Address: 6B81696Ch (SciLexer+8696Ch), symbol: "Scintilla_DirectFunction" (+58AA2h)
Address: 77941BCBh (ntdll+41BCBh), symbol: "RtlWow64EnableFsRedirectionEx" (+280h)
Address: 77941B2Ch (ntdll+41B2Ch), symbol: "RtlWow64EnableFsRedirectionEx" (+1E1h)
Address: 00528F70h (foobar2000+158F70h)
Address: 7794250Fh (ntdll+4250Fh), symbol: "LdrGetProcedureAddressForCaller" (+1ABh)
Address: 10000010h (foo_discogs+10h)
Address: 00528F70h (foobar2000+158F70h)
Address: 6B805E00h (SciLexer+75E00h), symbol: "Scintilla_DirectFunction" (+47F36h)
Address: 6B805417h (SciLexer+75417h), symbol: "Scintilla_DirectFunction" (+4754Dh)
Address: 6B805486h (SciLexer+75486h), symbol: "Scintilla_DirectFunction" (+475BCh)
Address: 6B790000h (SciLexer+0h)
Address: 6B80550Fh (SciLexer+7550Fh), symbol: "Scintilla_DirectFunction" (+47645h)
Address: 6B805510h (SciLexer+75510h), symbol: "Scintilla_DirectFunction" (+47646h)
Address: 6B805E00h (SciLexer+75E00h), symbol: "Scintilla_DirectFunction" (+47F36h)
Address: 6B80550Fh (SciLexer+7550Fh), symbol: "Scintilla_DirectFunction" (+47645h)
Address: 6B80552Eh (SciLexer+7552Eh), symbol: "Scintilla_DirectFunction" (+47664h)
Address: 6B790000h (SciLexer+0h)
Address: 00528F70h (foobar2000+158F70h)
Address: 77900000h (ntdll+0h)
Address: 7793BBACh (ntdll+3BBACh), symbol: "NtWaitForMultipleObjects" (+Ch)
Address: 753ADC1Ah (KERNELBASE+DC1Ah), symbol: "DuplicateHandle" (+80h)
Address: 753ADC37h (KERNELBASE+DC37h), symbol: "DuplicateHandle" (+9Dh)
Address: 00521130h (foobar2000+151130h)
Address: 752C116Dh (bcryptPrimitives+116Dh)
Address: 04C3818Ah (cufft+4C818Ah), symbol: "cufftSetStream" (+4C680Ah)
Address: 04C38A45h (cufft+4C8A45h), symbol: "cufftSetStream" (+4C70C5h)
Address: 00521180h (foobar2000+151180h)
Address: 760D4C3Dh (KERNEL32+24C3Dh), symbol: "PowerCreateRequest" (+0h)
Address: 760D5026h (KERNEL32+25026h), symbol: "PowerSetRequest" (+0h)
Address: 760D5092h (KERNEL32+25092h), symbol: "PowerClearRequest" (+0h)
Address: 753D9535h (KERNELBASE+39535h), symbol: "OutputDebugStringA" (+11Eh)
Address: 7768961Bh (USER32+961Bh), symbol: "MsgWaitForMultipleObjectsEx" (+159h)
Address: 00502262h (foobar2000+132262h)
Address: 004561A9h (foobar2000+861A9h)
Address: 77689293h (USER32+9293h), symbol: "MsgWaitForMultipleObjects" (+1Fh)
Address: 0050227Ch (foobar2000+13227Ch)
Address: 00456161h (foobar2000+86161h)
Address: 0050228Bh (foobar2000+13228Bh)
Address: 004560C8h (foobar2000+860C8h)
Address: 004F3B85h (foobar2000+123B85h)
Address: 004E2FF3h (foobar2000+112FF3h)
Address: 004E6410h (foobar2000+116410h)
Address: 004E307Dh (foobar2000+11307Dh)
Address: 760CA534h (KERNEL32+1A534h), symbol: "BaseThreadInitThunk" (+Eh)
Address: 77948F8Bh (ntdll+48F8Bh), symbol: "RtlInitializeExceptionChain" (+84h)
Address: 75458C53h (KERNELBASE+B8C53h), symbol: "UnhandledExceptionFilter" (+0h)
Address: 779903F1h (ntdll+903F1h), symbol: "wcstombs" (+87h)
Address: 77948F61h (ntdll+48F61h), symbol: "RtlInitializeExceptionChain" (+5Ah)
Address: 7793DAC3h (ntdll+3DAC3h), symbol: "RtlCaptureContext" (+D0h)
Address: 004E3019h (foobar2000+113019h)

App: foobar2000 v1.3.9
UI: Default User Interface 0.9.5

Re: Linear Phase Subwoofer

Reply #27
senjacob, please try this version.


Re: Linear Phase Subwoofer

Reply #28
hi, I want to compliment this plugin, really interesting the idea of implementing a linear phase eq ... no professional dsp does it!
i agree with the other request from xsdaver (delay and level for sub) but i wolud to ask you another thing:
I do not know what interfaces you use to have a separate LFE channel, but with professional audio device there is a need to select the physical output of the sound card to have another channel for the subwoofer, otherwise from my L / R outputs I only get a high pass filter ...
So, could you integrate a system to select the interface output to use for the LFE channel?

Re: Linear Phase Subwoofer

Reply #29
hi, I want to compliment this plugin, really interesting the idea of implementing a linear phase eq ... no professional dsp does it!
i agree with the other request from xsdaver (delay and level for sub) but i wolud to ask you another thing:
I do not know what interfaces you use to have a separate LFE channel, but with professional audio device there is a need to select the physical output of the sound card to have another channel for the subwoofer, otherwise from my L / R outputs I only get a high pass filter ...
So, could you integrate a system to select the interface output to use for the LFE channel?

I personally use a custom ASIO channel mapping for my DAC. If you're DAC has an ASIO driver and really offers more than one set of outputs, you easily have 2.1 outs. I route LFE to 3/4 for my UR44, and of course 1/2 are L/R to my monitors. The ASIO plugin for foobar will then let you set up the actual mapping.

I also would also  like delay support. Up until today I had been using channel mixer as a subwoofer DSP, setting it to 6 channels and only leaving L/R and LFE checked. It was a bit finicky at times, especially if trying to adjust it while audio is playing....  Anyways, switching back and forth between my (many times perfected) channel mixer settings and your plugin which I set a slope up rather quickly, the response is obviously much better with yours.

Phase is unfortunately way to big for me though, so I'll still stick with channel mixer in until you hopefully add delay.

So I actually want to request two things, first is obviously the delay. The second however, would be individual control of the slopes for both LFE and L/R. Trying to pair my monitors with my sub, it sounds much better if I let them rolloff naturally with no crossover and only set sub. I still want to have a crossover on them though, but really just a subsonic, so rolloff around 35-40hz.

Re: Linear Phase Subwoofer

Reply #30
hi, I want to compliment this plugin

i agree with the other request from xsdaver (delay and level for sub)
Please try new version (1.3)

but i wolud to ask you another thing:
I do not know what interfaces you use to have a separate LFE channel, but with professional audio device there is a need to select the physical output of the sound card to have another channel for the subwoofer, otherwise from my L / R outputs I only get a high pass filter ...
So, could you integrate a system to select the interface output to use for the LFE channel?
I not plan to do this yet, for some reasons. But you can use Matrix Mixer for this purpose.

Re: Linear Phase Subwoofer

Reply #31
New update is great. Definitely the best plugin for subwoofer management. Delay is working fantastic.

Re: Linear Phase Subwoofer

Reply #32
All I get when I start foobar is:

Failed to load DLL: foo_dsp_subwoofer.dll
Reason: This component is missing a required dependency, or was made for different version of foobar2000.

I have foobar2000 1.3.16 on Win10 Pro 64bit.

Re: Linear Phase Subwoofer

Reply #33
Make sure that you use official version of foobar. Try to copy  foo_dsp_subwoofer.dll to \foobar2000\components\ folder manually.

Re: Linear Phase Subwoofer

Reply #34

I installed the plugin and it works great, no more bass in my speakers but... where did they go? I mean, the may sound silly but on what type of output can i get these bass to send them to my woofers?

Thanks in advance

Re: Linear Phase Subwoofer

Reply #35
I installed the plugin and it works great, no more bass in my speakers but... where did they go? I mean, the may sound silly but on what type of output can i get these bass to send them to my woofers?
5.1 soundcard have a additional stereo out with center/LFE channels. Subwoofer outputs at LFE channel.
Also check your soundcard mixer - it must be in surround mode, not stereo.

Re: Linear Phase Subwoofer

Reply #36
Ok thanks, that's the info i've been missing. Any ideas if this is possible with a secondary soundcard instead of a 5.1 one?

Re: Linear Phase Subwoofer

Reply #37
Any ideas if this is possible with a secondary soundcard instead of a 5.1 one?
Not possible. No way to synchronize audio from different soundcards.

Re: Linear Phase Subwoofer

Reply #38
Ok thanks for all your answers !

Last question, a bit out of context but whil I have experts on the hand... Do you know if it's possible to split the sound from the computer tu 2 different cards: one program on one soundcard and another on on anoher soundcard (I don't need them to be synchronized)

Re: Linear Phase Subwoofer

Reply #39
Do you know if it's possible to split the sound from the computer tu 2 different cards: one program on one soundcard and another on on anoher soundcard (I don't need them to be synchronized)
Some programs have option for choice output device. If this option not present, they used default device, which selected at Windows Mixer. You can try change default device before each program launch.

Re: Linear Phase Subwoofer

Reply #41
I was wondering if you could possibly make it so that you are able to set a separate crossover point for both LFE and mains, that way I can roll off my mains a bit lower than I actually crossover my sub. Say I cross my sub over at 80hz, I'm usually not happy with cutting so much low end from my studio monitors. Crossing over the sub as high as 80hz has typically helped me with nulls, so I would prefer to disable the HPF, but I still want to cut below ~50hz from my monitors. This gives me a lot more headroom and way less distortion at higher volumes.

Also, adding a simple subsonic filter for the LFE output would be awesome, that way I don't have to resort to using a VST plugin such as fabfilter pro-q 2 (which is linear phase).

Re: Linear Phase Subwoofer

Reply #42
Version 2.0 released.
Added independent frequency adjustment; removed DBA support.

Re: Linear Phase Subwoofer

Reply #43
Is there any way to reduce or remove the +6dB boost from adjusting the frequency cutoffs independently?

Re: Linear Phase Subwoofer

Reply #44
Download link on official site (and reply #42) is for version 1.4 not 2.0, it been pulled or something?

Re: Linear Phase Subwoofer

Reply #45
Download link on official site (and reply #42) is for version 1.4 not 2.0, it been pulled or something?
Sorry, it just a little bug - versions 1.4 and 2.0 are identical. Plugin with correct version number uploaded.

Re: Linear Phase Subwoofer

Reply #46
Is there any way to reduce or remove the +6dB boost from adjusting the frequency cutoffs independently?
do not use independent adjustment.

Re: Linear Phase Subwoofer

Reply #49
"Failed to load DLL: foo_dsp_subwoofer.dll
Reason: This component is missing a required dependency, or was made for different version of foobar2000."

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