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Topic: JScript Panel script discussion/help (Read 410699 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: JScript Panel script discussion/help

Reply #1825
My old script "Peak meter" for WSH. Maybe useful for someone.

Code: [Select]
// @name "Peak meter"
// @author "kgena_ua"
// @version "06082017"

function RGB(r,g,b) { return (0xff000000|(r<<16)|(g<<8)|(b)); }  

var font = gdi.Font("Arial",9,1);
var font2 = gdi.Font("Arial",11,0);  

DT_CENTER = 0x00000001;  
DT_VCENTER = 0x00000004;  
DT_SINGLELINE = 0x00000020;   
DT_WORD_ELLIPSIS = 0x00040000;

var ww = window.Width, wh = window.Height;
var on_mouse = false;
var color = [];
var combinedColor1 = [];
var combinedColor2 = [];
var separator;
var offset, w, offset_l, w_l;
var pos_x = 0, pos_y = 0;;
var VUMOffset_t, t_height, t_width;
var wheel = false;
var tooltip_timer;

ColorTypeCUI = {
    text: 0,
    selection_text: 1,
    inactive_selection_text: 2,
    background: 3,
    selection_background: 4,
    inactive_selection_background: 5,
    active_item_frame: 6

function get_color(){
bgcolor = window.GetColorCUI(ColorTypeCUI.background);
c1 = window.GetColorCUI(ColorTypeCUI.text);
    c2 = window.GetColorCUI(ColorTypeCUI.inactive_selection_text);
    c3 = window.GetColorCUI(ColorTypeCUI.inactive_selection_background);
    color1 = [ c3, c1 ];
    color2 = [ c2, c3 ];


function on_colors_changed(){

var dll;
var is_dll = utils.CheckComponent("\\user-components\\foo_vis_vumeter\\foo_vis_vumeter");
if (is_dll) {dll = false} else {dll = true};

if (dll) {VUMeter = new ActiveXObject("VUMeter")};  
if (dll) {VUMeter.RegisterWindow(window.ID)}; // do not use for transparent mode
function ToDB(Level){  
    return Math.round(2000*Math.log(Level)/Math.LN10)/100;  

var db = [-25,-22.5,-20,-17.5,-15,-12.5,-10,-7.5,-5,-4.5,-4,-3.5,-3,-2.5,-2,-1.5,-1,-0.5,0,0.5,1,1.5,2,2.5,3,3.5,4];  
var db_l = [-92.5,-90,-87.5,-85,-82.5,-80,-77.5,-75,-72.5,-70,-67.5,-65,-62.5,-60,-57.5,-55,-52.5,-50,-47.5,-45,-42.5,-40,-37.5,-35,-32.5,-30,-27.5]; 

for (var i = 0; i <= db.length; i++) {  
    if (db[i] == 0) {separator = i};
var points = db.length;
var s1 = separator;
var s2 = points - s1;
var points_l = db_l.length;

for(var j = 0; j < s1; j++) {
    combinedColor1.push(combineColors(color1[0], color1[1], j / s1));
for(var j = 0; j < s2; j++) {
    combinedColor2.push(combineColors(color2[0], color2[1], j / s2));

color = combinedColor1.concat(combinedColor2);

var col = 0;
var ytext = 5;
var h = 2;
var hM = 5;  

var yL = ytext + 15;
var yLM = yL + h + 4;

var hM_l = 1;
var yLM_l = yLM + hM + 4;
var yRM_l = yLM_l + hM_l + 1;

var yRM = yRM_l + hM_l + 4;
var yR = yRM + hM + 4; 

var wL = 0, wR = 0;  
var xLanim = 0, xRanim = 0;
var xL = 0, xR = 0;  

var xLManim = 0, xRManim = 0;
var xLM = 0, xRM = 0;  
var kLM = 0, kRM = 0;
var kLM2 = 0, kRM2 = 0;  
var xLManim2 = 0, xRManim2 = 0;

var kL = 0, kR = 0;
var wLanim = 0, wRanim = 0;

var oldwL = 0, oldwR = 0;

function on_paint(gr) {  
    gr.FillSolidRect(0, 0, ww, wh, bgcolor);
    if (panel_on && dll) {
        L = VUMeter.LeftLevel;  
        R = VUMeter.RightLevel;  
        LM = VUMeter.LeftPeak;  
        RM = VUMeter.RightPeak;  

    if (panel_on && fb.IsPlaying && dll) {
        for (var i = 0; i <= points_l; i++) {  
            if (ToDB(LM) > db_l[i]) gr.FillSolidRect(col + i * offset_l, yLM_l, w_l, hM_l, color[0]);   
            if (ToDB(RM) > db_l[i]) gr.FillSolidRect(col + i * offset_l, yRM_l, w_l, hM_l, color[0]);

        for (var i = 0; i <= points; i++) {  
            if ((ToDB(L) > db[i] && ToDB(L) < db[i+1])) {wL = i * offset + offset / Math.abs(db[i + 1]-db[i]) * Math.abs(ToDB(L) - db[i]) }  
            if (ToDB(L) > db[i]) gr.FillSolidRect(col, yL, wL, h, color[1]);  

            if ((ToDB(R) > db[i] && ToDB(R) < db[i+1])) {wR = i * offset + offset / Math.abs(db[i + 1]-db[i]) * Math.abs(ToDB(R) - db[i]) }  
            if (ToDB(R) > db[i]) gr.FillSolidRect(col, yR, wR, h, color[1]);   

            if (xLanim <= wL) {xLanim = wL; kL = 0; wLanim = wL - oldwL < 1 ? wLanim : wL - oldwL + 10} else {oldwL = wL};
            if (ToDB(L) > db[i]) gr.FillSolidRect(col + xLanim + 2, yL, wLanim <= 0 ? 2 : wLanim, h, color[1]);   

            if (xRanim <= wR) {xRanim = wR; kR = 0; wRanim = wR - oldwR < 1 ? wRanim : wR - oldwR + 10} else {oldwR = wR};
            if (ToDB(R) > db[i]) gr.FillSolidRect(col + xRanim + 2, yR, wRanim <= 0 ? 2 : wRanim, h, color[1]);   

            var overL = col + xLanim + 2 + wLanim - ww - 10;
            if (overL > 0) gr.FillSolidRect(ww - overL, yL - h - 1, ww - 10, h, color[10]);

            var overR = col + xRanim + 2 + wRanim - ww - 10;
            if (overR > 0) gr.FillSolidRect(ww - overR, yR + h + 1, ww - 10, h, color[10]);

            if (ToDB(LM) > db[i]) gr.FillSolidRect(col + i * offset, yLM, w, hM, color[i]);   
            if (ToDB(RM) > db[i]) gr.FillSolidRect(col + i * offset, yRM, w, hM, color[i]);                      

            if (ToDB(LM) > db[i] && ToDB(LM) < db[i+1]) {xLM = i * offset};  
            if (xLManim <= xLM) {xLManim = xLM; xLManim2 = xLM; kLM = 0; kLM2 = 0};
            if (ToDB(LM) > db[i]) gr.FillSolidRect(col + xLManim + offset, yLM, w * 0.8, hM , color[Math.round(xLManim/offset)]);   

            if (ToDB(RM) > db[i] && ToDB(RM) < db[i+1]) {xRM = i * offset};  
            if (xRManim <= xRM) {xRManim = xRM; xRManim2 = xRM; kRM = 0; kRM2 = 0};
            if (ToDB(RM) > db[i]) gr.FillSolidRect(col + xRManim + offset, yRM, w * 0.8, hM, color[Math.round(xRManim/offset)]);   

            if (ToDB(LM) > db[i]) gr.FillSolidRect(col + xLManim2 + offset + w, yLM, w * 0.3, hM, color[Math.round(xLManim/offset)]);    
            if (ToDB(RM) > db[i]) gr.FillSolidRect(col + xRManim2 + offset + w, yRM, w * 0.3, hM, color[Math.round(xRManim/offset)]);   

    for (var i = 0; i <= points; i++) {
        var text_w = gr.CalcTextWidth(db[i], font);  
        if (i > 2) gr.GdiDrawText( db[i]% 2 == 0 ? db[i] : "" , font, color1[0], col + offset * i - text_w / 2, ytext, ww, wh);
    gr.GdiDrawText( "db", font, color1[0], col, ytext, ww, wh);
    VUMOffset_t = Math.round(VUMeter.Offset) + " db";
    t_height = gr.CalcTextHeight(VUMOffset_t, font2) + 2;
    t_width = gr.CalcTextWidth(VUMOffset_t, font2) + 10;
    wheel && gr.FillSolidRect(pos_x - t_width, pos_y - t_height + 0, t_width, t_height, bgcolor);
    wheel && gr.GdiDrawText(VUMOffset_t, font2, color2[0], pos_x - t_width, pos_y - t_height + 0, t_width, t_height, DT_SINGLELINE | DT_CENTER | DT_VCENTER | DT_WORD_ELLIPSIS );

function anim() {  
    kLM = kLM + Math.pow(0.3, 2); 
    kRM = kRM + Math.pow(0.3, 2); 
    xLManim = xLManim - kLM;          
    xRManim = xRManim - kRM; 
    kLM2 = kLM2 + Math.pow(1.1, 2); 
    kRM2 = kRM2 + Math.pow(1.1, 2);
    xLManim2 = xLManim2 + kLM2;
    xRManim2 = xRManim2 + kRM2;
    kL = kL + Math.pow(0.3, 2); 
    kR = kR + Math.pow(0.3, 2); 
    xLanim = xLanim - kL;  
    xRanim = xRanim - kR;

    wLanim = wLanim - kL * 2; //2
    wRanim = wRanim - kR * 2;

function on_size() {  
    ww = window.Width;  
    wh = window.Height;
    offset = (ww - col) / points;  
    w = offset - 1;  
    offset_l = (ww - col) / points_l;  
    w_l = offset_l - 1;

function on_mouse_move(x,y) {
    on_mouse = true;
    pos_x = x <= t_width ? col + t_width : col + x;
    pos_y = y <= t_height ? t_height : y;

function on_mouse_leave() {
    on_mouse = false;
function on_mouse_wheel(step) {
    wheel = true;
    VUMeter.Offset = VUMeter.Offset + step;
    tooltip_timer && window.ClearTimeout(tooltip_timer);
    tooltip_timer = window.SetTimeout(function() {
        wheel = false;
        tooltip_timer && window.ClearTimeout(tooltip_timer);
        tooltip_timer = false;
    }, 2000);

function combineColors(c1, c2, f){ // When fraction is 0, result is 100% color1, when f is 1, result is 100% color2.
    var c1 = toRGB(c1);
    var c2 = toRGB(c2);

    var r = Math.round(c1[0] + f * (c2[0] - c1[0]));
    var g = Math.round(c1[1] + f * (c2[1] - c1[1]));
    var b = Math.round(c1[2] + f * (c2[2] - c1[2]));
    return (0xff000000 | (r << 16) | (g << 8) | (b));

function toRGB(d){ // convert back to RGB values
    var d = d-0xff000000;
    var r = d >> 16;
    var g = d >> 8 & 0xFF;
    var b = d & 0xFF;

    return [r,g,b];

panel_on = true;

function on_notify_data(name, info) {
    if (name == "panel vis") {
        if (info == "Peak meter"){
            panel_on = true;
        } else {
            panel_on = false;
UR5EQF. Ukraine

Re: JScript Panel script discussion/help

Reply #1826
Thanks kgena_ua, will give this a workout tomorrow!  Air Ken, I hope you also mod it up and we'll see what we come up with  ;)

Re: JScript Panel script discussion/help

Reply #1827
Hello marc2k3, I wanted to know if there is a callback which gets triggered when the last item in a playlist gets played completely and then starts from first?

I am trying to execute a command so that when the final item in the playlist is finished the next item in the playlist starts from 0/1 (whatever is the beginning index of an item) so instead of stopping the playlist execute a command in between.

Code: [Select]
plman.GetPlaylistItemCount(plman.FindPlaylist("LRP + LPC"))
shows the total items in a playlist. Using this I suppose there could be a way to track/increment the current item which is being played in the playlist? So basically whenever a command gets executed (suppose refresh playlist or whatever) the plman.GetPlaylistItemCount will run and store it in a variable.

Re: JScript Panel script discussion/help

Reply #1828
Hi All,
I have just  created a script to add 'value' to foo_youtube component by providing it with a song list.

//------------ CREDIT -----------------//
Credit goes to:
- @Wil-B ( for the fantastic 'Find-and-Play' app, along with the 'Biography' and 'Library-Tree' scripts based on Spider Monkey Panel. The 'Find-and-Play' inspired me to explore [YouTube searching]. However I've tried, @Wil-B's scripts still set the benchmark.
- @Marc2003 ( for the excellent [JScript Panel 3] component. @Marc2003 actively updates this component with new features, bug fixes, and beautiful, tidy sample scripts.
# This script uses some API (web service) keys from @Wil-B and @marc2003 for trial purposes. Even though these keys are bundled with their public scripts, we should show and treat them with respect.
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Hi @All ,

Please find the following:
1. _ 'JSP3 foo_youtube_addon' script attached hereafter. This script reflects Air KEN’s feedback {,104379.msg1050940.html#msg1050940}
Change log:

- 23Aug24: YouTube searching.
- 20Sep24:
   + YouTube channel management

2.  _ ‘JSP3 Now playing 64bit (text display)’
Change log:
. . .
- 20Sep24:
   + YouTube download (please pay attention to YouTube clip IP ): audio only, video best by size.
   + Favorite list (aka fb2k playlist): maintain a favorite song/clip list.


1. youtube download is based on the yt_dlp.exe , ffmpeg.exe
   - yt_dlp path: {fb.ProfilePath} \skins\external_helper\yt-dlp.exe
   - ffmpeg path : {fb.ProfilePath} \skins\external_helper\ffmpeg.exe
2. about yt-dlp, ffmpeg.
_ yt-dlp : is a feature-rich command-line audio/video downloader with support for thousands of sites []. The project is a fork of youtube-dl [] based on the now inactive youtube-dlc []
- ffmpeg: information as @marc2003's sample >

Wish you all a nice weekend.

Re: JScript Panel script discussion/help

Reply #1829
Hi @All,

The weekend is coming, FriYAY!

Let’s have some fun with text, color, and music: JSP3_playbacktime_dancing. I combined scripts from @TomPro (text, color), @Case (VU Meter), and @Marc2003 (font): the script ‘draws’ playback time.

- Text, color: any color we can think of. {@TomPro's script: }
- VU Meter: smooth, bar, or galaxy.
- WYSIWYG font: we can select a font based on that ‘true’ rendering.

Wish you all a nice weekend.


Re: JScript Panel script discussion/help

Reply #1830

ilovefb2k"s Script folder (skin folder):
SHURE SRH1840, SENNHEISER HD660S2, SENNHEISER HD620S, SENNHEISER HD 490 Pro Plus, beyerdynamic DT 1990 PRO, HiFiMAN Edition XS, Bowers & Wilkins P7, FiiO FT5, 水月雨 (MOONDROP) 空鳴 - VOID, Nakamichi Elite FIVE ANC, SONY WH1000XM5 (made a Upgrade/Balanced Cable by myself)

Re: JScript Panel script discussion/help

Reply #1831
'JSP3 foo_youtube_addon'

‘JSP3 Now playing 64bit (text display)’

SHURE SRH1840, SENNHEISER HD660S2, SENNHEISER HD620S, SENNHEISER HD 490 Pro Plus, beyerdynamic DT 1990 PRO, HiFiMAN Edition XS, Bowers & Wilkins P7, FiiO FT5, 水月雨 (MOONDROP) 空鳴 - VOID, Nakamichi Elite FIVE ANC, SONY WH1000XM5 (made a Upgrade/Balanced Cable by myself)

Re: JScript Panel script discussion/help

Reply #1832
I wanted to know if there is a callback which gets triggered when the last item in a playlist gets played completely and then starts from first?

I am trying to execute a command so that when the final item in the playlist is finished the next item in the playlist starts from 0/1 (whatever is the beginning index of an item) so instead of stopping the playlist execute a command in between.

Code: [Select]
plman.GetPlaylistItemCount(plman.FindPlaylist("LRP + LPC"))
shows the total items in a playlist. Using this I suppose there could be a way to track/increment the current item which is being played in the playlist? So basically whenever a command gets executed (suppose refresh playlist or whatever) the plman.GetPlaylistItemCount will run and store it in a variable.

Hello, @marc2k3 any idea if this would be possible?

Re: JScript Panel script discussion/help

Reply #1833
I'm using JSP3 "text display" sample.
In the "custom text" configuration, what do I need to do to display "[" and "]" characters?
Thank you.

Re: JScript Panel script discussion/help

Reply #1835
hyphen -
apostrophe '
It's your privilege to disagree, but that doesn't make you right and me wrong.

Re: JScript Panel script discussion/help

Reply #1838
First of all, i want to thank you @marc2k3 for this component!
And i have a small question: is there a way to draw polygons and if not, do you plan on implementing it?

Re: JScript Panel script discussion/help

Reply #1839

I'm trying to style the bio + images sample snippet, but I do not know where to start. None of the sample snippets have any documentation/comments to help me grasp what each function is doing. There doesn't seem to be any CSS involved either, just pure javascript?

So, how can I style this (not modify the actual functions, just the outlook of the panel)?

What I want to do: Change the font, remove the image backgrounds, have same colors as other UI elements and otherwise try to make it as "native" looking as possible and bare-bones rather than "fancy".

It would already help if anyone could point out to me where these styling things are in the code.

Re: JScript Panel script discussion/help

Reply #1840
First of all, i want to thank you @marc2k3 for this component!
And i have a small question: is there a way to draw polygons and if not, do you plan on implementing it?
There is a way to draw a polygons. You have to use SVG :
In the given example a file is used but you can use xml as a string :


Re: JScript Panel script discussion/help

Reply #1841
There is a way to draw a polygons. You have to use SVG :
In the given example a file is used but you can use xml as a string :
I guess this will suffice!
Previously i was loading local png's, thank you (:

Re: JScript Panel script discussion/help

Reply #1842
Is it possible to update the tagging properties like $artist$ or $album$ inside jsp3 ?
To fill the field inside an input box ? Thanks ....

Re: JScript Panel script discussion/help

Reply #1843
would like to make a suggestion for the "Properties + Other Info" sample item. When you click on this item, it will create a new library. It would be really nice if you could edit the tag.

Re: JScript Panel script discussion/help

Reply #1844
can you add text display with buttons and seekbar as my foot samples has got so very small and I don't know how to increase it


Re: JScript Panel script discussion/help

Reply #1845
here what I see very small font now I am sure it used to be larger than that but me and the mouse don't get on so  how do i increase the text size

Re: JScript Panel script discussion/help

Reply #1847
okay thank you that worked  :) now to add buttons heh now I can see the text

Re: JScript Panel script discussion/help

Reply #1848
i tried but cannot add buttons to text display  :'(

Re: JScript Panel script discussion/help

Reply #1849
any body know what the script would be to add text display and buttons in jscipt panel please

many thanks in advance