[due to limitation, i may have little resource to react to this post.]
/*------------ [JScript Panel 3] 64bit scripts -----------------*/
// date: 03PM25 22Jul24
// viking, vnav.vn
Credit to original authors' scripts: Marc2003, marc2k3, Iprad, Br3tt aka Falstaff, eurekagliese, TT, Jul23, Hunter.
//system test:
- Windows 11, screen : FullHD, scale 150%
- foobar2000 64bit, preview 7jul24
- foobar200 Default UI (CUI should be fine).
- font : as listed in folder [font], of which [Segoe Fluent Icons] maybe already installed under Windows 11.
- latest 64bit components and exe files as in [user-components-x64] folder, including JScript Panel 3 [https://github.com/jscript-panel/release/releases] - latest version is 3.6.1
// note: files were deleted on purpose to mitigate risk, if any, during transfer over network
- to enable youtube view, download: yt-dl.exe from GitHub [https://github.com/yt-dlp/yt-dlp].
- to enable spectrum analysis, download : spek.exe [https://github.com/alexkay/spek]
- download and install foobar2000 64bit, latest version as of Jul24 (2.1.5).
- unzip file into foobar2000 64bit root folder.
- download and install/copy components.
- download exe files (to enable youtube, spectrum checking)
- install fonts (if any).
//install JScript Panel 3 (@Marc2003) scripts:
- under DUI.
- enable edit mod
- insert [JScript Panel 3] panel.
- copy script from [foobar2000\skins\viking\scripts\jsp3] folder and paste into [JScript Panel 3] panel.
- copy script [foobar2000\skins\viking\scripts\jsp3_lib\vnav_mod\jsplaylist_main.js] and paste into [JScript Panel 3] panel.
- copy script [foobar2000\skins\viking\scripts\jsp3_lib\vnav_mod\jssb.js] and paste into [JScript Panel 3] panel.
- Apply.
Script detail: (alphabet sort)
Script { name, original author (idea), original source, comment}
I. folder : foobar2000\skins\viking\scripts\jsp3_lib\vnav_mod
//1- name : jssb.js,
original author (idea): Br3tt aka Falstaff [enhanced, tuned by Marc2003]
original source : Smooth Browser
comment: /* modification */
+ main features added:
# get artwork from local, lastfm.
# brute-force searching for artworks located in every-customised relative folders as specifying in
[foobar2000\skins\viking\misc\art_sub_folder.ini] file.
# resize all artworks as thumbnails to speed up the whole.
# [folder structure] library browsing.
//2- name : jsplaylist_main.js,
original author (idea): Br3tt aka Falstaff [enhanced, tuned by Marc2003]
original source : JS Playlist.
comment: /* modification */
+ main features added:
# get artwork from local, lastfm.
# brute-force searching for artworks located in every-customised relative folders as specifying in
[foobar2000\skins\viking\misc\art_sub_folder.ini] file.
II. folder : foobar2000\skins\viking\scripts\jsp3
//1- name : {deployed} album_art [brute-force search],
original author (idea): Marc2003
original source : thumbs and artwork script
comment: /* modification */
+ main features added:
# get artworks from local and lastfm at the same time.
# brute-force searching for artworks located in every-customised relative folders as specifying in
[foobar2000\skins\viking\misc\art_sub_folder.ini] file, and absolute folder (via panel property).
# resize and cache all artworks as thumbnailsto speed up the whole.
# resize and save BIG artworks under and per album.
# view origial artwoks (ensure quality)
# background : as default image all per [all/1st] artworks
# second artist artworks download (via [{deployed} artwork download by artist from lastfm.txt] script)
+ limit: loading images are not asynced.
//2- name : {deployed} album_art [properties],
original author (idea): Marc2003
original source : Text Display
comment: /* modification */
+ main features added:
# context menu : more functions
# buttons : 4 positions, user-defined coord x,y (via property)
# youtube: download
//3- name : {deployed} analog clock,
original author (idea): Hunter
original source :
comment: /* modification */
+ ported to JScript Panel 3
//4- name : {deployed} control bar,
original author (idea): marc2k3 coded, eurekagliese enhanced
original source :
comment: /* modification */
+ main features added:
# get artwork from local, lastfm.
# brute-force searching for artwork located in every-customised relative folders as specifying in
[foobar2000\skins\viking\misc\art_sub_folder.ini] file.
//5- name : {deployed} cover flow,
original author (idea): Br3tt aka Falstaff
original source :
comment: /* modification */
+ ported to JScript Panel 3
+ main features added:
# get artwork from local, lastfm.
# brute-force searching for artwork located in every-customised relative folders as specifying in
[foobar2000\skins\viking\misc\art_sub_folder.ini] file.
//6- name : {deployed} lyrics download manager,
original author (idea):
original source :
comment: /* coded */
+ main features:
# download lyrics via Google host.
# get lyrics translated online by Google site
+ limit: async lyrics only.
//7- name : {deployed} TechnicsRSBX_iprad,
original author (idea): Iprad
original source :
comment: /* coded */
+ ported to JScript Panel 3
+ main features added:
# pseudo - VU Analog Meter. (wish list: JScript Panel 3, fb.peakLeft, fb.pakRight . . . properties )
//8- name : {deployed} tree explorer,
original author (idea): Br3tt aka Falstaff
original source :
comment: /* coded */
+ ported to JScript Panel 3
//9- name : {deployed} tree explorer,
original author (idea): Br3tt aka Falstaff
original source :
comment: /* coded */
+ ported to JScript Panel 3
note: images cached are all located under [foobar2000\$recycle.bin] folder, per respective components, panels.
/*/ Music can bring happiness, let it on. /*/
// EOF