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Topic: foo_input_zxtune (Read 17803 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: foo_input_zxtune

Reply #25
I created some documentation for the plugin myself based on info derived from the ZX Tune Player by Vitamin/CAIG.
Ok, i can add it to distribution archive/github

Re: foo_input_zxtune

Reply #26
Just published version 0.0.8 to components page.

Re: foo_input_zxtune

Reply #27
Thanks for the new release. You did not add any documentation to the plugin archive yet, are you perhaps waiting for my files? If so, find them attached below. Please accept them as templates and use/modify them as you see fit.

Also, you might want to add a link to your GitHub ZXTune repository to the plugin download page.

Re: foo_input_zxtune

Reply #29
Convert operations fixed in 0.0.9

Re: foo_input_zxtune

Reply #30
Allows you to play various ZX Spectrum, Amiga, PC, Atari, Acorn chip / digital / fm tunes.

Download version 0.0.9 based on r4953 (jul 23 2020) from component repository page


  • Added support of Sega Dreamcast format (DSF)

This update introduced conflict with DSD DSF files processed by foo_input_sacd.
It leads to "Unrecoverable playback error: <unknown error>".

I suggest you to make its checkbox deactivated by default or code some checks to probe if some formats are already served by some plugins. I've spent two days to understand why I can't play DSD DSF :)

PS: also had conflict with SID and IT files, which were processed with another plugins.


Re: foo_input_zxtune

Reply #31
This update introduced conflict with DSD DSF files processed by foo_input_sacd.
It leads to "Unrecoverable playback error: <unknown error>".

I suggest you to make its checkbox deactivated by default or code some checks to probe if some formats are already served by some plugins. I've spent two days to understand why I can't play DSD DSF
But this also can be other way around: someone installs foo_input_sacd and has problem with playing Sega Dreamcast format.

Re: foo_input_zxtune

Reply #32
Plug-ins which fail to decode a file type because it is the wrong format should be throwing exception_io_unsupported_format from open() if they do not recognize the file format. This is different from if the format is recognized, but invalid.

The player, and the SDK in any plug-in which requests decoders, is designed to fall back along the decoder priority list when any input throws this from open(). It's the only other way, when the filename/extension or MIME type pass inspection.

Re: foo_input_zxtune

Reply #33
I didn't realize this component wasn't limited to ZX Spectrum formats until just now. This component looks very promising and with the recent development I suspect it will get a lot of new users.
Would you be so kind to create a 64-bit supporting compile too for foobar2000 v2.0?

Re: foo_input_zxtune

Reply #34
64 bit support added

Re: foo_input_zxtune

Reply #35
Noticed that USF support is broken.

Also, is it possible to force files to play forever? That would be awesome.

Re: foo_input_zxtune

Reply #36
Very good plugin. Thanks!
but I think....some function work abnormally. Some files play well, but some files not.
- Saturn SSF (ex. Lunar the silverstar story, Dragon force 1,2, )
- DC DSF (ex. Power stone, sega GT)
- GBA GSF (ex. Castlevania series)
- NDS 2SF (ex. Castlevania series)
- N64 USF (ex. OgreBattle64)
- PS1 PSF (ex. Final Fantasy 6) are not played.
- and VGM files play short, or not played. (short ex. genesis Street of rage's player select, not played Alisia Dragoon's openning theme)

Re: foo_input_zxtune

Reply #37

Could you check this files with original zxtune version (android or windows)?

If they will play ok, than I will buld version based on latest sources.
If not, then attach this files here or create bug report on developer's bitbucket or github.

Re: foo_input_zxtune

Reply #38
I just tested that examples on standalone Zxtune (windows and android both version). It works almost well.
But I think standalone version also has VGM files SHORT PLAY bug?(or loop set problem?), too.
For example, Alisia dragoon's 'Opening Theme' duration is 48sec on VGMplayer, but Zxtune recognize and play same file for 38sec. 'Option' duration is 25sec on VGMplayer, but Zxtune recognize 8sec. Street of rage's 'player select' 51sec on VGMplayer, 21sec on Zxtune.
Thanks for read this. :)

Re: foo_input_zxtune

Reply #39
The AHX decoder (and I assume all Amiga/Paula chipset decoders) renders everything as mono, which is incorrect. The Amiga was pretty infamous for its hard panning, and most tunes coming out of the original demoscene would account for this, with two hard-left channels and two hard-right channels.

Converting tunes to mono, as ZXTune currently does, causes certain sounds to be buried in the overall mix, and is not true to the original compositions.

At the very least, there should be an option to set one's preferred stereo separation: 100% (original Paula chip), 0% (the current ZXTune behavior), and maybe increments of 25/50/75% for headphone listening.