since i've deleted my github account, i'll leave the component here.
pay special attention to the functions i removed in v1.5.7. these were marked as obsolete well over 3 years ago and the official component (v1.5.6) already reports them as such in the foobar2000 console. if any of your scripts are triggering these warnings, they will not even run in this component. the scripts will need updating. script authors should check preprocessors.txt and interfaces.txt in the docs. for anyone not capable of fixing their own scripts, they should continue to use the official component.
- ADD: plman.UndoBackup(playlistIndex). If you call this before
adding/removing/reordering playlist items, you will be able to use
the undo/redo commands on the Edit menu.
- CHG: Tidy up samples and add missing images. Paths to required files
are now relative.
- CHG: on_library_changed() has been deprecated after a very short life.
- ADD: on_library_items_added()
- ADD: on_library_items_removed()
- ADD: on_library_items_changed()
- ADD: fb.IsLibraryEnabled()
v1.5.8 Beta 1
- ADD: fb.ShowLibrarySearchUI(query) opens the Library>Search window
populated with the query you set.
- ADD: fb.GetLibraryItems() returns a handle list of all items in library.
- ADD: on_library_changed callback for when library items are added,
removed or modified.
- ADD: window.Reload() so you can force a panel reload from your own menus,
buttons, functions etc.
- CHG: Compiled with new SDK. Requires foobar2000 v1.3 or above.
- ADD: Script errors are now displayed in a popup window in addition to
the Console like it was previously.
- ADD: Default right click menu now has a "Reload" script option. This
saves opening/closing the dialog when working on external files.
- CHG: Remove functions marked as obsolete 2+ years ago. There are newer
alternatives for all of them:
- CHG: AppendMenuItem no longer accepts MF_POPUP as a flag. You should be
using AppendTo instead.
- CHG: utils.GetAlbumArt removed as corresponding function has been
removed from SDK.
- CHG: Safe mode disabled by default. If you're reading this, you're
probably going to be using scripts that require this!
- FIX: EstimateLineWrap no longer leaves stray punctuation when wrapping
text at end of line.