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Topic: foo_chronflow – Coverflow (Read 85584 times) previous topic - next topic
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foo_chronflow – Coverflow

After a 7 year development break, it’s time to bring back foo_chronflow. For those of you that don’t know it: It’s a coverflow display for your foobar2000 database and looks like this:

But that is just one possibility, as the display is highly customizable. The plugin supports both columns ui and default ui.

The latest release and changelog can be found on github:

Some quick notes on things that might not be discoverable:
  • You can search your library by typing in the panel
  • Keyboard shortcuts (while the panel has focus):
    • F5: refresh  
    • F6: go to currently playing album
  • The database filter setting allows you to only show a subset of your database in the coverflow. It uses the default query syntax
Some more infos can be found on the old wiki page. And then there are also the two old threads.

If you want to contribute to this project, I'm always looking for new Cover Display Configs. So if you have a nice one, please post it here (ideally inside a codebox and with a screenshot).

Find as you type demonstration:


Reply #2
Good news!

Possible bug: the "frame width" option in the Display tab does not seem to do anything.


Reply #3
Are you sure? There should be an outline around the currently selected cover in the same color as the text. Frame with changes the thickness of that outline.


Reply #4
Is there any chance that we could get it for columns ui?


Reply #5
If there is a lot of demand, I will think about it. It’s just not very nice for me to support, as I don’t use columns ui.


Reply #6
Embedded images in the works?


Reply #8
Are you sure? There should be an outline around the currently selected cover in the same color as the text. Frame with changes the thickness of that outline.

That's weird, it doesn't do anything here... But don't lose time on this, that's not a problem for me.


Reply #9
New Release (v0.4.1):
  • Replaced default images for cover loading and cover missing
  • Fixed sorting of non-ascii artist names


Reply #10
Nice !
Could we have an option to restrict the display to the current playlist ?


Reply #11
Restricting the display to the current playlist has always been a frequent request, but unless I miss something that would require a lot more changes, and basically turn this into a different component.

This component is a library viewer. Its main functional purpose is to be used to create/extend playlists from library content. That results in the following assumptions:
  • The action you want to perform is adding to a playlist
  • The data being presented has no sensible ordering in itself. This we can freely create our own display ordering and grouping and display the data as a circle.
  • The data being presented will change rather infrequently

Turning this component into a playlist viewer would invalidate all these assumptions and also change the underlying data structure (tracks vs library entries). As I very clearly intend foo_chronflow to be a library viewer, it is unlikely that I will ever go through the effort of also making it a playlist viewer.


Reply #12
This version does not appear in the Popup panels?
If covers are sewn into the files, what to write in the "Resources"?

Sorry for the bad english. | bulletproof2k


Reply #14
is there a way to get wildcard filetypes to work, e.g. cover.*


Reply #15
This version does not appear in the Popup panels?
No, because foo_chronflow is now a Default UI component. Popup panels only support Columns UI components.

Ok, this is a great component that advise for CUI ?

is there a way to get wildcard filetypes to work, e.g. cover.*

You mean "cover.jpg" ??? | bulletproof2k


Reply #16
If covers are sewn into the files, what to write in the "Resources"?

Embedded covers are not supported at the moment.

is there a way to get wildcard filetypes to work, e.g. cover.*

Wildcards are not supported at the moment.

Fixing these issues by moving to the build-in cover support is at the top of my todo-list .


Reply #17
Ok, thank U | bulletproof2k


Reply #18
New Release (v0.4.2):
  • Fixed text-rendering
  • Added drag&drop support – you can now drag albums into your playlist


Reply #19
Supporting embedded album art turns out to be harder than expected – it is so slow that just loading the images when needed is not fast enough. I will probably have to cache the album art. Looking into that .


Reply #20
Thank you very much for this brilliant component, I love it!


Reply #21
Great to see Chronflow alive!

Any chance something along the lines of" hover shows back cover" could be possible?


Reply #22
Any chance something along the lines of" hover shows back cover" could be possible?

In general: yes. Any time soon: Probably not.

Implementing that does not fit the current architecture very well. For now my recommended workaround is to drag&drop the album in the playlist and have a look there.


Reply #23
New Release (v0.4.3):
  • Added support for columns_ui
  • Collection does not wrap around anymore
  • Removed flicking
  • Removed supersampling, made multisampling the default
  • Improved how lack of OpenGL is handled
  • General stability improvements

This release changes quite a lot of the internals of the component. That might have introduced some new bugs, but the component should mostly be *a lot* more stable now.

(big thanks to Zao, whose open source foo_wave_seekbar motivated me to add support for columns_ui again )