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Topic: Configuring Wack 0.46 for Exact Audio Copy (Read 6813 times) previous topic - next topic
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Configuring Wack 0.46 for Exact Audio Copy

Some 10 years ago I decided to convert my CDs (now about 800) to MP3 for my ipod and lossless (for some reason it was ordained I used WavPack).

All was good till about a month back when my hard disk crashed. Now I had a back up but the configurations of EAC to use Wack were not saved. Now I have about 50 more CDs to rip and no idea how to do this.

How do I configure EAC to use Wack 0.46?

I remember some kind souls called Synthetic Soul and Ponchorage helping me out then. I wonder if someone can help me out again.

I have EAC V0.95 beta 1 (from 25th April 2005). It worked well so I did not bother to upgrade.

Thanks in advance.

Configuring Wack 0.46 for Exact Audio Copy

Reply #2

BTW, I suggest you use CueRipper. I do everything with foobar2000 but CueTools/CueRipper is what I usually suggest to friends and family. Take a look here too:

Thanks for the reply I was referring to this thread some 9-10 years ago

I put a CD in my CD drive and started EAC. Then I initiated Copy Image and Create Cue Sheet -> compressed.

A wack window pops up but nothing happens. I assume Wack cannot find this Image file. Which folder must the image file be in?

Configuring Wack 0.46 for Exact Audio Copy

Reply #3
The linked I posted has your configuration:

FILEPATH=D:\mp3\%a\%g\%n - %t

FILEPATH=F:\wav\%a\%g\%n - %t

Now, I don't use EAC but these should be the temp folders.

Configuring Wack 0.46 for Exact Audio Copy

Reply #4
The linked I posted has your configuration:

FILEPATH=D:\mp3\%a\%g\%n - %t

FILEPATH=F:\wav\%a\%g\%n - %t

Now, I don't use EAC but these should be the temp folders.

Thanks again. I know it should but what happens in that EAC makes the CDImage file (in D:\) and then I see a WACK window open but nothing happens. I can only assume Wack is not being sent the parameters.

One difference is that my computer (after the disk crash) went from an older version of Windows to Windows 8.1


I went to my Wack folder and found a batch file called wackstart. So I ran this file and lo and behold it made a MP3 and a Wavpack version from the Image file but....and I don't get this part...while the track names are correct, the Artist and Album names are all wrong. What can be the error. EAC recognizes the Artist and Album correctly.

I opened the CDImage.cue file in Notepad and the Artist and Album name are correctly mentioned there but when Wack makes the MP3 and Wavpack file it does gives me a different Artist and Album (song titles are correct).

So now we have 2 problems:
1. How to start wack from EAC
2. Why is Wack not use the Artist and Album name in the cue sheet

Please help. Thanks.

Configuring Wack 0.46 for Exact Audio Copy

Reply #5
First, I know it's hard once something works to keep the same stuff but I think you should move on from that configuration.

1) Have you looked at CueRipper and at the other site with the comparison (just to show you CueRipper is serious!).

2) I've never used WACK but I think it was some sort of CLI or frontend for the WavPack encoder? I am most certainly sure you can use the official WavPack CLI with EAC today.

For example, EAC and WavPack on Hydrogenaudio Wiki:

3) If you need to keep that configuration you need to wait for someone more expert with EAC or upload the files so I/we can test and figure the problem out.

You will start ripping those CDs tomorrow the latest, don't worry about that.

Configuring Wack 0.46 for Exact Audio Copy

Reply #6
First, I know it's hard once something works to keep the same stuff but I think you should move on from that configuration.

1) Have you looked at CueRipper and at the other site with the comparison (just to show you CueRipper is serious!).

2) I've never used WACK but I think it was some sort of CLI or frontend for the WavPack encoder? I am most certainly sure you can use the official WavPack CLI with EAC today.

For example, EAC and WavPack on Hydrogenaudio Wiki:

3) If you need to keep that configuration you need to wait for someone more expert with EAC or upload the files so I/we can test and figure the problem out.

You will start ripping those CDs tomorrow the latest, don't worry about that.

Sir once you cross 60 it gets difficult to learn new things. :-)

I figured out why wackstart batch file was creating files with different artist/alum names - it was because the artist/album names were hard coded in the batch file...see below

WACK.EXE "d:\CDImage.wack.wav" "CDImage.wack.wack" "d:\CDImage.wack.wack" "Guns and Roses" "Live Era" "1987" "Rock"

Now I have a CDImage.wack.wav file in my D:\ and I have a CDImage.wack.cue file also in the same folder and the cue file has the correct artist/album information.

All I need to do is figure out what the set up of EAC needs to be so that EAC sends the file to WACK (I assume this is what's NOT happening).

Meanwhile Thanks for the wiki link. I will read it and maybe figure it out myself.

Thanks for your time and patience.

I got it!!!!!!

I had to add this line in the Command line options  %s %o %d "%a" "%g" "%y" "%m

Configuring Wack 0.46 for Exact Audio Copy

Reply #7
I got it!!!!!!

I had to add this line in the Command line options  %s %o %d "%a" "%g" "%y" "%m

Does anyone know what the settings for the various options are for EAC.

I use 2 encoders Wavpack and Lame and my encoders.ini file looks like this.

ARGUMENTS=--preset extreme --id3v2-only --pad-id3v2 --ignore-tag-errors --scale %x --ta "%a" --tl "%g" --tn "%n" --tt "%t" --ty "%y" --tg "%m" %s %d
FILEPATH=D:\mp3\%a\%g\%n - %t
APPLYREPLAYGAIN=false ;;;;;;;;;; mp3gain stores it's information in APEv2 tags.
REPLAYGAINEXEPATH=    ;;;;;;;;;; Using mp3gain with ID3 tags will cause the tags
REPLAYGAINARGUMENTS=  ;;;;;;;;;; to disappear on some players (ie, Foobar).

ARGUMENTS=-hm -w "Artist=%a" -w "Album=%g" -w "Track=%n" -w "Title=%t" -w "Year=%y" -w "Genre=%m" %s %d
FILEPATH=G:\wav\%a\%g\%n - %t

Configuring Wack 0.46 for Exact Audio Copy

Reply #8
Sir once you cross 60 it gets difficult to learn new things. :-)

Eh, I know  I am 32 but I have many customers your age and I have to fight every time to change a comma. Also my father has always been the same way and I have a friend that won't move from CDex 1.51

For the EAC flags read here:

Last question:

And the Hydrogenaudio Wiki:

When everything is setup, just to test, give CueRipper a try!

Configuring Wack 0.46 for Exact Audio Copy

Reply #9
When everything is setup, just to test, give CueRipper a try!

Ok what does Cue Ripper do? Does it need EAC? or Lame? or WavPack? Does it replace EAC?

I found a newer version of EAC but I am really scared to try it. Will WACK understand it? How do I make 2 simultaneous rips (MP3 and WavPack) using this?

What happens to my encoders.ini file which WACk uses? How do I continue ripping to the same quality as specidifed in the encoders.ini file?


Re: Configuring Wack 0.46 for Exact Audio Copy

Reply #10
Good day,

Apologies for reviving an old thread but I figured it might be better than creating a new one.

After 10+ years I was given 2 CDs and wanted to rip them to my collection.

I downloaded EAC ver 1.8 and decided to use my old version of Wack 0.46, Lame 3.96.1, and WavPack 4.2.

When I tried to rip the CDs, EAC created a WAV and CUE file but no MP3 or WavPack files. I suspect that EAC might not be calling Wack.

I set external compression to my Wack 0.46 directory and my encoders.ini file is as follows:
Code: [Select]
ARGUMENTS=--preset extreme --id3v2-only --pad-id3v2 --ignore-tag-errors --scale %x --ta "%a" --tl "%g" --tn "%n" --tt "%t" --ty "%y" --tg "%m" %s %d
FILEPATH=G:\mp3\%a\%g\%n - %t
APPLYREPLAYGAIN=false ;;;;;;;;;; mp3gain stores it's information in APEv2 tags.
REPLAYGAINEXEPATH=    ;;;;;;;;;; Using mp3gain with ID3 tags will cause the tags
REPLAYGAINARGUMENTS=  ;;;;;;;;;; to disappear on some players (ie, Foobar).

ARGUMENTS=-hm -w "Artist=%a" -w "Album=%g" -w "Track=%n" -w "Title=%t" -w "Year=%y" -w "Genre=%m" %s %d
FILEPATH=H:\wav\%a\%g\%n - %t

As per EAC ver 1.8 requirements, the command line options are as follows: %source% %original% %dest% "%albumartist%" "%albumtitle%" "%year%" "%genre%"

When I ran EAC I got the following Log file.

Code: [Select]
Exact Audio Copy V1.8 from 15. July 2024

EAC extraction logfile from 20. September 2024, 14:25

Les Presteej / Le temps passe...

Used drive  : MOSER   BAER DH-20A3S   Adapter: 1  ID: 0

Read mode               : Secure
Utilize accurate stream : Yes
Defeat audio cache      : No
Make use of C2 pointers : No

Read offset correction                      : 6
Overread into Lead-In and Lead-Out          : No
Fill up missing offset samples with silence : Yes
Delete leading and trailing silent blocks   : No
Null samples used in CRC calculations       : Yes
Used interface                              : Native Win32 interface for Win NT & 2000

Used output format              : User Defined Encoder
Selected bitrate                : 32 kBit/s
Quality                         : High
Add ID3 tag                     : Yes
Command line compressor         : E:\wack-0.46\wack\Wack.exe
Additional command line options : %source% %original% %dest% "%albumartist%" "%albumtitle%" "%year%" "%genre%"

TOC of the extracted CD

     Track |   Start  |  Length  | Start sector | End sector
        1  |  0:00.00 |  3:47.18 |         0    |    17042  
        2  |  3:47.18 |  4:18.34 |     17043    |    36426  
        3  |  8:05.52 |  3:32.39 |     36427    |    52365  
        4  | 11:38.16 |  3:18.62 |     52366    |    67277  
        5  | 14:57.03 |  3:15.15 |     67278    |    81917  
        6  | 18:12.18 |  3:18.11 |     81918    |    96778  
        7  | 21:30.29 |  3:45.05 |     96779    |   113658  
        8  | 25:15.34 |  3:09.74 |    113659    |   127907  
        9  | 28:25.33 |  4:00.18 |    127908    |   145925  
       10  | 32:25.51 |  3:09.59 |    145926    |   160159  
       11  | 35:35.35 |  3:41.47 |    160160    |   176781  
       12  | 39:17.07 |  3:23.48 |    176782    |   192054  
       13  | 42:40.55 |  3:41.27 |    192055    |   208656  
       14  | 46:22.07 |  3:45.06 |    208657    |   225537  

Range status and errors

Selected range

     Filename E:\wack-0.46\wack\Les Presteej - Le temps passe....wav

     Suspicious position 0:42:30

     Peak level 100.0 %
     Extraction speed 5.9 X
     Range quality 99.9 %
     Copy CRC 18F02F14
     Copy finished

There were errors

AccurateRip summary
Track  1  accurately ripped (confidence 2)  [DCA78261]  (AR v2)
Track  2  accurately ripped (confidence 2)  [D7E504D5]  (AR v2)
Track  3  accurately ripped (confidence 2)  [597A1F15]  (AR v2)
Track  4  accurately ripped (confidence 2)  [B14EDA04]  (AR v2)
Track  5  accurately ripped (confidence 2)  [8FC95105]  (AR v2)
Track  6  accurately ripped (confidence 2)  [EF332F10]  (AR v2)
Track  7  accurately ripped (confidence 2)  [30687486]  (AR v2)
Track  8  accurately ripped (confidence 2)  [93AF093E]  (AR v2)
Track  9  accurately ripped (confidence 2)  [1D5D87D9]  (AR v2)
Track 10  accurately ripped (confidence 2)  [58EFC994]  (AR v2)
Track 11  accurately ripped (confidence 2)  [9B4CB013]  (AR v2)
Track 12  cannot be verified as accurate (confidence 3)  [5EA1BE24], AccurateRip returned [326F8321]  (AR v2)
Track 13  accurately ripped (confidence 2)  [1C079308]  (AR v2)
Track 14  accurately ripped (confidence 2)  [8FE4F1C7]  (AR v2)
13 track(s) accurately ripped
 1 track(s) could not be verified as accurate

Some tracks could not be verified as accurate

End of status report

---- AcoustID Plugin V1.2.0

Submitting 13 results to AcoustID

AcoustID successfully submitted

---- CUETools DB Plugin V2.2.6

[CTDB TOCID: IvfwHija4RGlzbstBDmmPrybfUY-] found
Submit result: IvfwHija4RGlzbstBDmmPrybfUY- has been submitted
Track | CTDB Status
  1   | (55/55) Accurately ripped
  2   | (55/55) Accurately ripped
  3   | (55/55) Accurately ripped
  4   | (55/55) Accurately ripped
  5   | (55/55) Accurately ripped
  6   | (55/55) Accurately ripped
  7   | (55/55) Accurately ripped
  8   | (55/55) Accurately ripped
  9   | (55/55) Accurately ripped
 10   | (55/55) Accurately ripped
 11   | (55/55) Accurately ripped
 12   | (55/55) Differs in 60 samples @03:14:11-03:14:12
 13   | (55/55) Accurately ripped
 14   | (55/55) Accurately ripped
If you are sure that your rip contains errors, you can use CUETools to repair it.

Is there some configuration in EAC that I am missing?


MOD edit: add code tags

Re: Configuring Wack 0.46 for Exact Audio Copy

Reply #11
The EAC Placeholders in the .ini file for 'Arguments' and 'Filepath' will not work with EAC 1.8
There's a chance that Wack won't work with the newer placeholders.

You're not applying REPLAYGAIN
EAC 1.8 can encode to both MP3 and WavPack at the same time.
What else does Wack do that you need?

Re: Configuring Wack 0.46 for Exact Audio Copy

Reply #12
The EAC Placeholders in the .ini file for 'Arguments' and 'Filepath' will not work with EAC 1.8
There's a chance that Wack won't work with the newer placeholders.

You're not applying REPLAYGAIN
EAC 1.8 can encode to both MP3 and WavPack at the same time.
What else does Wack do that you need?

Thank you. My internet connection was acting up yesterday so I could not reply earlier.

By "place holders" are you referring to the command line options such as command line options are as follows: %source% %original% %dest% "%albumartist%" "%albumtitle%" "%year%" "%genre%" ?

For example my Lame my arguments are
ARGUMENTS=--preset extreme --id3v2-only --pad-id3v2 --ignore-tag-errors --scale %x --ta "%a" --tl "%g" --tn "%n" --tt "%t" --ty "%y" --tg "%m" %s %d

I understand that this part will not work "%a" --tl "%g" --tn "%n" --tt "%t" --ty "%y" --tg "%m" %s %d
Do I have to replace the "%a", "%g", "%n", "%t","%y", "%m", %s %d with "%artist%" "%albumtitle%" "%tracknr%" "%title%" %year%" "%genre%" %source%    %dest%

How does one apply REPLAYGAIN?

I did see that EAC 1.8 can call 2 enccoders. I do not need more than 2 (however wack is able to call more than 2). The only reason I am using Wack so that I don't need to learn new tricks.

Thanks again for your quick and detailed response.

Re: Configuring Wack 0.46 for Exact Audio Copy

Reply #13
I'm not familiar with Wack so I'm just interpreting the .ini file.
Starting with EAC v1.0 beta 2 the placeholders changed without backwards compatibility. Everyone had to change their command-line strings and naming schemes. The link I provided will give you the conversions.
As your .ini contains what appears to be old EAC style placeholders, I would assume they need updating to use the information provided by EAC v1.8.
As I stated earlier, I doubt Wack will be able to use the new placeholders but you won't know unless you try.

For REPLAYGAIN, I saw this in your .ini file.
Code: [Select]
I don't know how REPLAYGAIN is configured in Wack but it appears to be set not to apply.

If you don't get Wack working with EAC v1.8, you can get help configuring EAC for 2 encoders. Please start a new thread if you decide you want to do that.