Audibility of "typical" Digital Filters in a Hi-Fi Playback
Reply #427 – 2014-11-21 16:30:21
OK, finally I get to this technical point: [...] Having read the Stuart paper and prior citations, I am starting to think this may be due to time domain impact. It certainly is not frequency domain since I can't hear the ultrasonics. Just as pre-echo is a very audible time domain artifact (although created in frequency domain), maybe these filters act the same way. After reading this I get an even stronger sense that you must have been cheating in a lot of the logs you posted, or you have some seriously anomalous hearing (regarding detecting lossy compression). The filters used have linear phase. The pre-echo is no echo but filter ringing at over 21 kHz that only acts on the energy that is up there. If you can't hear well past 12 kHz then how would you detect the ringing of a filter at over 21 kHz? So please explain why this filter ringing is of concern for you. The answer is right in what I wrote but since it was misunderstood, I am going to explain the basics. What you describe is not "ringing" but passband ripple. Yes, it is sometimes called ringing but given the fact that I was talking about time domain (see the new highlight in red), you shouldn't have gone to frequency domain. There is no disagreement there. The paper makes it clear and I have said the same that the filters are near perfect in frequency domain :For both FIR lters, the ripple depth over the passband was a maximum of 0.025 dB, and the stopband attenuation was 90 dB. Note the correct terminology of "ripple" not ringing. But yes, that is as ruler flat as we need it with just +-.025db variation and aliasing truncated by 90 db. I wouldn't be able to hear that 0.025 db variation if it were in the range that I can hear. And this as you say is in the range that I can't hear. So again, no disagreement that that the frequency domain analysis doesn't indicate why this could be audible. What followed in my post was a hypothesis. It is a hypothesis that is stated in the paper as I indicated. As any hypothesis, it is being offered as a potential answer, not proof. There is foundation in it but not one that I have personally investigated and hence the phrase I used: "I am starting to think..." What is that thinking? It is what I described. What is happening in time domain. I created two filters in Matlab using the same 0.025 db passband ripple and 90 db out of band rejection. The first one is very similar to what Stuart used in his study (not identical because I am not performing any optimization): . The way you refer to pre-echo as "not being an echo" is totally nonsensical. Of course it is not an echo. It is *pre*-echo as it happens prior to the signal itself. From our old friend the wiki: Pre-echo (not to be confused with reverse echo) is a digital audio compression artifact where a sound is heard before it occurs (hence the name). It is most noticeable in impulsive sounds from percussion instruments such as castanets or cymbals. Hey, what do you know? It says the same thing I did .The psychoacoustic component of the effect is that one hears only the echo preceding the transient, not the one following – because this latter is drowned out by the transient. Formally, forward temporal masking is much stronger than backwards temporal masking, hence one hears a pre-echo, but no post-echo. It did it again! So as you see, the whole confusion is due to thinking we are talking about filter ripple and frequency domain, when in multiple references it was clear that I was talking about time domain. And hence, my hearing limitation in frequency domain is no barrier to hearing such a phenomena. Learning to hear pre-echo even in minute amounts is a skill I had to develop to hear compression artifacts. So if that is what is at play, then that is the reason I may be hearing the difference. Stuart makes multiple references to the same thing:These parameters were chosen to oer a reasonable match to the downsampling lters used in good- quality A/D converters or in the mastering process; we wanted to minimise the ripple depth and max- imise the stop band attenuation in order to reduce audible ringing artefacts, as described by Lagadec [31]. Have you read Lagadec's paper? If not, I suggest you do so. It explains the above and includes with it (informal) listening test observations of the impact of such ringing.When the analysis was restricted to just the high- yield audio sections, performance was signicantly better for the 48-kHz lter than for the 44.1-kHz l- ter. This is perhaps surprising given that the difference in spectral content between the filtered signals was between 22050 Hz and 24000 Hz. A time-domain explanation could be that the length of the 44.1- kHz lter was longer than the 48-kHz one: 4.25 ms compared with 3.9 ms; this could have resulted in 350 s less pre- and post-ringing, potentially render- ing the 44.1-kHz [sic I think he means 48 khz] filter less audible. This explanation is consistent with the idea of time smearing of ne temporal details mentioned earlier [1, 14]. So now you see why I needed a bit of time to respond. The above is also the reason I say that if CD had picked 48 Khz as the sampling, I would have no beef with it. We have plenty of room to implement our filter above 20 Khz. But by picking 44.1, it leaves us a small margin forcing sharper filters and more time domain ringing.