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Topic: YouTube Track Manager (Read 82392 times) previous topic - next topic
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YouTube Track Manager

Reply #25
Again with 0.6 script
Code: [Select]
Opening track for playback: "3dydfy://"
3dydfy, opening mp4: download - foo_youtube, decode - foobar2000
3dydfy, opening mp4: download - foo_youtube, decode - foobar2000
Error: WSH Panel Mod (YouTube Track Manager v0.6 beta by Wilb): Erreur d'exécution Microsoft JScript:
'undefined' a la valeur Null ou n'est pas un objet
File: <main>
Ln: 2406, Col: 21
<source text only available at compile time>
Wave cache: finished analysis of "3dydfy://"
Wave cache: finished analysis of "3dydfy://'s%20Changes%22%20-%20Acoustic%20%2F%20TV5MONDE%20%5BChange%20Partners%5D&fb2k_artist=Bir%C3%A9li%20Lagr%C3%A8ne&v=SWKV8VkAkfg"

Later I'll use your last script and uncheck  "Bring to front when adding new files".

YouTube Track Manager

Reply #26
Yes that error seen in 0.6 beta is the same as in your previous report and its the same line causing the error. Assuming the script was not changed in a way that altered the line numbers, the error on that line number should be corrected in version 0.7.

YouTube Track Manager

Reply #27
If any one has issues with foobar2000 grabbing focus, unchecking "Bring to  front when adding new files" in foobar2000\preferences\shell integration can be used to stop this behaviour.

Does this mean that ''add location'' will not appear anymore?
With your previous version, in clean portable install DUI, i didn't have ''add location'' at all.
In CUI this appears.
Doesn't know how this is possible, is this because script or something else(maybe fast processing)?

Also about ''track naming'', in my script metod i use didn't work as i expected.
So i will use your metod -which is bether done.

But i have something to report:

I noticed problems with ''track naming'' in your script also:

Script always use ''%artist% (youtube track name) [track name search], if best match isn't find.

-If 'youtube track name' is: ''like a virgin'' > track name will be: ''madonna - like a virgin''. But this is not necessarily artist madonna.
So you can receive different results(example):
*''Madonna - Amos Lee - Like a Virgin [Like A Virgin]''  - (but this is not artist 'madonna')
*''Madonna - CAUGHT A GHOST Like a Virgin OFFICIAL VIDEO Madonna cover [Like A Virgin]''


*''Madonna - Madonna - Like A Virgin - Live at MTV [Like A Virgin]''

I suppose(i alredy done this):

If 'Madonna' already exist in %artist% , this can be removed from %title% ,
Then if 'Like A Virgin' already exist in %title% this can be removed from %title%
So it be:

*''Madonna - Like A Virgin - Live at MTV''

Also as i noticed Lowercase and Uppercase letters are also problem? Or I missed something, when testing?
If script search:
''Madonna - Like A Virgin'' but only find ''maDONNa LIKE A vIRgiN'' it will say ''BAD MATCH''.

I think that all this can be improved..
Anyway, this is better than mine..

YouTube Track Manager

Reply #28

Thanks for the feedback.

I was having problems when working in applications other than foobar2000 or just when editing wsh scripts that on track change, the addition of a new track by add locations would grab focus away, e.g I would be typing away and all of sudden typing in the document would fail because foobar2000 had snatched focus. Unchecking "Bring to front when adding new files" solved this issue for me. It has nothing to do with the appearance of the add locations window when tracks are added. Since the new naming method and its faster implementation, I never see the add locations pop-up at all when tracks are added on basic or complex DUI and CUI set-ups.

Track naming - yes I had noticed very occasional tracks named by the search artist that were in fact by a different artist. I could change it to show the whole title (which usually contains the artist name) in place of the search artist name if there is a bad match. I will see what works best - but I am having trouble testing an implementation because I am not getting any examples! Let me know if you have a better way.

Case sensitivity - this should be correctable.

YouTube Track Manager

Reply #29
Since the new naming method and its faster implementation, I never see the add locations pop-up at all when tracks are added on basic or complex DUI and CUI set-ups.

Track naming - yes I had noticed very occasional tracks named by the search artist that were in fact by a different artist. I could change it to show the whole title (which usually contains the artist name) in place of the search artist name if there is a bad match. I will see what works best - but I am having trouble testing an implementation because I am not getting any examples! Let me know if you have a better way.

I was also noticed that in DUI ''add location'' doesn't pop-up, but in CUI it appears again in xch4nge skin, probably this depends on the foobar configuration.

Yes, in your script most of tracks are top tracks, all of them exist on youtube - in format: %artist% - %title%.
So you can't test this.
My script is different, with different tracks especially in genre mod.

How to test. Find some track that your script doesn't rename properly, then modify script that receive only that track -on track change.
Or you can try mode?

I was testing this for days now on my script, with your track naming.
Works well 90%.
But what i was trying now, is to mach only first word of %artist% and first word of %title% in 'data.title'.
Example: ''Jennifer Lopez - First Love'' > will match only 'Jennifer - First' , this works in most 95% cases.
Again not perfect, and some tracks are named with different artist.
If i found something better i will inform you.

This probably should be some complex combination.

Only that should be changed now is that if track is in format:
''Madonna - Madonna - Like A Virgin - Live at MTV [Like A Virgin]'' should be: ''Madonna - Like A Virgin - Live at MTV''.

I was done this, and it works good.
No need for 2 artist names...

YouTube Track Manager

Reply #30
YouTube Album. Search for album
My YouTube Album playlist is always empty? Album playlist is checked.
Do I make something wrong or is it because when I search I never know album titles, so I write only Artist name

YouTube Track Manager

Reply #31
Yes in button mode you need to enter a valid album name including the | separator in the format artist | album, since there is nowhere to display a list of albums. In panel mode this issue doesn't arise because the album names are displayed. In panel mode "Choose Artist" can be used to search for the albums of a particular artist; additionally the albums of the playing artist are shown. Double clicking an album will load the tracks. If having access to albums is important and you don't want to be looking at the panel all the time, you may want to consider putting the panel in a tab or use a button to toggle it's display with another panel.

YouTube Track Manager

Reply #32
Thanks for your reply.
I made a trial of your script on a virgin portable foobar with button Mode "false" where I can see title and other things.
Unfortunatly I don't know how to put the panel in a tab keeping the same appearance or use a button to toggle it's display with another panel.
I give up for album search. May be in a future...

YouTube Track Manager

Reply #33
It would be better that you have albums from drop-down menu(for selected artist) in button mode, and what missing is ,get next video' in menu.

YouTube Track Manager

Reply #34
By default 5 tracks are loaded in radio mode and so upcoming tracks can be viewed or played. So "next videos" are already in the playlist. If you want a different selection, double click on the last track and it will load new ones.

For albums I think its much better using it in panel mode and just showing the panel on a tab toggle when required. Then there is a proper scrollable list etc. Many artists have loads of albums (nearly 70-100 isn't uncommon) and this doesn't gel well on a drop down menu, and so would be rather messy. Anyway, I will give the matter further consideration.

YouTube Track Manager

Reply #35
Albums in panel mode will be only for intelligent people or programmers/coders

YouTube Track Manager

Reply #36
I disagree. Anybody can use panels in simple DUI or CUI set-ups with or without tabs. In contrast button mode only works well in panel stack splitter, which is less popular. You certainly need some coding skills to put buttons in panel stack splitter. Most users of panel stack splitter do not know how to properly put in buttons. You need no coding skills to use the CUI or DUI panel and tab modes that are inbuilt into these user interfaces and so the statement that "Albums in panel mode will be only for intelligent people or programmers/coders" is the opposite of the case.

YouTube Track Manager

Reply #37
Lets say I have no skill at all.
My layout

I'd like to keep same appearance

and do not know where to add a panel for YT Tracker used without button mode.

Now I had an horrible problem!
I did "Search Youtube...", wrote artist name. It founded a lot of music but when I clicked on one title, it went in my Radios playlist (the streaming radios) and they all disappeared!!

YouTube Track Manager

Reply #38
It would do. I have no control over the behaviour of the foo_youtube plugin. That menu item provides access to the foo_youtube source search box for convenience. If you double click a search item found in the box it will overwrite the active playlist, which is usually the one showing. This will happen however you access that box. You should be able to immediately use the main foobar2000 menu edit\undo to undo the change to get the original playlist back. Alternatively, drag tracks from the box to the playlist. It then should add the track and not replace the whole playlist. This behaviour is nothing to do with me. (If you haven't shut down foobar2000 you can temporarily make the playlist-v1.3 folder read-only in your foobar2000 profile location as it only saves updated changes on exiting foobar2000). foo_jesus is often recommended for regular back-ups.


YouTube Track Manager

Reply #39
Ok. I forgot "undo"
It will be difficult for a friend of mine using foobar on my computer.

While you gave me this answer I edited my previous message, about my lack os skill

YouTube Track Manager

Reply #40
New version

Improved analysis of youtube search results
Improved track naming
Dynamic metadata now supports the track length using new foo_youtube URL param 3dydfy_alt_length (requires foo_youtube - many thanks to 3dyd for adding the method)
Minor bug fixes

A technical note:
The skipping of analysis at clip info retrieving by foo_youtube if fb2k_ fields are used is important for helping to supress the add locations box that can otherwise appear during track additions. YouTube Track Manager has always sent the artist and title and with albums the album title and year as well as fb2k_fields.  But a consequence of this was that tracks lengths were not appearing until a track was played. Sending the track length as a fb2k_field (3dydfy_alt_length) now ensures that the track lengths are immediately shown in the playlist.

YouTube Track Manager

Reply #41
New Version

Further enhancements to track naming
Added better filters to reduce the number of full albums that can show in place of individual tracks  - tracks < 30 min are preferred if available
Minor bug fixes

YouTube Track Manager

Reply #42
New version


Fixed bug in playlist handling when unable to open item for playback
Updated title handling due to youtube changes

YouTube Track Manager

Reply #43
First of all it is a great extension.
I have been using this for about a week now all the features work perfectly. But it would be great if we could get the cover art of the playing/selected song when we hit the toggle button instead of just displaying the name of the song. I have tried to do this but in vain. Hope you could get to this suggestion

YouTube Track Manager

Reply #44
Nice suggestion - I will add it into the next release

YouTube Track Manager

Reply #45

Added the ability to black list videos.

Useful to exclude poor versions like those with significant junk before the music starts. Black listing is based on the video id number.

Black listed videos will not be loaded the next time the track is added to a playlist by YouTube Track Manager, providing an alternative version is found.

Note that this will not stop the loading of a particular track, just specific black listed video versions of the track.

Black lists are managed on the menu - add and remove/view. The remove/view menu item toggles upon clicking between allowing removal and viewing the black listed videos in youtube so that black listed videos can be checked.

Added the ability to show cover and artist images. Uses foobar2000 core settings in preferences\display\album art search patterns for front cover and artist art. Recognises foo_youtube thumbnails. There are also options to enable cycling through multiple images of an artist in properties. Double clicking an image will toggle between cover and artist images. Double clicking the text toggles the text between the now playing radio station and the artist - title of the playing track if a radio station is being played.

For full details see the readme.

There have been a lot of changes, so please report any bugs.

YouTube Track Manager

Reply #46
New version due to field name change in foo_youtube 1.2

If you upgrade to foo_youtube 1.2, please use YouTube Track Manager 1.2 for full functionality

YouTube Track Manager

Reply #47
New version


Added Similar Songs mode. Plays tracks similar to a chosen track. Similar song lists are obtained from echonest or

Added option to play own music if present in media library instead of YouTube tracks (radio mode only). YouTube tracks will be used for music not in media library. To enable, set "*USER.Radio: Use Media Library" to true in properties.

Fixed broken album searching due to a recent web-service change.

Requires foo_youtube 1.3.1+ and wsh_panel_mod 1.5.6+.

YouTube Track Manager

Reply #48
New version


Added "Favourite radio Stations" with auto or manual management of up to 30 favourites from the menu.


YouTube Track Manager

Reply #49
New version

YouTube Track Manager is a database search companion to foo_youtube, that features standard and auto-pick "radio modes" both with automatic track naming. YouTube offers audio-only streams at up to 256 kbps AAC as well as videos


Improved album management:
  • better discography: now works with both and MusicBrainz (toggle mode with / MusicBrainz button)
  • enhanced musicbrainz discography: search and play a wider range of release types including singles and remixes as well as albums and compilations
  • added search and play TOP albums, TOP artist tracks and TOP similar songs. Shown in popularity order based on rank, with display of playcount to facilitate picking best albums and tracks. Drop down menu ("▼") can be used to sort by playcount instead. rank is based on number of listeners except for similar songs that use a match  score (listeners is not displayed because it is not routinely returned by
  • added buttons to change release types (double click release to load tracks)
  • added quick loading of saved albums and tracks through menu
  • albums are saved to YouTube Album playlist; top artist and top similar songs are saved to TopTracks playlist (names configurable). Short cuts to these playlists are on "Playlists" menu item
  • added interactive SIMILAR and RELATED artists display (double click to load albums or header artist to reset) [similar artists are from and include display of similarity score; related are other musicbrainz search results so  can change auto-identifed artist]. Button to toggle mode ("≡")
  • added optional integration with media library -> gives YouTube and media library albums and tracks for an artist in same playlist
  • album track lists can now be obtained from musicbrainz or
  • improved ability to choose album artists - in addition to typed names, "Choose" dialogue box now auto-recognises pasted MusicBrainz mbids (useful to change auto-identified artist especially in button mode where related artists are not available)
Other enhancements:

  • added menu item to load top 50 artist tracks (includes automatic filtering of dupliactes)
  • added menu item to load top 50 similar songs
  • improved integration with media library: optionally means that can play own music and fill in missing tracks with those from YouTube (to configure set Media Library properties values to 0 or 1 for the album, radio and top50 elements to use with the media library). Useful if just listen to the music
  • improved options to save playlists -> configure Save Playlists in properties
  • improved now playing panel -> can show active playlist name as well radio and track info plus youtube thumbnails, album covers and artist images. Double click text or image to toggle. Click yt button to toggle now playing & album panels
  • auto-pick "radio mode" still offers artist, genre / top tags, similar artists and similar songs playback. The top 50 lists are from and use the same artist and similar songs radio code base
  • automatically scaling with any font size
  • button sizes are fully scalable - use mouse-over with CTRL + mouse wheel to change size

  • YouTube Track Manager 1.5 requires foo_youtube 1.5+ for full functionality as a metadata handling change in foo_youtube 1.5 broke blacklisting. WSH_panel_mod 1.5.6+ is also required
Use panel mode for full album mangement, since it's not practical to manage long lists in button mode. Please see the readme for full information and to get the most out of the script

There have been a lot of changes, so please report any bugs