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Topic: foo_youtube (Read 558745 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: foo_youtube

Reply #600
New version 1.12.3

- seeking over MPEG DASH (i.e. M4A in component). Read note below
- fix for metadata overriding

Well, last bug was for good. New FFmpeg version has just been released and great news is that it contains desired changes.

Currently only preconf_audio has last FFmpeg version. In preconf_video used FFmpeg from LAV Filters - need to wait for next LAV Filters release or configure FFmpeg manually.

Advanced option 'Allow seeking over M4A' added to list of options which will be reset at component variants switching. Also since in preconf_audio situation (and default values) changed, these options are forced to reset at first use in this component variant.

Re: foo_youtube

Reply #601
Thanks, all is now working correctly. A new version of YouTube Track Manager (v2.1) that requires foo_youtube 1.12.3 is now available.

Re: foo_youtube

Reply #602
Info for those who uses video. LAV Filters 0.67 has just been released. They have latest ffmpeg (with MPEG DASH seeking) so now 'mp4-vo' format finally can be used.

Re: foo_youtube

Reply #603
Accidentally found this (source). This looks like good news

Re: foo_youtube

Reply #605
New version 1.13

  • several organizational changes
    • new Maintenance tab, primarily for setup external libraries used by the component. "Check for updates" has also been moved there
    • ffmpeg was embedded in the component. Now it has comprehensive support of all needed formats so there are nothing conceptual to wait in further versions. Though possibility to setup external ffmpeg still available using Maintenance tab.
      Accordingly there are no preconf_audio variant anymore.
      Switch between component's variants now resets only Maintenance tab and video enable/disable option.
      Default value of Formats to ignore was changed. Better to reset whole Audio preferences tab. Option Allow seeking over M4A (from Advanced component preferences) was removed as obsolete
    • alternative libcurl now should be downloaded and configured manually using Maintenance tab. Currently the one reason when it is required is to use different SSL backend under Wine because Windows native SSL backend, that is used in component by default, may not work under it. Note for Linux users was updated accordingly, libcurl binary also can be found there
    • external LAV Fitlers and VSFilter binaries now can be selected in Maintenance tab without need to register them in the system.
        Now minimum required LAV Filters version is 0.67. It is the first version that has complete support of MPEG DASH streams (aka MP4 VO in component) which is most appropriate variant for video playback. This is strong enough reason to limit minimum version.
        Default value of Formats to ignore, Priority of formats was changed. Better to reset Video preferences tab
  • extended title parsing rule. Should properly parse more titles still keeping a false positive at low enough level. At least it supposed to be so, please report if it is not. The rule will not be selected automatically, reset Features preferences tab or select it manually
  • more precise bitrate calculation. For single-stream files it is now calculated by file size. Better this way because sometimes actual bitrate may significantly differ from the expected by quality tag. Good example is best Opus quality for which initially was used ~160kbps but now it often presented in ~128kbps
  • improvements for Vimeo. First of all, it was broken, fixed now. And added site-specific metadata support for view count, like count (Vimeo does not have dislikes), upload date, uploader
  • Youtube, proper recognition of 5.1 audio streams without need for deep ('Slow') analysis. At this moment it looks like 5.1 audio appears only for newly uploaded videos (of course if they initially have 5.1) and it seems started to appear 11-11-2015

Re: foo_youtube

Reply #606
Thanks for your updates on m4a seeking

About 403 errors I have encountered 403 error with some youtube videos (before version 1.12.3, not sure when this appeared, but still here with 1.13) (most work and don't have this issue).
Here is a dump of requests made (using a http proxy) on the video on which I have this error :
Code: [Select]
   GET [url=][/url]
      ← 200 text/html 42.17kB 483ms
  GET [url=][/url]
      ← 200 text/javascript 1.06MB 5.79s
  GET [url=][/url]
      ← 403 text/html 2.16kB 76ms
  HEAD [url=][/url]
        ← 403 text/plain [no content] 98ms
  HEAD [url=][/url]
        ← 403 text/plain [no content] 105ms
  HEAD [url=][/url]
        ← 403 text/plain [no content] 108ms
  HEAD [url=][/url]
        ← 403 text/plain [no content] 56ms
  HEAD [url=][/url]
        ← 403 text/plain [no content] 55ms

Re: foo_youtube

Reply #607
New version 1.13.1

- filter for History tree. To show only certain types of media streams. Available in context menu of History UI element
- do not turn off fullscreen on program deactivation. Usefull for multi-monitor environment. Available as an option in Advanced component preferences
- fix for Youtube


Re: foo_youtube

Reply #608
thanks for your update, works perfectly  (including on linux, that's great ^^ )

Re: foo_youtube

Reply #609
Thanks for the update. I have noticed some issues with metadata overriding.

If load a track with say artist & title metadata, then the artists & title are shown. This would happen, e.g with YouTube Track manager in radio mode where only artist & title data are available. All is OK so far.

Then if load the same link through an album with more metadata in the url, i.e tracknumber, album name and date then that extra metadata is not shown. This also results in incorrect gouping of the tracks within albums. [This applies when an m-TAGS container is not used].

The plug-in always used to remember the metadata independently, and I am not sure when this change happened.

You can see this effect with the below links for example using add locations.



Are you able to reinstate the previous independent metadata behaviour? Else as a workaround, I can require users to install m-TAGS and always load albums through that route since that method still seems to ensure metadata is remembered independently. Radio tracks, top50s & top tracks etc, where there is consistently only artist, title & length metadata would not use the m-TAGS container. Please let me know.

Re: foo_youtube

Reply #610
This behavior was changed in 1.12. As track path now is used canonical URL ( in case of Youtube) no matter of which params URL had initially. Params (and thus metadata overriding) is used at the first adding of the clip. If the clip is being added second time, metadata stays unchanged (to not override possible changes made by some other way). This was done to uniformly deal with different ways of metadata obtaining (via title parsing rule / metadata overriding / manual change by the user). Other reason is to use the same resources for different URLs representing the same clip (e.g. "" and "htTPS://"). Path is also used as an unique key, very useful after all. Foobar works in similar way, there cannot be two different tracks with the same location.

By your use case the same XYZ clip can be Nth track of album A and Mth track of album B or even do not have album/track in other place of the same program instance. Current approach tries to avoid this, however in your case this behavior is intentional. The only solution that comes to mind is to add additional custom URL param (say 3dydfy_key) which will be recognized by the component and kept in the path after adding, so you will be able to make different tracks for the same clip. Or you can use m-TAGS with all its pros and cons in this context.

Re: foo_youtube

Reply #611
The only solution that comes to mind is to add additional custom URL param (say 3dydfy_key) which will be recognized by the component and kept in the path after adding, so you will be able to make different tracks for the same clip.

Thanks for your response. I think that your way with the additional custom URL param (say 3dydfy_key) is the best. I hope that you can implement it.

Re: foo_youtube

Reply #612
New version 1.14

- LAV Filters have got HTTPS support in 0.67 so appropriate downloader was turned back to Media downloading option of Video tab. Note, downloading in this case is completely controlled by LAV Splitter so it will not be displayed in Activity. For HTTPS access LAV Filters use libavformat from ffmpeg, SSL backend is Secure Channel (was added to ffmpeg few months ago, not available in 2.8.x versions, only in dev version)
- switched to last ffmpeg development version. FFmpeg build config has been revised to keep only what is really need and nothing more, (surprisingly) that significantly reduced binary size. Internal ffmpeg now also being compiled with HTTPS support, media downloader based on it was added both to audio and video. Downloader has native support of reconnection at network errors, it was turned on (Youtube periodically breaks connection). Minimal version of external ffmpeg was increased accordingly. Btw, now will work with actuall builds from Zeranoe (which use GnuTLS as SSL backend)
- metadata overriding params in track path now are not being removed. There are still a way to get short URL without any extra params, and it is used for 'display path' (which you can see in Properties or obtain by %path% field), but canonical path now will keep all allowed params (and only them) in constant order (btw, canonical path can be retrieved by %_path_raw% field)

Re: foo_youtube

Reply #613
New version 1.14.1

- fixed crash at video opening

Re: foo_youtube

Reply #614
Thank you for this lovely component.

I'm having issues with title parsing of videos in the format "【Future Bass】Saturn ft. Charlie Kim - Play With Fire", where the "【Future Bass】" part is not stripped.

Here are modifications I made to the regular expression:

Code: [Select]
1. (?:[[【({].+?[]】)}]\s+)?(?:%artist%\s*[-–~|/:]\s+)?%title%(?:\s+[~|/[【({].*)?
2. (?:[[【({].+?[\]】)}]\s+)?(?:%artist%\s*[-–~|/:]\s+)?%title%(?:\s+[~|/[【({].*)?
3. (?:[[【({].+?[\]】)}])?\s*(?:%artist%\s*[-–~|/:]\s+)?%title%(?:\s+[~|/[【({].*)?

1. original
2. fix closing bracket within the "closing set" of prefixes not being escaped
3. made whitespace after prefixes optional (and also don't treat leading whitespace as part of %artist%)

The third expression should work, as indicated here:
Notes: `%<tag>%` replaced with `(.+)`; initial `\s` replaced with `[ \t]` to not match newlines in the sample string)

Any idea why it doesn't though?

Test video:
Test channel:

Edit: It worked properly after I restarted foobar. It seems that settings are not refreshed, so you might want to check that.

PS: Do feeds (e.g. channels) get updated automatically when a new video is uploaded? I didn't find anything regarding that in the docs.

Re: foo_youtube

Reply #615
There are no space between 】 and artist name on this channel, so it is enough to change first \s+ to \s*. I also change this in next version, this probably should not add additional false positives.

All other suggestions are correct but not necessary. Closing bracket is not need to be escaped if it is the first symbol within [ ]. Also leading whitespace in current rule anyway is not being treated as part of artist.

Settings are refreshed fine, probably there was other case. Title will not be parsed again if track already exists in the list. If you will remove track before adding, it will be still present in memory (for example to allow Undo operation). Seems that is why after restarting foobar all started to work ok.

Feeds are not being updated, unfortunately.


To all. I seems came up with other method of syncing video. More easier, duh. Aaand with this method it is not need to perform playback restart at next track. Even DSP that changes playback speed (like Tempo) will work now. I would appreciate for additional tests. If there are no side effects and no additional problems, it will replace current approach in next version. Test versions: 1.14.2_dev1, 1.14.2_dev1_preconf. To enable new syncing method, check 'Use playback pos to sync video' in Advanced component preferences.

Re: foo_youtube

Reply #616
Thanks for the development versions. I have tried them both. I have tested with audio only without video to check for regressions. I also tried with video and the new syncing method. I am pleased to say that for me all has so far worked very well.

Re: foo_youtube

Reply #617
There are no space between 】 and artist name on this channel, so it is enough to change first \s+ to \s*. I also change this in next version, this probably should not add additional false positives.

All other suggestions are correct but not necessary. Closing bracket is not need to be escaped if it is the first symbol within [ ]. Also leading whitespace in current rule anyway is not being treated as part of artist.

Settings are refreshed fine, probably there was other case. Title will not be parsed again if track already exists in the list. If you will remove track before adding, it will be still present in memory (for example to allow Undo operation). Seems that is why after restarting foobar all started to work ok.

Feeds are not being updated, unfortunately.


To all. I seems came up with other method of syncing video. More easier, duh. Aaand with this method it is not need to perform playback restart at next track. Even DSP that changes playback speed (like Tempo) will work now. I would appreciate for additional tests. If there are no side effects and no additional problems, it will replace current approach in next version. Test versions: 1.14.2_dev1, 1.14.2_dev1_preconf. To enable new syncing method, check 'Use playback pos to sync video' in Advanced component preferences.

Tested, no problems so far..

If you plan to add more futures to this component, is it possible to add option to login/create/play and add videos to our youtube playlists?
In that way we can keep our tracks online and listen to other devices 2 ..

Re: foo_youtube

Reply #618
it is interesting idea for future changes

Re: foo_youtube

Reply #619
New version 1.15

- different video sync method. Now there are no need to restart playback at next track. DSP that change playback speed now also can be used. Since there are now no difference for playback when video is enabled, video options checkbox 'Enable' was removed. For any case old method is still available using Advanced component preferences Video -> 'Previous video sync method'
- screen reader auto detection. Option 'Use preferences branch instead of tabs' was removed. Now screen reader by default is detected automatically. To turn off auto detection and permanently enable or disable adaptation for screen reader should be used option 'Adapt for screen reader' in Advanced component preferences
- option to give precedence to the format over the quality. When two formats are being compared, 'Priority of formats' is used only after quality comparison. Thus it is used only when qualities of streams are equal. This is not the way that some people expect or would like it to work. So now such behavior can be changed using this option (better late than never)
- video fps now is displayed in History tree and in Source popup menu of video frame context menu
- fixed meta overriding within m3u8 files
- clip title parsing rule has been enhanced according to comments above

Re: foo_youtube

Reply #620
I'm experiencing this behaviour:

Search string: "Glenn Gould at home"
Results: a lot of "tracks" with Glenn Gould in the title and with "?" in artist +
a lot of tracks with Glenn Gould in the artist and anything else in the title.

Is there a way to restrict the search only to tracks that has "all the words"?

Among the others I found nine tracks named
"At home with Glenn Gould (1959) 3/9",
"At home with Glenn Gould (1959) 4/9"
and so on.
The first two of the series doesn't show the last part of the title (1959) 1/9 (or 2/9)
while the title I see if I go to view the clip on the site still has those final part.
In the "Clip title parsing rule:" I have just %title% but I had already listened
to those track before I changed the "parsing" rule from default.
I tried removing all the tracks from the created playlist, close FB e restart,
but after doing the search again those two tracks shows the same lack
of info as before.

I tried this search string "Glenn Gould AND at home" and the titles are showing correctly
(but I'm still getting a lot of tracks that doesn't satisfy the search string).

Another thing is that when I do the search the resulting tracks are sent to the current playlist
even if all the search presets are configured to send the results to a "Specific playlist" + '['Youtube']'.


Re: foo_youtube

Reply #621
For now the one way to get some info that can be used to generate track metadata is the title of the clip. And title parsing rule by default is configured to work with most common artist/title specifying format (for music) which in general looks like "[artist -] title". If it gives too many wrong results in your use cases, you can switch to %title%. Component cannot determine artist/title in text like "At Home with Glenn Gould" or "Glenn Gould plays Bach".

However, there is a hope. Freebase recently has finally been raised from the dead. Youtube clips usually have Freebase topics associated with them so they might be good source for metadata in further component versions.

The first two of the series doesn't show the last part of the title (1959) 1/9 (or 2/9)
while the title I see if I go to view the clip on the site still has those final part.
In the "Clip title parsing rule:" I have just %title% but I had already listened
to those track before I changed the "parsing" rule from default.
I tried removing all the tracks from the created playlist, close FB e restart,
but after doing the search again those two tracks shows the same lack
of info as before.
Then they seems still are cached somewhere. I have all tracks without "(1959) X/9" part (using default rule). Parsing rule is not what can take effect on fly for all tracks, what you have already faced. But after restart it really takes effect for previously removed tracks, so in your case the issue maybe relate to your configuration and installed components.

I tried this search string "Glenn Gould AND at home" and the titles are showing correctly
(but I'm still getting a lot of tracks that doesn't satisfy the search string).
AFAIK 'AND' does not work in Youtube search, and probably all terms are already searched with AND. But search goes at least in description too. So, at first you can use quotes to specify exact phrases, at second you can use INTITLE: to force search only in title. Resulting search query will be
Code: [Select]
INTITLE:"Glenn Gould" INTITLE:"at home"

Another thing is that when I do the search the resulting tracks are sent to the current playlist
even if all the search presets are configured to send the results to a "Specific playlist" + '['Youtube']'.
If you are talking about presets from Search tab of component preferences, then they are for component context menu "Search <...>" items. To configure destination playlist for 'Search (Integrated)' UI element use its configuration menu (below search box), last column 'Playlist'. Yep, a bit inconsistent way looking at other settings. Checked for any case, it works as expected.

Re: foo_youtube

Reply #622
Youtube have been beefing up their DRM requirements to the point many media players can no longer use it. I am looking for a way to keep youtube happy by "playing" the videos on a PC, but in reality "stream" them locally via Http.  The UPNP plugin already allows foobars music player to stream what its playing. I'm thinking more of mapping specific youtube internet urls to a specfic local http server file. So the local http server gets a file request , and in it is the information to locate the relevent  internet youtube video.  So the media player isn't the client having to satisfy youtubes secuity requirements.
So if you want to add an extra feature i would be very pleased.

Re: foo_youtube

Reply #623
New version 1.15.1 beta 1

- video as UI element. Finally. And as usual, both for DUI and CUI. Multiple instances are allowed. Fullscreen view from UI element is possible. This is additional functionality, i.e. current separated video frame (menu View -> Visualisations -> Youtube Video) stays as is and will be the only way to have video UI separated from main window (at least within the component, using popup panels theoretically this should be possible)
- video autoplay (configured per UI element). Enabled by default. Can be disabled using video frame context menu. If disabled, video wont start playing until it will be manually selected using video frame context menu
- local video caching has been changed a bit. Now at switching to different quality the previous one will be freezed (instead of removing) until track is playing. If any UI element or separated video frame will need the same quality, it will pick up existing one. Use Activity UI element if you wonder about details what is going on with media data that is being downloaded by the component
- (DUI-only) UI elements configuration related to UI element itself (rather than to functionality represented by it) is now available only in editing mode (UI element border etc)
- fixed subtitles downloading. Embedded lyrics source also has been improved. Now it is possible to search subtitles on Youtube for tracks that are not Youtube tracks (disabled by default, should be enabled in 'Youtube Source' lyrics provider settings). Well, I expected more lyrics from it, though tests were not too deep so this may depend of what you are listening. Also this is quite expensive feature in terms of Youtube API usage so it might be removed in further component versions
- check for beta version when running stable (disabled by default). Current version is an example, it will be not reported by embedded 'check for update' mechanism. Purpose is quite obvious and not new - there are no way for me to test everyting, so when one thing it getting fixed or improved, some other things may become broken. Beta is a period for few weeks to find these issues. If you want to get new features earlier by the price of possible problems then welcome to beta testers (check appropriate option in Advanced component preferences). If not, then you will face your problems after release ;)