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Topic: EchoNest plugin (Read 19654 times) previous topic - next topic
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EchoNest plugin

Reply #25
I've run into a mild annoyance when importing multiple tracks into the library. The plugin will try to sync with the database by opening one popup for each track. If you import multiple tracks, the boxes will stay around for several minutes.

EchoNest plugin

Reply #26
In my 93K library unrated songs vastly outnumber the rated ones. Echonest however serves up 80-100% rated songs, effectively limiting playback to songs I already know well.

I’m looking for a way to make playlists with (more) unrated songs.
Some things I tried without success so far:
- Excluding “rating” from sent data
- Ban rated songs with $ifequal(%rating%,(1 OR 2 OR 3 OR 4 OR 5 OR 6 OR 7 OR 8 OR 9 OR 10),true,)
Not sure if this is the right syntax though.

Would creating a separate catalog for unrated songs be the way to go?  Or some echonest parameter setting?

Any help appreciated.

EchoNest plugin

Reply #27
OK, the adventureous parameter does the trick.
But even with adventureous and variety params at max, echonest is very reluctant to step outside the seed genre.

EchoNest plugin

Reply #28
I had the same error (Song catalog items require a song), and while I never found what triggered it, your troubleshooting routine allowed me to integrate the rest of my library. Specifically I

* added %en_id% to "Your columns"
* sorted to group (and then selected) files without an EchoNest ID
* added manually by right click -> Echo Nest -> Song -> Add to Library

Thanks! It's a really fantastic program -- much easier to let EchoNest do the work than try to figure how to manage the playlisting all on my own. I've only played with the Genius mode so far, but look forward to digging deeper.

EchoNest plugin

Reply #29
This cool plugin is listed on the Foobar Preferences:Components page as "Foobar - EchoNest" whereas the convention is just to use "EchoNest".
Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?  ;~)

EchoNest plugin

Reply #30
K-S, this is a really great plugin for a really great service, and I'd love to be able to tinker with it more -- do you have source code available? 

(One thing I'm eager to try is to increase the number of songs I can return.  This is helpful because searching related songs will usually lead to the same hits each time you generate a list: having a longer number of returned items than 15 can help increase the variety.)

EchoNest plugin

Reply #31
One thing I'm eager to try is to increase the number of songs I can return.

This is already doable using 'File/Preferences/Tools/Echonest/Playlists/<choose one>/results'. Tick the corresponding checkbox to the right and fill the textarea with the number you desire.

Last time I checked the API supported either 100 or 1000 songs total.

EchoNest plugin

Reply #32
Thanks! I tried this, and can confirm the max is 100.

One thing I'm eager to try is to increase the number of songs I can return.

This is already doable using 'File/Preferences/Tools/Echonest/Playlists/<choose one>/results'. Tick the corresponding checkbox to the right and fill the textarea with the number you desire.

Last time I checked the API supported either 100 or 1000 songs total.

EchoNest plugin

Reply #33
I just found your plugin and I'm totally tensed what is to come! Thanks for your work!

EchoNest plugin

Reply #34
is it possible to still download any previous versions?

EchoNest plugin

Reply #35
^it might help if you posted what you think is wrong with the current version?? the website/link for that in the opening post still works.

edit: just noticed your post up the page about crashes with the current version. apologies...

EchoNest plugin

Reply #36
The website appears to be down now. But I never really got it to work in the first place. I get this error even after setup my API key and my library.

Code: [Select]{MY_API_KEY} &format=json&type=catalog&artist=alt%2DJ&seed_catalog={MY_CATALOG}&bucket=id:{MY_CATALOG} is not a correct json.
<head><title>400 Bad Request</title></head>
<body bgcolor="white">
<center><h1>400 Bad Request</h1></center>
<hr><center>nginx/1.4.6 (Ubuntu)</center>

Anyone have any ideas?

EchoNest plugin

Reply #37
The download link is down, I would very much like to test this promissing plugin (I already use echonest on my logitech media server for a while now).
Could someone would be kind enough to share a link where I can down load it please?

EchoNest plugin

Reply #38
I don't have the latest version but I have a version from 2014-01-18. You can find it attached. []

EchoNest plugin

Reply #39
I don't have the latest version but I have a version from 2014-01-18. You can find it attached. []

ah! thank you very much!
I did found a copy online but it was in russian, had to use my phone camera to translate it with google but made it work somehow lol
now i'll use yours
thanks again

Re: EchoNest plugin

Reply #41
Is this plugin discontinued? The page does not exist; both the normal one and the dropbox.
Yes, the avatar it is the cover of «The City» by Vangelis.

Re: EchoNest plugin

Reply #42
The developer's site has been gone for a long time now. And I think since then the echonest api as a whole has been either shut down or migrated to spotify api. So one way or the other the component most likely wouldn't work anyway.