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Topic: Track Length Inconsistant (Read 3064 times) previous topic - next topic
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Track Length Inconsistant

I seem to have an issue and I am unsure if its application related or component related.

Basically most track will display track length as normal IE 3:28 (3 minutes 28 Seconds) but some tracks will just show a single digit like 2 which has nothing to do with the track length. This is on a playlist.

I have tried to fix the header but that did nothing it just won't display the track length.

Track Length Inconsistant

Reply #1
You might have done this too, but did you try "Rebuild MP3 stream" first, and only then "Fix VBR header"?

Track Length Inconsistant

Reply #2
You might have done this too, but did you try "Rebuild MP3 stream" first, and only then "Fix VBR header"?

Yup tried that too. its weird and I have no idea what is causing it, as I said its on some tracks (whole album not individual tracks) yet others its fine. Looking through tags I can not see anything different either.

Track Length Inconsistant

Reply #3
What happens when you play those files? Is the seekbar working properly? Is there anything common between them? What is the titleformatting used to show the length?

Track Length Inconsistant

Reply #4
What happens when you play those files? Is the seekbar working properly? Is there anything common between them? What is the titleformatting used to show the length?

They play normally. the seekbar works fine and shows the correct track length. Nothing in common with the files (one album could be fine but another not)

Code: [Select]
[- %playback_time_remaining%]

$rgb(110,110,110)[%_time_elapsed% / ][%_length%]

Code: [Select]

That is what is listed under Playlist View

Track Length Inconsistant

Reply #5
Have you tried to update the fields to the ones listed in the title formatting help? It might be an inconsistency caused by the legacy fields.

Code: [Select]
[- %playback_time_remaining%]

$rgb(110,110,110)[%playback_time% / ][%length%]

Track Length Inconsistant

Reply #6
Have you tried to update the fields to the ones listed in the title formatting help? It might be an inconsistency caused by the legacy fields.

Code: [Select]
[- %playback_time_remaining%]

$rgb(110,110,110)[%playback_time% / ][%length%]

I think that has it sorted. No idea how I ended up with a different script.