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Topic: What audio editor(s) can export to LAME 3.98 w/ -mj -V4 -q3 --lowpass… (Read 8459 times) previous topic - next topic
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What audio editor(s) can export to LAME 3.98 w/ -mj -V4 -q3 --lowpass…

Can someone tell me where I can find an audio editor that can export LAME3.98 -m j -V 4 -q 3 -lowpass 20.5

What audio editor(s) can export to LAME 3.98 w/ -mj -V4 -q3 --lowpass…

Reply #1
Couldn't you export to wav (or flac or something else lossless) and then manually convert to mp3 with your preferred encoder and command line?

What audio editor(s) can export to LAME 3.98 w/ -mj -V4 -q3 --lowpass…

Reply #2
Also, don't mess with LAME's defaults unless you have very specific reasons to do so. Use just -V4, leave out all the rest.

What audio editor(s) can export to LAME 3.98 w/ -mj -V4 -q3 --lowpass…

Reply #3
-mj and -q3 are defaults.

That --lowpass is not, and it is going to be a pointless way to inflate bitrate for no gain in perceived quality.

What audio editor(s) can export to LAME 3.98 w/ -mj -V4 -q3 --lowpass…

Reply #4
Actually, that information is obtained with MediaInfo. It is from file encoded at 320kbs CBR. Problem is MediaInfo does not show correct encoder settings for CBR encoded files. For example, if you encode file at 256kbs you will get "-m j -V 4 -q 3 -lowpass 19.7".

What audio editor(s) can export to LAME 3.98 w/ -mj -V4 -q3 --lowpass…

Reply #5
I don't get some of your answers I only asked for an audio editor that can export  LAME3.98 -m j -V 4 -q 3 -lowpass 20.5
I don't get some answers like Also, don't mess with LAME's defaults unless you have very specific reasons to do so. Use just -V4, leave out all the rest. What do you mean by that? and how you do that?

What audio editor(s) can export to LAME 3.98 w/ -mj -V4 -q3 --lowpass…

Reply #6
I don't get some of your answers I only asked for an audio editor that can export  LAME3.98 -m j -V 4 -q 3 -lowpass 20.5
I don't get some answers like Also, don't mess with LAME's defaults unless you have very specific reasons to do so. Use just -V4, leave out all the rest. What do you mean by that? and how you do that?

When you enter the lame settings, skip the pointless ones listed in that post.

What audio editor(s) can export to LAME 3.98 w/ -mj -V4 -q3 --lowpass…

Reply #7
To more directly answer your question, Audacity can do what you want.  You need to download the LAME .dll separately, but it will tell you that and give you a link when you try to export as .mp3. 

However, as other people have said, using a full fledged audio editor to encode to .mp3 is a bit needless.  If you have your .wav or .flac files, you can use a program like lamedropxpd to easily and quickly encode them.  Foobar2000 is also very popular, but it has countless functions beyond being merely a frontend for encoding.

What audio editor(s) can export to LAME 3.98 w/ -mj -V4 -q3 --lowpass…

Reply #8
To more directly answer your question, Audacity can do what you want.  You need to download the LAME .dll separately, but it will tell you that and give you a link when you try to export as .mp3. 

However, as other people have said, using a full fledged audio editor to encode to .mp3 is a bit needless.  If you have your .wav or .flac files, you can use a program like lamedropxpd to easily and quickly encode them.  Foobar2000 is also very popular, but it has countless functions beyond being merely a frontend for encoding.
I tried with audacity it says to download the latest lame encoder v3.99.3. I want to know how you can use LAME3.98 -m j -V 4 -q 3 -lowpass 20.5 with audacity now.

What audio editor(s) can export to LAME 3.98 w/ -mj -V4 -q3 --lowpass…

Reply #9
I tried with audacity it says to download the latest lame encoder v3.99.3.

You need to download the LAME .dll separately, but it will tell you that and give you a link when you try to export as .mp3.

Here it is explained:

What audio editor(s) can export to LAME 3.98 w/ -mj -V4 -q3 --lowpass…

Reply #10
I tried with audacity it says to download the latest lame encoder v3.99.3. I want to know how you can use LAME3.98 -m j -V 4 -q 3 -lowpass 20.5 with audacity now.

First, did you try clicking the button/link it gave you?  In addition to 3.99.3, the site it takes you to also has 3.98.2 of the LAME .dll. 

Second, and more importantly, the settings you adamantly want aren't even the settings that were used to encode the file you're looking at.  detmek and Aleron Ives have explained this (thanks guys).

Edit:  Removed silly comments due to a previous post not sinking into my brain on first read. 

What audio editor(s) can export to LAME 3.98 w/ -mj -V4 -q3 --lowpass…

Reply #11
As detmek explained, he is using the output of MediaInfo to determine how he should be encoding files. The file he analysed was likely CBR 320, which is why the lowpass shows as 20.5. MediaInfo incorrectly reports the settings used for CBR files and erroneously states that they were encoded using V 4, because MediaInfo for some reason requires that a V level be shown in its output. In order for MediaInfo to show something other than V 4, the file must be VBR, in which case it will display an accurate V level.

It is nonsensical to decide upon encoding settings (and LAME version) from such a methodology, but it does explain his unusual request.

What audio editor(s) can export to LAME 3.98 w/ -mj -V4 -q3 --lowpass…

Reply #12
Whoops!  Thank you for for (re)explaining that.  I read detmek's reply, but for some reason it just didn't sink in completely for me.  Re-reading his response now is a little embarrassing.  haha

What audio editor(s) can export to LAME 3.98 w/ -mj -V4 -q3 --lowpass…

Reply #13
As detmek explained, he is using the output of MediaInfo to determine how he should be encoding files. The file he analysed was likely CBR 320, which is why the lowpass shows as 20.5. MediaInfo incorrectly reports the settings used for CBR files and erroneously states that they were encoded using V 4, because MediaInfo for some reason requires that a V level be shown in its output. In order for MediaInfo to show something other than V 4, the file must be VBR, in which case it will display an accurate V level.

It is nonsensical to decide upon encoding settings (and LAME version) from such a methodology, but it does explain his unusual request.
I first asked for an audio editor that can extract that not audacity I know audacity can't do that for me I tried but I was referring to an audio editor.


What audio editor(s) can export to LAME 3.98 w/ -mj -V4 -q3 --lowpass…

Reply #14
Audacity is an audio editor and can export file using LAME 3.98 and settings you want.